TLE6211G ,Vehicle Stability ICsFeatures• 5 V, 800 mA linear regulator Undervoltage/overvoltage reset Undervoltage and overvoltag ..
TLE6214L ,Smart Dual Current Sense SwitchFeatures Product Summary • Short circuit protection Supply voltage V 4.5 – 5.5 ..
TLE6215G ,Vehicle Stability ICsFeatures Product Summary• Power limitationSupply voltage V 6.5 - 40 V• Overtemperature ..
TLE6215G ,Vehicle Stability ICsGeneral descriptionDouble channel Low-Side-Switch in Smart Power Technology (SPT) withtwo seperate ..
TLE6216G ,Vehicle Stability ICsBlock diagramENASTBY VSGNDnormal functionVBBSCB / overloadIN1overtemperaturecross open loadLOGICIN2 ..
TLE6217G ,Vehicle Stability ICsApplications)• Separate Diagnostic Pin for Each Channel Output current I 2 x 5 AD 1,2• Power - SO 2 ..
TMP87CK40AN , CMOS 8-Bit Microcontroller
TMP87CM40AN , CMOS 8-Bit Microcontroller
Vehicle Stability ICs
ABS System IC
1.1Features5V, 800mA linear regulatorUndervoltage/overvoltage resetUndervoltage and overvoltage logoutDigital watchdog supervision for 2 Microcontrollers(motor) relay driver(valve) relay driverInverted or non inverted lamp relay driverEnable outputOvertemperature and overcurrent protection
1.2Functional DescriptionThe TLE6210 and TLE6211 are integrated circuit consisting of a 5V voltage regulator
with 800mA current capability, different relay driver outputs and supervision logic. The
supervision logic watches the input voltage and the regulator output voltage both for
over-voltage and under-voltage. In addition two window watchdogs supervise the correct
operation of 2 independent watchdog signals, e.g. from two Microcontrollers.
The TLE6210 and TLE6211 are designed especially for the severe conditions of ABS/
ASR applications in an automotive environment.
1.3Block Diagram
Figure1Block Diagram
Pin / Pad ConfigurationFigure2Pin Configuration P-DSO-20-12
Pin / Pad Definitions and Functions
Electrical Characteristics3.1Absolute Maximum Ratings-40�C � Tj � 150 �C
Note:Stresses above the ones listed here may cause permanent damage to the
device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended
periods may affect device reliability.
3.1Absolute Maximum Ratings (cont’d)-40�C � Tj � 150 �C
Within the functional range the device works according to the functional description.
However parameters may exceed the values given in the Characteristics.
3.2Functional RangeParameter may deviate in the temperature range Tj = 150�C … 175�C
Total operation time max. 50h for temperature range Tj > 150�C
Block Description and Electrical Characteristics4.1General
4.2OscillatorA 16kHz oscillator is used as time base for the 1kHz clock. An independent clock
supervision circuit supervises the oscillator. If the oscillator clock is missing the error flag
is set.
Characteristics6 V � UZP � 18 V, -40 �C � Tj � +150�C, if not otherwise specified
Characteristics Internal Oscillator6 V � UZP � 18 V, -40 �C � Tj � +150�C, if not otherwise specified
4.3Charge PumpThe integrated charge pump requires an external capacitor at pin UCP. The charge pump
voltage is typically 15V. It is internally used for the voltage regulator only. It is only
intended for internal function and may not be used for any external loads. The output
voltage is short circuit protected against the supply voltage.
Characteristics Charge Pump6 V � UZP � 18 V, -40 �C � Tj � +150�C, if not otherwise specified
4.4Voltage RegulatorThe 5V low drop linear regulator can supply up to 800mA current. The regulator
requires an output capacitor. The linear regulator is equipped with overcurrent protection
and its own overtemperature protection. The linear element consists of 2anti-serial
DMOS transistors. In case of low input supply voltage this avoids discharging of the
output capacitor.
The output voltage UST is supervised for over- and undervoltage. UST output has to be
connected externally to the sense input USTS. If over- or undervoltage condition is
detected the Reset outputs RES1 and RES2 are logical low. For a detailed description
of the reset logic please see Chapter
Characteristics Voltage Regulator6 V � UZP � 18 V, -40 �C � Tj � +150�C, if not otherwise specified
Characteristics Voltage Regulator (cont’d)6 V � UZP � 18 V, -40 �C � Tj � +150�C, if not otherwise specified
4.5Enable-Output ENThe open collector enable output EN informs the system about any error condition. Any
error except a detected supply under-voltage will set the EN output Low. Of cause for
long under-voltage at the supply line, soon the UST output capacitor will be discharged
and this will cause UST under-voltage and therefore EN Low. The time depends on the
load and the output capacitor. The EN is an open collector output. It is short circuit
protected to UST.
After power up when the first watchdog edges at WD1 a WD2 are detected the Enable
output is switched into High state.
Characteristics EN Output6 V � UZP � 18 V, -40 �C � Tj � +150�C, if not otherwise specified
Power DriverThe TLE6210/TLE6211 includes 3 open drain outputs for loads up to 0.5A: The two
drivers VR and MR are intended for (valve and motor) relays, while the SILA/NSILA
output is designed for a lamp.
In the TLE6210GW the SILA output is available. The output goes low if the supply
voltage UZP is no longer available – the DMOS is switched on automatically. In the
TLE6211GW the NSILA has the inverted polarity related to SILA. In bare dice both
outputs SILA and NSILA can be used.
4.6Valve Relay Output VRThe valve relay output VR is switched On after the power up reset and valid watchdog
signals. The driver has an open drain configuration and can supply up to 500mA. The
output is protected against overtemperature and overcurrent. The output is short circuit
protected to UZ. The output stage is equipped with its own overtemperature protection.
In case of overvoltage at the supply UZP the output is switched off. However the output
is not protected against overvoltages caused by switching inductive loads. Therefore
externally a free wheeling diode is required as shown in the application diagram.
The valve relay output VR is controlled by the internal supervision logic. If any watchdog
errors or supply over-voltage is detected or the 5V regulator is out of range, the VR is
switched off (please see also Table
1 on Page19 and Table2 on Page28).
Characteristics Relay Driver Output VR6 V � UZP � 18 V, -40 �C � Tj � +150�C, if not otherwise specified
4.7Motor Relay DriverThe motor relay driver MR is controlled by the MRA input signal and the internal control
logic. A logic High at the MRA input switches the MR low side switch on, a logic Low
signal switches it off. However the supervision logic overrules the MRA input condition.
Please see also Table
1 on Page19 and Table2 on Page28.The output is an open collector output and can sink up to 500mA. It is protected against
overtemperature and overcurrent and short circuit prove to UZ. Even the output is
switched off by the supervision logic at UZP overvoltage externally a free wheeling diode
is required to protect the output against switching off inductive loads.
Characteristics Relay Driver Output MR6 V � UZP � 18 V, -40 �C � Tj � +150�C, if not otherwise specified
4.7.1Control Input MRAThe logic inputs MRA expect TTL-type signals from a �-controller with 5V I/Os. An
integrated pull-up resistor ensures that an open input is read High.
Characteristics Control Inputs MRA6 V � UZP � 18 V, -40 �C � Tj � +150�C, if not otherwise specified
4.8Error Lamp Output SILA and Lamp Relay Output NSILAThe SILA output is a 300mA open collector output. It is available in the TLE6210G.
SILA is a self-on output: It is switched on if the supply voltage is missing. The
TLE6211G is equipped with the logically inverted NSILA output. NSILA is a 30mA open
collector output. It is intended to drive the lamp relay. In the dice version TLE6211C
both outputs can be used.
Both SILA and NSILA are intended to control a warning lamp. The output is controlled
by the internal supervision logic and control signal at the SIA pin.
A logic High at the SIA input switches SILA off and NSILA on.
The supervision logic will switch on SILA if a watchdog timing violation is detected or the
output voltage UST is out of range. Table
1 on Page19 and Table2 on Page28 give anoverview on the different errors.
The SILA output is equipped with its own overtemperature protection.
Characteristics Lamp Driver Output SILA6 V � UZP � 18 V, -40 �C � Tj � +150�C, if not otherwise specified
4.8.1Control Input SIAThe logic inputs SIA expect TTL-type signals from a �-controller with 5V I/Os. An
integrated pull-up resistor ensures that an open input is read High.
Characteristics Lamp-Relay Driver Output NSILA6 V � UZP � 18 V, -40 �C � Tj � +150�C, if not otherwise specified
Characteristics Control Inputs SIA6 V � UZP � 18 V, -40 �C � Tj � +150�C, if not otherwise specified
SupervisionThe TLE6210 and TLE6211 are equipped with a complex supervision logic. The input
voltage and the regulator output voltage is supervised. In addition two �-controller are
supervised by independent watchdog circuits.
4.9Overvoltage and UndervoltageBoth the supply voltage UZP and the output voltage UST are supervised for over- and
In case any undervoltage or overvoltage condition at UST or UZP is detected, the reset
outputs RES1 and RES2 are switched to low state. RES1 and RES2 are not controlled
by the watchdog logic.
To supervise the output voltage UST an independent bandgap from the reference
bandgap is used.
The reset outputs RES1 and RES2 are together controlled by the UST reset logic and
the supply undervoltage lockout (UVLO) and overvoltage lockout (OVLO).
A logic High at the RES1 and RES2 indicates normal operation. The outputs are open
collector type outputs with integrated pull-up resistors to UST. Even when the UST
voltage drops, the reset outputs RES1 and RES2 remain low (< 0.4V).
Both undervoltage and overvoltage detection of UST and UZP use a voltage hysteresis
to avoid any reset toggling.
Undervoltage and Overvoltage Detection USTThe UST output voltage has to be externally connected to the USTS sense input.
To be able to detect also wrong output voltages causes by a malfunction of the related
bandgap reference for supervision an independent bandgap is used.
As soon as any reset condition is detected the RES1 and RES2 go low.
4.9.1Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO) and Overvoltage Lockout (OVLO)The supply voltage UZP is supervised as well. If the voltage rises above the upper
threshold value of 19.5V reset is asserted. When an undervoltage occurs, after some
time the output voltage will drop below the reset threshold and a reset is asserted. The
undervoltage lockout is only valid during power up.
Both the OVLO and the UVLO threshold use a hysteresis to avoid reset glitches. In
addition the OVLO is digitally filtered. Overvoltage below 2 to 3 clock cycles (equals
typical 2 µs or 3 µs) are neglected to avoid resetting the system when any inductive load
is switched off.