TLE4275QKTTRQ1 ,Automotive 5-V Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator 5-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125Features... 19.3 Feature Description.... 122 Applications..... 19.4 Device Functional Modes.... 123 ..
TLE4275QKVURQ1 ,Automotive 5-V Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator 5-TO-252 -40 to 125FeaturesINfluctuation. Using a resistor of approximately 1Ω in1• Qualified for Automotive Applicati ..
TLE4275S ,5-V Low-Drop Voltage Regulator5-V Low-Drop Voltage Regulator TLE 4275
TLE4276DV ,Low-Drop Voltage RegulatorLow-Drop Voltage Regulator TLE 4276
TLE4276DV50 ,Low-Drop Voltage RegulatorFeatures• 5 V, 8.5 V, 10 V or variable output voltage Output voltage tolerance
Automotive Catalog 5-V Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator
Vbat Vout R1
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TLE4275-Q1 5-V Low-Dropout Voltage RegulatorThe input capacitor, CIN, compensates
1 Featuresfluctuation. Usinga resistorof approximately Qualifiedfor Automotive Applications series with CIN dampens the oscillation• Output Voltage5V± 2% inductance and input capacitance.
capacitor, COUT, stabilizes the regulation• Very Low Current Consumption
specification for stabilityisat COUT• Power-On and Undervoltage Reset ESR≤5Ω, within the operating temperature• Reset Low-Level Output Voltage<1V Stability for electrolytic capacitors specifically
COUT≥68 µF within the operating temperature• Very Low Dropout Voltage
See the application report on low-temperature• Short-Circuit Proof stability, SLVA501,for further details.• Reverse-Polarity Proof
The control amplifier comparesa reference voltage thatis proportionalto the
2 Applications and drives the baseof the series transistor• Qualified for Automotive Applications buffer. Saturation control asa function Cluster current prevents any oversaturation
element. The device also incorporates• Body Control Modules internal circuits for protection against:• Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) overtemperature, and reverse polarity.
Description Device Information(1)The TLE4275-Q1 isa monolithic integrated low-dropout voltage regulator offered ina 5-pin TOpackage. The device regulatesan input voltageupto45Vto VOUT=5V (typical). The device can driveloads upto 450 mA andis short-circuit proof. At
overtemperature, the incorporated temperature (1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumatprotection turns off the TLE4275-Q1. The device the endofthe data sheet.
generatesa reset signal foran output voltage, VOUT,rt, 4.65V (typical). By the useof an external delay
capacitor, one can program the reset delay time.
Typical Application