TMP512AID ,Thermal/Power Management with Dual Remote and Local Temperature Sensor and Current Shunt Monitor 14-SOIC -40 to 125FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe TMP512 (dual-channel) and TMP513234•±1°C REMOTE DIODE SENSORS(triple-channe ..
TMP709AIDBVR ,Resistor-Programmable Trip Point Temperature Switch 5-SOT-23 -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe TMP709 is a fully-integrated, resistor-1• Threshold Accuracy:programmable ..
TMP75 ,Digital Temperature Sensor with 2-Wire InterfaceElectrical Characteristics....... 511.2 Community Resources...... 246.6 Timing Requirements... 611. ..
TMP75AID ,Digital Temperature Sensor with 2-Wire InterfaceMaximum Ratings.. 410.1 Layout Guidelines.... 236.2 ESD Ratings ...... 410.2 Layout Example....... ..
TMP75AID . ,Digital Temperature Sensor with 2-Wire InterfaceFeatures... 17.5 Programming .... 162 Applications..... 18 Application and Implementation...... 213 ..
TMP75AIDG4 , Temperature Sensor with I2C/SMBus Interface in Industry Standard LM75 Form Factor & Pinout 8-SOIC -40 to 125Block Diagram TMPx75VSSOP (8) 3.00 mm × 3.00 mmTemperature(1) For all available packages, see the o ..
TPC8045-H ,Power MOSFET (N-ch single 30V<VDSS≤60V)
TPC8045-H ,Power MOSFET (N-ch single 30V<VDSS≤60V)
TPC8046-H ,Power MOSFET (N-ch single 30V<VDSS≤60V)
TPC8047-H ,Power MOSFET (N-ch single 30V<VDSS≤60V)
TPC8048-H ,Power MOSFET (N-ch single 30V<VDSS≤60V)
TPC8049-H ,Power MOSFET (N-ch single 30V<VDSS≤60V)
All-In-One Thermal and Power Monitoring Solution (with 2 Remote Temperature Sensors)
www.ti.com SBOS491A–JUNE 2010–REVISED MAY 2011
Temperature and Power Supply System Monitors
Checkfor Samples: TMP512, TMP513
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe TMP512 (dual-channel) and TMP513
234• ±1°C
REMOTE DIODE SENSORS (triple-channel) are system monitors that include• ±1°C
LOCAL TEMPERATURE SENSOR remote sensors,a local temperature sensor, anda
SERIES RESISTANCE CANCELLATION high-side current shunt monitor. These system
monitors have the capability of measuring remote•
n-FACTOR CORRECTION temperatures, on-chip temperatures, and system•
TEMPERATURE ALERT FUNCTION voltage/power/current consumption.•
AVERAGING The remote temperature sensor diode-connected•
12-BIT RESOLUTION transistors are typically low-cost, NPN-or PNP-type
DIODE FAULT DETECTION transistors or diodes that are an integral part of
microcontrollers, microprocessors, or FPGAs.•
SENSES BUS VOLTAGES FROM 0V TO +26V Remote accuracy is ±1°C for multiple IC•
REPORTS CURRENTIN AMPS, VOLTAGEIN manufacturers, with no calibration needed. The
VOLTS AND POWERIN WATTS two-wire serial interface accepts SMBus™ or
HIGH ACCURACY: 1% MAX OVER TEMP two-wire write and read commands.
WATCHDOG LIMITS: The onboard current shunt monitorisa high-side
Upper Over-Limit current shunt and power monitor.It monitors both the
shunt drop and supply voltage.A programmable–
Lower Under-Limit calibration value (along with the TMP512/TMP513
internal digital multiplier) enables direct readoutin
APPLICATIONS amps;an additional multiplication calculates powerin
DESKTOP AND NOTEBOOK COMPUTERS watts. The TMP512 and TMP513 both feature two
separate onboard watchdog capabilities:an over-limit•
SERVERS comparator anda lower-limit•
TELECOM EQUIPMENT drawinga maximum they are specified +125°C.