TMP35 ,Voltage Output Temperature SensorsSpecifications subject to change without notice.50403020100–50 050 100 150TEMPERATURE – CFigure 1. ..
TMP35 ,Voltage Output Temperature SensorsAPPLICATIONSRT-5 (SOT-23)Environmental Control SystemsThermal ProtectionV 1 5 GNDOUTIndustrial Proc ..
TMP35FS ,Low Voltage Temperature Sensorsspecifications based on dice lot qualification through sample lot assembly and testing.1Guaranteed ..
TMP35GRT-REEL7 ,Voltage Output Temperature SensorsSpecifications subject to change without notice.50403020100–50 050 100 150TEMPERATURE – CFigure 1. ..
TMP35GRTZ-REEL7 , Low Voltage Temperature Sensors
TMP35GS ,Low Voltage Temperature SensorsaLow Voltage Temperature SensorsTMP35/TMP36/TMP37FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM
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TPA0152 ,Stereo 2-W Audio Power Amp with Digital Volume ControlSLOS246F–JUNE 1999–REVISED SEPTEMBER 2004Terminal FunctionsTERMINALI/O DESCRIPTIONNAME NO.BYPASS 11 ..
Voltage Output Temperature Sensors
Low Voltage Temperature Sensors
RT-5 (SOT-23)
Low Voltage Operation (2.7 V to 5.5 V)
Calibrated Directly in �C
10 mV/�C Scale Factor (20 mV/�C on TMP37)�2�C Accuracy over Temperature (Typ)
�0.5�C Linearity (Typ)
Stable with Large Capacitive Loads
Specified –40�C to +125�C, Operation to +150�C
Less than 50 �A Quiescent Current
Shutdown Current 0.5 �A Max
Low Self-Heating
Environmental Control Systems
Thermal Protection
Industrial Process Control
Fire Alarms
Power System Monitors
CPU Thermal Management
PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe TMP35, TMP36, and TMP37 are low voltage, precision
centigrade temperature sensors. They provide a voltage output
that is linearly proportional to the Celsius (Centigrade) tem-
perature. The TMP35/TMP36/TMP37 do not require any
external calibration to provide typical accuracies of ±1°C at
+25°C and ±2°C over the –40°C to +125°C temperature range.
The low output impedance of the TMP35/TMP36/TMP37 and
its linear output and precise calibration simplify interfacing to
temperature control circuitry and A/D converters. All three
devices are intended for single-supply operation from 2.7 V to
5.5 V maximum. Supply current runs well below 50 µA, providing
very low self-heating—less than 0.1°C in still air. In addition, a
shutdown function is provided to cut supply current to less
than 0.5 µA.
The TMP35 is functionally compatible with the LM35/LM45 and
provides a 250 mV output at 25°C. The TMP35 reads temperatures
from 10°C to 125°C. The TMP36 is specified from –40°C to
+125°C, provides a 750 mV output at 25°C, and operates to
+125°C from a single 2.7 V supply. The TMP36 is functionally
compatible with the LM50. Both the TMP35 and TMP36 have
an output scale factor of 10mV/°C. The TMP37 is intended for
applications over the range 5°C to 100°C and provides an output
scale factor of 20mV/°C. The TMP37 provides a 500 mV output
at 25°C. Operation extends to 150°C with reduced accuracy for all
devices when operating from a 5 V supply.
The TMP35/TMP36/TMP37 are all available in low cost 3-lead
TO-92, SOIC-8, and 5-lead SOT-23 surface-mount packages.
TMP35/TMP36/TMP37–SPECIFICATIONS1(VS = 2.7 V to 5.5 V, –40�C ≤ TA ≤ +125�C, unless
otherwise noted.)SHUTDOWN
NOTESDoes not consider errors caused by self-heating.Guaranteed but not tested.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS1, 2, 3Supply Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 V
Shutdown Pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GND ≤ SHUTDOWN ≤ +VS
Output Pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GND � VOUT � +VS
Operating Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . –55°C to +150°C
Dice Junction Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175°C
Storage Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . . –65°C to +160°C
Lead Temperature (Soldering, 60 sec) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300°C
NOTESStresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause perma-
nent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation at or
above this specification is not implied. Exposure to maximum rating conditions for
extended periods may affect device reliability.Digital inputs are protected; however, permanent damage may occur on unpro-
tected units from high energy electrostatic fields. Keep units in conductive foam
or packaging at all times until ready to use. Use proper antistatic handling
procedures.Remove power before inserting or removing units from their sockets.
θJA is specified for device in socket (worst-case conditions).
NOTESSOIC = Small Outline Integrated Circuit; RT = Plastic Surface Mount;
TO = Plastic.Consult factory for availability.
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONAn equivalent circuit for the TMP3x family of micropower,
centigrade temperature sensors is shown in Figure 2. At the
heart of the temperature sensor is a band gap core, which is
comprised of transistors Q1 and Q2, biased by Q3 to approxi-
mately 8 µA. The band gap core operates both Q1 and Q2 at the
same collector current level; however, since the emitter area of
Q1 is 10 times that of Q2, Q1’s VBE and Q2’s VBE are not equal
by the following relationship:
Figure 2.Temperature Sensor Simplified
Equivalent Circuit
Resistors R1 and R2 are used to scale this result to produce the
output voltage transfer characteristic of each temperature sensor
and, simultaneously, R2 and R3 are used to scale Q1’s VBE as
an offset term in VOUT. Table I summarizes the differences
between the three temperature sensors’ output characteristics.
Table I. TMP3x Output CharacteristicsThe output voltage of the temperature sensor is available at the
emitter of Q4, which buffers the band gap core and provides
load current drive. Q4’s current gain, working with the available
base current drive from the previous stage, sets the short-circuit
current limit of these devices to 250 µA.
CAUTIONESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000V readily
TMP35/TMP36/TMP37TPC 1.Output Voltage vs. Temperature
TPC 2.Accuracy Error vs. Temperature
TPC 3.Power Supply Rejection vs. Temperature
TPC 4.Power Supply Rejection vs. Frequency
MINIMUM SUPPLY VOLTAGE – VTPC 5.Minimum Supply Voltage vs. Temperature
TPC 6.Supply Current vs. Temperature
– Typical Performance Characteristics
SUPPLY CURRENT – TPC 7.Supply Current vs. Supply Voltage
TPC 8.Supply Current vs. Temperature (Shutdown = 0 V)
TPC 9.VOUT Response Time for V+ Power-Up/Power-
Down vs. Temperature
TPC 10.VOUT Response Time for Shutdown Pin vs.
TPC 11.VOUT Response Time to Shutdown and V+
Pins vs. Time
TPC 12.Thermal Response Time in Still Air
TMP35/TMP36/TMP37TPC 13.Thermal Response Time Constant in Forced Air
TPC 14.Thermal Response Time in Stirred Oil Bath
TPC 15.Temperature Sensor Wideband Output
Noise Voltage. Gain = 100, BW = 157 kHz
TPC 16.Voltage Noise Spectral Density vs. Frequency
Shutdown OperationAll TMP3x devices include a shutdown capability that reduces the
power supply drain to less than 0.5 µA maximum. This feature,
available only in the SOIC-8 and the SOT-23 packages, is TTL/
CMOS level compatible, provided that the temperature sensor
supply voltage is equal in magnitude to the logic supply voltage.
Internal to the TMP3x at the SHUTDOWN pin, a pull-up current
source to VIN is connected. This permits the SHUTDOWN pin to
be driven from an open-collector/drain driver. A logic LOW, or
zero-volt condition on the SHUTDOWN pin, is required to turn
the output stage OFF. During shutdown, the output of the
temperature sensors becomes a high impedance state where the
potential of the output pin would then be determined by external
circuitry. If the shutdown feature is not used, it is recommended
that the SHUTDOWN pin be connected to VIN (Pin 8 on the
SOIC-8, Pin 2 on the SOT-23).
The shutdown response time of these temperature sensors is
illustrated in TPCs 9, 10, and 11.
Mounting ConsiderationsIf the TMP3x temperature sensors are thermally attached and
protected, they can be used in any temperature measurement
application where the maximum temperature range of the
medium is between –40°C to +125°C. Properly cemented or
glued to the surface of the medium, these sensors will be within
0.01°C of the surface temperature. Caution should be exercised,
especially with TO-92 packages, because the leads and any
wiring to the device can act as heat pipes, introducing errors if
the surrounding air-surface interface is not isothermal. Avoiding
this condition is easily achieved by dabbing the leads of the
temperature sensor and the hookup wires with a bead of
thermally conductive epoxy. This will ensure that the TMP3x
die temperature is not affected by the surrounding air temperature.
Because plastic IC packaging technology is used, excessive
mechanical stress should be avoided when fastening the device
with a clamp or a screw-on heat tab. Thermally conductive epoxy
or glue, which must be electrically nonconductive, is recommended
under typical mounting conditions.
These temperature sensors, as well as any associated circuitry,
should be kept insulated and dry to avoid leakage and corrosion.
In wet or corrosive environments, any electrically isolated metal
or ceramic well can be used to shield the temperature sensors.
Condensation at very cold temperatures can cause errors and
should be avoided by sealing the device, using electrically non-
conductive epoxy paints or dip or any one of many printed circuit
board coatings and varnishes.
Thermal Environment EffectsThe thermal environment in which the TMP3x sensors are used
determines two important characteristics: self-heating effects
and thermal response time. Illustrated in Figure 3 is a thermal
model of the TMP3x temperature sensors that is useful in
understanding these characteristics.
In the TO-92 package, the thermal resistance junction-to-case,
θJC, is 120°C/W. The thermal resistance case-to-ambient, θCA, is
the difference between θJA and θJC, and is determined by the
characteristics of the thermal connection. The temperature
sensor’s power dissipation, represented by PD, is the product of
the total voltage across the device and its total supply current
(including any current delivered to the load). The rise in die
temperature above the medium’s ambient temperature is given by:
Thus, the die temperature rise of a TMP35 “RT” package
mounted into a socket in still air at 25°C and driven from a 5 V
supply is less than 0.04°C.
The transient response of the TMP3x sensors to a step change
in the temperature is determined by the thermal resistances and
the thermal capacities of the die, CCH, and the case, CC. The
thermal capacity of the case, CC, varies with the measurement
medium since it includes anything in direct contact with the
package. In all practical cases, the thermal capacity of the case is
the limiting factor in the thermal response time of the sensor
and can be represented by a single-pole RC time constant
response. TPCs 12 and 14 illustrate the thermal response time
of the TMP3x sensors under various conditions. The thermal
time constant of a temperature sensor is defined as the time
required for the sensor to reach 63.2% of the final value for a
step change in the temperature. For example, the thermal time
constant of a TMP35 “S” package sensor mounted onto a 0.5"
by 0.3" PCB is less than 50 sec in air, whereas in a stirred oil
bath, the time constant is less than 3 seconds.
Basic Temperature Sensor ConnectionsFigure 4 illustrates the basic circuit configuration for the
TMP3x family of temperature sensors. The table shown in the
figure illustrates the pin assignments of the temperature sensors
for the three package types. For the SOT-23, Pin 3 is labeled as
“NC” as are Pins 2, 3, 6, and 7 on the SOIC-8 package. It is
recommended that no electrical connections be made to
these pins. If the shutdown feature is not needed on the
SOT-23 or the SOIC-8 package, the SHUTDOWN pin
should be connected to VS.
Figure 4.Basic Temperature Sensor Circuit Configuration
TMP35/TMP36/TMP37Note the 0.1 µF bypass capacitor on the input. This capacitor
should be a ceramic type, have very short leads (surface mount
would be preferable), and be located as close a physical proxim-
ity to the temperature sensor supply pin as practical. Since these
temperature sensors operate on very little supply current and
could be exposed to very hostile electrical environments, it is
important to minimize the effects of RFI (radio frequency
interference) on these devices. The effect of RFI on these
temperature sensors in specific and analog ICs in general is
manifested as abnormal dc shifts in the output voltage due to
the rectification of the high frequency ambient noise by the IC.
In those cases where the devices are operated in the presence of
high frequency radiated or conducted noise, a large value tanta-
lum capacitor (�2.2 µF) placed across the 0.1 µF ceramic may
offer additional noise immunity.
Fahrenheit ThermometersAlthough the TMP3x temperature sensors are centigrade tem-
perature sensors, a few components can be used to convert the
output voltage and transfer characteristics to directly read Fahr-
enheit temperatures. Shown in Figure 5a is an example of a
simple Fahrenheit thermometer using either the TMP35 or the
TMP37. This circuit can be used to sense temperatures from
41°F to 257°F, with an output transfer characteristic of 1 mV/°F
using the TMP35 and from 41°F to 212°F using the TMP37
with an output characteristic of 2 mV/°F. This particular
approach does not lend itself well to the TMP36 because of its
inherent 0.5 V output offset. The circuit is constructed with an
AD589, a 1.23 V voltage reference, and four resistors whose values
for each sensor are shown in the figure table. The scaling of the
output resistance levels was to ensure minimum output loading
on the temperature sensors. A generalized expression for the
circuit’s transfer equation is given by:
where:TMP35 = Output voltage of the TMP35, or the TMP37,
at the measurement temperature, TM, and
AD589 = Output voltage of the reference = 1.23 V.
Note that the output voltage of this circuit is not referenced to
the circuit’s common. If this output voltage were to be applied
directly to the input of an ADC, the ADC’s common should be
adjusted accordingly.
The same circuit principles can be applied to the TMP36, but
because of the TMP36’s inherent offset, the circuit uses two less
resistors as shown in Figure 5b. In this circuit, the output
voltage transfer characteristic is 1 mV/°F but is referenced to
the circuit’s common; however, there is a 58 mV (58°F) offset
in the output voltage. For example, the output voltage of the
circuit would read 18 mV were the TMP36 placed in –40°F
ambient environment and 315 mV at 257°F.
VOUT @ –40�F = 18mV
VOUT @ +257�F = 315mVFigure 5b.TMP36 Fahrenheit Thermometer Version 1
At the expense of additional circuitry, the offset produced by the
circuit in Figure 5b can be avoided by using the circuit in Figure 5c. In
this circuit, the output of the TMP36 is conditioned by a single-
supply, micropower op amp, the OP193. Although the entire
circuit operates from a single 3 V supply, the output voltage of the
circuit reads the temperature directly, with a transfer character-
istic of 1 mV/°F, without offset. This is accomplished through
the use of an ADM660, a supply voltage inverter. The 3 V
supply is inverted and applied to the P193’s V– terminal. Thus,
for a temperature range between –40°F and +257°F, the
output of the circuit reads –40 mV to +257 mV. A general
expression for the circuit’s transfer equation is given by:
Average and Differential Temperature MeasurementIn many commercial and industrial environments, temperature
sensors are often used to measure the average temperature in a
building, or the difference in temperature between two locations
on a factory floor or in an industrial process. The circuits in
Figures 6a and 6b demonstrate an inexpensive approach
to average and differential temperature measurement.
In Figure 6a, an OP193 is used to sum the outputs of three
temperature sensors to produce an output voltage scaled by
10 mV/°C that represents the average temperature at three loca-
tions. The circuit can be extended to as many temperature
sensors as required as long as the circuit’s transfer equation
is maintained. In this application, it is recommended that one
temperature sensor type be used throughout the circuit; other-