TLE6214L ,Smart Dual Current Sense SwitchFeatures Product Summary • Short circuit protection Supply voltage V 4.5 – 5.5 ..
TLE6215G ,Vehicle Stability ICsFeatures Product Summary• Power limitationSupply voltage V 6.5 - 40 V• Overtemperature ..
TLE6215G ,Vehicle Stability ICsGeneral descriptionDouble channel Low-Side-Switch in Smart Power Technology (SPT) withtwo seperate ..
TLE6216G ,Vehicle Stability ICsBlock diagramENASTBY VSGNDnormal functionVBBSCB / overloadIN1overtemperaturecross open loadLOGICIN2 ..
TLE6217G ,Vehicle Stability ICsApplications)• Separate Diagnostic Pin for Each Channel Output current I 2 x 5 AD 1,2• Power - SO 2 ..
TLE6220GP ,Smart Low Side SwitchesGeneral DescriptionQuad Low-Side Switch in Smart Power Technology (SPT) with a Serial Peripheral In ..
TMP87CK40AN , CMOS 8-Bit Microcontroller
TMP87CM40AN , CMOS 8-Bit Microcontroller
Smart Dual Current Sense Switch
Preliminary Datasheet TLE 6214 L SCLK
SO / ST2
Fault / ST1
Smart Dual Current Sense Switch
Basic Features Product Summary Short circuit protection DMOS Overtemperature protection
• Overvoltage protection Open load detection
• Current limitation Low quiescent current mode 3,3V µC compatible input
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection
Specific Features Proportional load current sense IC Overtemperature warning 8-Bit SPI (for diagnosis and control) Short to GND detection Programmable overload behaviour
General Description Dual Current Sense Low-Side Switch in Smart Power Technology (SPT) with two open drain DMOS
output stages. The TLE 6214 L is protected by embedded protection functions and designed for auto-motive applications. The output stages can be controlled directly by parallel inputs for PWM applica-
tions (e.g. Oxygen Probe Heater, Stepper Motor) or by SPI. All output stages can provide a load current
proportional sense signal. Diagnosis is done by an 8 bit SPI or by one status output per channel.
Block Diagram
Preliminary Datasheet TLE 6214 L Pin Description Pin Configuration (Top view) Input Channel 1 Power Output Channel 1
Maximum Ratings for Tj = – 40°C to 150°C min footprint 6 cm² copper cooling area
SI 2 CO 2
OUT2 3 Vs
GND 6 IN 1 Power P-DSO -12 Both GND pins and heat sink must be
connected to GND externally.
Preliminary Datasheet TLE 6214 L Electrical Characteristics
1. Power Supply Supply Voltage V
2. Power Outputs V/µs
3. Digital Inputs Input Low Voltage
Input High Voltage
Input Pull Down Current (SI, SCLK)
4. Digital Outputs (SO, FAULT, Status 1/2)
Preliminary Datasheet TLE 6214 L 5. SPI
6. Diagnostic Functions
Open Load Detection Voltage(Channel OFF)
Output Pull Down Current
Fault Filtering Time
Short to Ground Detection Voltage
Short to Ground Detection Current(Channel OFF)
Under Current Detection Threshold (Channel ON)
5. Analog Current Sense Output (IS1 / IS2)
1 This time is necessary between two write accesses. To get the correct diagnostic information, the transfer delay
Preliminary Datasheet TLE 6214 L Functional Description The TLE 6214 L is a dual-low-side power switch which has two parallel inputs to control the 2
power DMOS switches, as well as by an 8-Bit SPI for control and diagnostic feedback. The
power transistors are protected1) against short circuit, overload (current limitation), overtem-
perature and against overvoltage by an active zener clamp. The IC has a load current propor-tional current output for current control applications.
The diagnostic logic recognises a fault condition which can be read out via the SPI or the par-
allel status outputs (depending on the IC configuration).
Output Stage Control: Parallel Control or SPI Control
The Output stages can be controlled by parallel Inputs or by SPI command. The IC can be pro-grammed (by SPI) to switch the outputs according to the parallel input signal, to the corresponding SPI
command bit or to a combination of these two signals. Both, parallel inputs and respective SPI databits are high
active. Truth table for Output control parallel
Each output is independently controlled by an output latch.
A logic high input ‘data bit’ turns the respective output chan-nel ON, a logic low ‘data bit’ turns it OFF.
Switching speed / Slew rate: The switching speed / slew rate of both channels can be configured by SPI for slow or fast switching
speed (1:5) for each channel individually. Overtemperature Behaviour:
Each channel has an overtemperature sensor and is individually protected against overtemperature.
As soon as overtemperature occurs the channel is immediately turned off (without fault filtering time) and the overtmperature information is reported by diagnosis. In this case there are two different behav-
iours of the affected channel that can be selected by SPI (for all channels generally).
Autorestart: as long as the input signal of the channel remains on (e.g. parallel input high) the channel turns automatically on again after cooling down.
Latching: After overtemperature shutdown the channel stays off until the overtemperature latch is re-
set by a new LÆH transition of the input signal.
Note: The overtemperature sensors of the output channels are only active if the channel is turned on.
As soon as the IC temperature (Temperature of the whole IC) reaches a specified level an overtem-perature warning will be indicated.
Preliminary Datasheet TLE 6214 L Low Quiescent current mode (Sleep mode) : By SPI Command the device can be set to Sleep
mode. In this mode all outputs are turned off, the diagnosis and biasing is disabled, the diagnosis and the on/off register are reseted and the current consumption drastically reduced. A wake up is done by
sending a wake up command by SPI. A specified time (twake) after this command the IC is fully func-tional. The configuraton register (exception channel on/off register) values are not influenced by the
sleep mode. After wake up the outputs are Off, except the outputs are controlled by parallel inputs.
Overload Protection: The IC can be programmed to react in different ways to overload.
Current limit 1: In this mode the IC active limits the current to the specified “Current Limit 1”. If the cur-rent limitation is active for longer than the fault filtering time this fault is reported and stored in the Fault
register. Current limit 2: If this current limit is active for more than the specified “Overload switch off delay time”
the affected channel is turned off and the fault is reported and stored in the fault register. To turn on the
channel again this overload latch has to be reset before with an LÆ H transition of the input signal (parallel /SPI depending on the programmed operation). The two operation modes can be changed during operation of the channel.
Pin description:
OUTPUT 1,2 – Drain pins of the two channels. Output pins and connected to the load.
GND – Ground pins.
IN 1,2 – Parallel Input Pins of the two channels
IS / Fault / ST1 –Configurable output pin. Depending on the configuration (done by SPI command) it
has three basic functions: a) General Fault pin. This is a general fault pin (open drain) which shows a high to low transi-
tion as soon as an error is latched into the diagnosis register. When the diagnosis register is cleared this flag is also reset (high state). This fault indication can be used to generate a µC
b) Sense Function. In this configuration the analog output signal represents the value of the load current: Sense Current proportional load current channel 1
Sense Current proportional load current channel 2 Sense Current proportional load current of both channels (ID1 + ID2)
c) Status Output for channel 1: The Status output shows the same level as the input signal of
channel 1 as long as there is no error and the inverted input signal when any kind of error occurred at channel 1
VS – Logic Supply pin. Used to supply the integrated circuitry.
CS – Chip Select of the SPI (low active)
SO / ST2 – Configurable output pin. Depending on the configuration (done by SPI command) it has two
a) Signal Output of the Serial Peripheral Interface b) Status Output for channel 2: The Status output shows the same level as the input signal of
channel 2 as long as there is no error and the inverted input signal when any kind of error occurred at channel 2
SI – Signal Input of the Serial Peripheral Interface. The pin has an internal pull down structure.
SCKL – Clock Input of the Serial Peripheral Interface. The pin has an internal pull down structure
Preliminary Datasheet TLE 6214 L SPI
The SPI is a Serial Peripheral Interface with 4 digital pins and an 8 bit shift register. The SPI is used to configure and
program the device, turn on and off channels and to read detailed diagnostic information.
Note: The default setting of the TLE614L is to use the the
SO/ST2 pin as status output pin for channel 2. To activate the SO function of the SPI the command "I/O Configure" (see. SPI commands: No.3) has to be used
to reconfigure the IC. (e.g. 0111 xxxx)
SPI Signal Description:
CS - Chip Select. The system microcontroller selects the TLE 6214 L by means of the CS pin. When-ever the pin is in a logic low state, data can be transferred from the µC and vice versa.
CS = H : Any signals at the SCLK and SI
pins are ignored and SO is forced into a high impedance state.
CS = HÆL : diagnostic information is transferred
from the diagnosis register into the SPI
shift register. (in sleep mode no tranfer of diagnostic information) serial input data can be clocked into the SPI shift register from then on SO changes from high impedance state to logic high or low state corresponding to the SO bits
CS = L : SPI is working like a shift register. With each clock signal at the SCLK pin the state of the SI is
read into the SPI shift-register (falling clock edge) and one diagnosis bit is written out of SO (rising ris-ing edge).
CS = LÆH: transfer of SI bits from SPI shift register into the internal logic registers reset of diagnosis register if sent command was valid To avoid any false clocking the serial clock input pin SCLK should be logic low state during high to low
transition of CS.
SCLK - Serial Clock. The serial clock pin clocks the internal SPI shift register of the TLE 6214 L. The
serial input (SI) accepts data into the input SPI shift register on the falling edge if while the serial output (SO) shifts diagnostic information out of the SPI shift register on the rising edge of serial clock. It is es-
sential that the SCLK pin is in a logic low state whenever chip select CS makes any transition.
SI - Serial Input. Serial data bits are shifted in at this pin, the most significant bit (MSB) first. SI infor-mation is read in on the falling edge . Input data is latched in the SPI shift register and then transferred
to the internal registers of the logic. The input data consist of 8 bit, made up of x control bits and y data bits. The control word is used to
program the device, to operate it in a certain mode as well as providing diagnostic information (see SPI
Commands). SO - Serial Output. Diagnostic data bits are shifted out serially at this pin, the most significant bit (MSB)
Preliminary Datasheet TLE 6214 L SPI Commands:
Command description: (default values are bold print)
1. Diagnosis Only : Reads out the diagnosis register. This command has no other influence on the
device. 2. Output Configure : Configures the behaviour of the Power Outputs. Ilim Ch1: overload behaviour of channel 1 0: Current limit 2 is activated (default) 1: Current limit 1 is activated Ilim Ch2: overload behaviour of channel 2 0: Current limit 2 is activated(default) 1: Current limit 1 is activated Restart / Latch: overtemperature behaviour of the IC 0: Automatic autorestart of a channel after cooling down(default) 1: Latching "off" of a channel at overtemperature
Slew rate: Switching slew rate of channel 1 and 2 0: fast switching (slew rate 1) (default) 1: slow switching (slew rate 2) 3. I/O Configure : Configures the behaviour of the I/O Ports. Status / SPI : Output of diagnostic information of the IC 0: Diagnosis output serial with one status output per channel (ST1, ST2) 1: Diagnosis output with SPI (SO) and Fault Pin / Sense Pin Parallel / Serial Input : Control of the output channels bit3 bit2 0 0 : Control of channel 1 and 2 with parallel input (IN1, IN2) (default) 0 1 : Control of channel 1 and 2 with combination (OR) of serial and parallel input signal 1 0 : Control of channel 1 and 2 with combination (AND) of serial and
parallel input signal 1 1 : Control of channel 1 and 2 only with SPI Sense / Fault : Function of the Sense / Fault / ST1 output bit1 bit0 0 0 : Pin function is "general Fault pin"(default) 0 1 : Pin function is current sense output channel 1 (IIS1) 1 0 : Pin function is current sense output channel 2 (IIS2) 1 1 : Pin function is current sense output channel 1 + 2 (IIS1 + IIS2)
Preliminary Datasheet TLE 6214 L 4. Reset Registers : Sets back all internal registers. Logic registers to default and Fault registers to no
error. Default settings after Reset:
Parallel Input control Autorestart
Status Outputs ST1 and ST2 active
Current Limit 2 Channel ON/OFF register “OFF”
Slew rate fast 5. Sleep mode : Activates the low quiescent mode. In sleep mode only the command “wake up” is valid. Other commands will not lead to any reactions. Wake up is done by the Wake Up command or by
undervoltage reset. 6. Wake Up : Deactivates the low quiescent mode. A specified time (twake) after this command the IC is fully functional. 7. Channels on / off : Turns on / off the power outputs (if configured for serial control) Ch1 : Serial control bit of channel 1 0: Output off(default) 1: Output on Ch2 : Serial control bit of channel 2 0: Output off(default) 1: Output on
After activation of the low quiescent mode by the “sleep” command, the outputs are turned off and the serial control register is set to default values. 8. No Command : No valid command and will not lead to an reaction (register value change, switching
channels, ...) of the IC. After Chip Select giong LÆH the diagnosis register will not be reset.
SPI Diagnostics:
As soon as a fault occurs for longer than the fault filtering time (exept Overtemperature; no filtering
time), the fault information is latched into the diagnosis register (and the Fault pin will change from high
to low state). A new error on the same channel will over-write the old error report. Serial data out pin (SO) is in a high impedance state when CS is high. If CS receives a LOW signal, all diagnosis bits can
be shifted out serially. If the sent command was valid the rising edge of CS will reset all diagnosis reg-isters and restart the fault filtering time. In case of an invalid command the device will ignore the data
bits and the diagnosis register will not be reset at the rising CS edge.