TLP1243(C8) ,PHOTO-INTERRUPTER INFRARED LED + PHOTOTRANSISTORTLP1243(C8) TOSHIBA Photo-interrupter Infrared LED+Phototransistor TLP1243(C8) Copiers, Printer ..
TLP124BV ,IRed & photo−transistor, for programmable controllers, AC / DC−input module and telecommunicationTLP124 TOSHIBA Photocoupler GaAs Ired & Photo−Transistor TLP124 Office Machine Unit in mm Progra ..
TLP124BV ,IRed & photo−transistor, for programmable controllers, AC / DC−input module and telecommunicationPin Configurations (top view) 1 6 341 : Anode 3 : Cathode 4 : Emitter 6 : Collector 1 2002-09- ..
TLP124BV ,IRed & photo−transistor, for programmable controllers, AC / DC−input module and telecommunicationElectrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C) Characteristic Symbol Test Condition MIn. Typ. Max.Unit100 ― ..
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TLP127 ,Photocoupler GaAs Ired & Photo .TransistorTLP127 TOSHIBA Photocoupler GaAs Ired & Photo−Transistor TLP127 Programmable Controllers Unit in ..
TMP91CW12AF , Quality And Reliability Assurance / Handling Precautions
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TMP91CY22F , Quality And Reliability Assurance / Handling Precautions
TMP91FU62FG , 16 Bit Microcontroller
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TMP91PW11F , Quality And Reliability Assurance / Handling Precautions
TOSHIBA Photo-interrupter Infrared LED+Phototransistor
Copiers, Printers and Fax Machines
Fanheaters and Air-conditioners
Bank Atms
Game Machines
The TLP1243 (C8) is a compact photointerrupter with a
built-in connector, which uses a GaAs infrared LED and an Si
q Small package
Compared to Toshiba TLP 1241 (C5), the volume and the
mounting area of the TLP1243 (C8) are reduced to 70% and
75% respectively.
q Three board thicknesses supported: 1.0 mm, 1.2 mm and
1.6 mm
q Gap: 5 mm
. Resolution: Slit width = 0.7 mm
o High-temperature operation: Topr = 95°C (max)
. Current transfer ratio: IC/IF = 2.5% (min)
q Mini CT connector (1.5'mm pitch MT RECEPTACLE
Electronics AMP, Ltd.
. Package and connector material: Polycarbonate (UL94V-2)
o Mounted with lead-free soldering alloys.
Connector Classification
Monthly lot number
l---, I ,
Product No.
Weight: 0.8 g (typ.)
LM' " l' Month of manufacture
(January to December denoted by letters A to L respectively)
Year of manufacture (last digit of year of manufacture)
TtMBll4llllliUh TLP1243(C8)
Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)
Characteristics Symbol Rating Unit
Forward current IF 30 mA
© Forward current derating o o
Il (Ta>25°C) And C -0.28 mA/ C
Reverse voltage VR 5
Collector-emitter voltage VCEO 35 V
Emitter-collector voltage VECO 5 V
2' Collector power dissipation PC 75 mW
15 . . .
o Collector power dissipation o - o
derating (Ta>25°C) APC/ C 1 mW/ C
Collector current IC 50 mA
Operating temperature range Topr -30 to 95 'C
Storage temperature range Tsig -40 to 100 °C
Optical and Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C)
Characteristics Symbol Test conditions Min Typ. Max Unit
Forward voltage VF IF = 10 mA 1.00 1.18 1.40 V
tri.] Reverse current IR VR = 5 V - - 10 PA
Peak emission wavelength hp IF = 10 mA - 940 - nm
78, Dark current ID (ICEO) VCE = 24 V, IF = O - 0.001 0.1 0A
8 Peak sensitivity wavelength hp - - 870 - nm
Current transfer ratio ICIIF VCE = 2 V, IF = 10 mA 2.5 - 100 %
RO Collector-emitter saturation _ - -
ii. voltage VCE (sat) IF - 20 mA, lc _ 0.25 mA 0.1 0.35 v
o Rise time tr - 15 50
VCE=5V,IC=1mA,RL=1kQ us
Fall time tt - 15 50
Pin Strength (Ta = 25°C)
Characteristics Test conditions Limit
Direction A
Pulling Weight 19.6N ’\8
Time 5 s/once No defect in electrical A
Dire cti on B characteristics
Bending Weight 9.8N
Time 5 s/three times
2 2002-09-06
TtMBll4llllliUh TLP1243(C8)
Recommended Connector
made by Tyco Electronics AMP, Ltd.
External Diameter of
Type Model Number Terminal Material AWG Size . .
Insulation Coating
Housing-Terminal MT RECEPTACLE 353293-3
En Block Type ASSEMBLY
Phosphor bronze AWG26 to 28 0.85 mm to 0.95 mm
Note: For more of connector characteristics, please contact the relevant connector manufacturer.
q Keep the device away from external light. Although the photo-IC is of low optical sensitivity, the device may
malfunction if external light with a wavelength of 700 nm or more is allowed to impinge on it.
q Care must be taken in relation to the environment in which the device is to be installed. Oil or chemicals may
cause the package to melt or crack.
q When attaching the device to the metal board, always hold the body of the device. Do not hold it by the
connector. Ensure that the board is flat, and not warped or twisted. Attach the device to a metal board at room
0 Toshiba recommends attaching the device to the smoother side of the board.
q Toshiba recommends testing the attachment strength beforehand by actually attaching a device to the board.
q Do not apply solder to the pins of the device's connector. Make sure that the connector is plugged into the Mini
CT connector or equivalent connector.
q When inserting or removing the Mini CT connector or equivalent connector, always grasp it and its cable firmly
and either plug it straight into or pull it straight out of the device's connector. If the Mini CT connector or
equivalent connector is inserted or removed at an angle, both the device's connector and the Mini CT connector
or equivalent connector may get damaged, resulting in an unreliable connection.
0 Conversion efficiency falls over time due to the current which flows in the infrared LED. When designing a
circuit, take into account this change in conversion efficiency over time. The ratio of fluctuation in conversion
efficiency to fluctuation in infrared LED optical output is 1:1.
IC/IF (t) = Po (t)
IC/IF (0) Po (0)
3 2002-09-06
TtMBll4llllliUh TLP1243(C8)
Package Dimensions: TOSHIBA11-15G'1
Unit: mm
( ): Reference value
Tolerances are listed below unless
otherwise speefed.
ai' Dimensions Tolerance
6 mm or less 1-0.1
, Greater then 6 mm :02
Slit width 0.7
Center of sensor
fi] j - w Q)
--SSSS2E=e -r-.. CD
1......1 '=i= I l I
=et 1syld >= (5.8) ."..s
0.6 ' A44_45:g§ 44.4_
T""' h Ir
/',Tr''"' r h
ash -..e- l -N.,,.-u G"
' J h l I _ e..."
T, " Cf V
Cl. 42.4; f). 3.5
(4.5) s 1 (4.5)
Pin Connection
—0 3. Anode
cl" 1.Collector
2. Cathode, Emitter
TtMBll4llllliUh TLP1243(C8)
IF - Ta Pc - Ta
LL 30 \ b','
E i t,
9 's, a g
3 Ch E
to 20 '- v
m C2 0
g "c, 5 a
E: "s, Lu
E 10 (i)
F: <7:
o 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Ambient temperature Ta (°C) Ambient temperature Ta (°C)
lF-VF (typ.) lc/IF- IF (typ.)
"ii''' £-
Ta = 75°C 9
i?, 'G
0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
Forward voltage VF (V) . 1 3 5 IO 30 50 100
Forward current IF (mA)
lc - IF (typ.) lc -VCE (typ.)
5 Ta = 25°C
9 0.5 9
E 0.3 E
's s I 1 co
L' 0.1 amp e L'
E 0.05 Ld
To 0.03 Ta
0 Ta = we 0
:V = 2 v
0.01 CE
- - - :VCE=0.4V
1 3 5 10 30 50 100 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Forward current IF (mA) Collector-emitter voltage VCE (V)
5 2002-09-06
TtMBll4llllliUh TLP1243(C8)
Relative k; - Ta (typ.) ID (ICEO) - Ta (typ.)
1.2 10
VCE = 24 v
1.0 a"
E sz..'; 1
a "ro,
ts, 0.8 g?
I', 9 0.1
.3 0.6 2
35 e 0.01
0.2 0.001
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Ambienttemperature Ta (°C) Ambienttemperature Ta (°C)
VCE (sat) - Ta (typ.) Switching Time Test Circuit
tD F -l Vcc IF I I
ug, 0.16
i; " V 90%
E A _, OUT '
Il'' ty 0.12 t t 10%
a = d, 0 4 f
I' :3, tr s
g m ' A"-'
E o 0.08
g 0.04
-A0 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Ambienttemperature Ta (°C)
6 2002-09-06
TtMBll4llllliUh TLP1243(C8)
Switching characteristics Switching characteristics
(non saturated operation) (typ.) (saturated operation) (typ.)
100 3000
Ta = 25°C Ta = 25°C
VCC = 5 v IF = 20 mA
v = 1 v v = 5 v
OUT 1000 v? > 4 65 v
UT - .
3 10 v
ff .5 100
ii 3 Jst''
0.3 1 3 IO 30 100 300
0.1 0.3 1 3 10 .
Load resistance RL (kn)
Load resistance RL (kQ)
Detection position Detection position
characteristics (1) (typ.) characteristics (2) (typ.)
IF = 10 mA
VCE = 2 v
Ta = 25°C
E - f-? _ + E
g g IF = 10 mA
8 p, VCE = 2 V
ig Ls Ta = 25°C
"fi "fi Shutter
g Detection position E d
E d = 0 i 0.4 mm T.)
n: 0: Wmm Metal
board thickness
Detection position
d = 9.6 t lil mm
-3 -2 -1 o 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14
Distance d (mm) Distance d (mm)
7 2002-09-06
Relative Positioning of Shutter and Device
For normal operation, position the shutter and the device as shown in the figure below. By considering the
device's detection direction characteristic and switching time, determine the shutter slit width and pitch.
Metal board !
Unit: mm
Thickness of Metal Board a Dimension b Dimension
1.0 11.7 min 8.9 max
1.2 11.5 min 8.7 max
1.6 11.1min 8.3 max
Cross section between A and A'
Recommended Size of Connection Holes (Unit: mm)
1.0 mm thick metal board
1.2 mm thick metal board
- Center of sensor
1.6 mm thick metal board
-Fl fl
6.65i0.1 '" 6.65i0.1 N
i i A - T- ai F
'- ' .
l ! er" ! ci Fl
l 1 +1 1 +1 tO
I l t'? l tro. US
i i to _V Lo _ '"
' ' T" '" 0
-ht +1
,-/ ‘__1
-Fl fl
tra" lo
8 2002-09-06
TtMBll4llllliUh TLP1243(C8)
o TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor
devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical
stress. It is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing TOSHIBA products, to comply with the standards of
safety in making a safe design for the entire system, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of
such TOSHIBA products could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property.
In developing your designs, please ensure that TOSHIBA products are used within specified operating ranges as
set forth in the most recent TOSHIBA products specifications. Also, please keep in mind the precautions and
conditions set forth in the "Handling Guide for Semiconductor Devices," or "TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability
Handbook" etc..
. The TOSHIBA products listed in this document are intended for usage in general electronics applications
(computer, personal equipment, office equipment, measuring equipment, industrial robotics, domestic appliances,
etc.). These TOSHIBA products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in equipment that requires
extraordinarily high quality and/or reliability or a malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life or
bodily injury ("Unintended Usage"). Unintended Usage include atomic energy control instruments, airplane or
spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, tramc signal instruments, combustion control instruments,
medical instruments, all types of safety devices, etc.. Unintended Usage of TOSHIBA products listed in this
document shall be made at the customer's own risk.
. Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) is a substance used in the products described in this document. GaAs dust or vapor is
harmful to the human body. Do not break , cut, crush or dissolve chemically.
o The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. No
responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA CORPORATION for any infringements of intellectual property or other
rights of the third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under
any intellectual property or other rights of TOSHIBA CORPORATION or others.
o The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
9 2002-09-06