TMC1103KLC20 ,20MSPS Triple Video A/D Converter with ClampsApplications• 8-bit resolution • Video digitizing (composite and Y-C)• 50 Msps conversion rate • VG ..
TMC1103KLC40 ,40MSPS ADC Triple Video A/D Converter with Clamps TMC1103Triple Video A/D Converter with Clamps8-Bit, 50Msps
TMC1175AM7C40 ,40MSPS 8-Bit Video A/D ConverterFunctional DescriptionDDAThe TMC1175A 8-bit A/D converter uses a two-step archi-tecture to perform ..
TMC1175AR3C30 ,Video A/D ConveterFunctional Description , TDDA
tt.., “11“ T'TC A " ’1'1( 0 1Ur A In nnnunv-har "an: n Nun pinnr Q ..
TMC1203KLC50 ,50MSPS Triple 8-Bit Video A/D Converter TMC1203Triple Video A/D Converter8-Bit, 50Msps
TMC1203KLC50 ,50MSPS Triple 8-Bit Video A/D ConverterApplications• 8-bit resolution • Video digitizing (composite and Y-C)• 50 Msps conversion rate • VG ..
TOP252GN , Enhanced EcoSmart, Integrated Off-Line Switcher with Advanced Feature Set and Extended Power Range
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20MSPS Triple Video A/D Converter with Clamps
Features 8-bit resolution 50 Msps conversion rate Low power: 100mW per channel @ 20 Msps Integral track/hold Independent Input Clamps Independent clock inputs Integral and differential linearity error 0.5 LSB Differential phase 0.7 degree Differential gain 1.8% Single +5V power supply Three-state TTL/CMOS-compatible outputs Low cost
Applications Video digitizing (composite and Y-C) VGA and CCD digitizing LCD projection panels Image scanners Personal computer video boards Multimedia systems Low cost, high speed data conversion
DescriptionIncorporated into the TMC1103 are three analog-to-digital
(A/D) converters, each with an independent clock, reference
voltage and input clamp. Analog signals are converted to
Triple 8-bit digital words at sample rates up to 50 Msps
(Megasamples per second) per channel.
Integral Track/Hold circuits deliver excellent performance
on signals with full-scale spectral components up to
12 MHz. Innovative two-step conversion architecture and
submicron CMOS technology reduce typical power dissipa-
tion to 100 mW per converter.
Power is derived from a single +5 Volt power supply. Out-
puts are three-state outputs and TTL/CMOS-compatible.
TMC1103 package is a 80-lead Metric Quad Flat Pack
(MQFP). Performance specifications are guaranteed from
0°C to 70°C.