TLE4203 ,4-A DC Motor Driverapplications are for follow-up control, servo drives, servo motors, drivemechanisms, etc.Semiconduc ..
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4 A DC Motor Driver
DescriptionThe integrated circuit TLE 4203 is a versatile double power driver of up to 4 A output
current which is particularly suitable as a driver for DC motors in reversible operation.
The push-pull power output stages operate in the switching mode and can be combined
to a full-bridge configuration.
The drive of the input stage is implemented using digital logic.
The device contains a temperature protection logic, output stages protected against
short-circuit and integrated free-wheeling diodes.
Typical applications are for follow-up control, servo drives, servo motors, drive
mechanisms, etc.
4-A DC Motor Driver
OverviewBipolar IC
FeaturesIntegrated free-wheeling diodesOutputs short-circuit proof to VS and groundThermal overload protectionBlocking of the output stages upon undervoltageFinal push-pull stage free of cross-over
Figure1Pin Configuration (top view)
Pin Definition and Functions
Figure2Block Diagram
ApplicationIn industrial and automotive electronics, power full-bridge DC motor drivers are mostly
used for bidirectional motor drives. The two TTL and CMOS-compatible control inputs
act on the output as follows:QL means:Lower power unit conducting; upper power unit blocked.
VQH means:Upper power unit conducting; lower power unit blocked.
The following examples illustrate the operation:
Status 1: Motor is slowed down
Status 2: Motor turns right
Status 3: Motor turns left
Status 4: Motor is slowed down
Circuit Description
Input CircuitThe control inputs consist of TTL and CMOS-compatible Schmitt triggers with hysteresis.
Buffer amplifiers, controlled from these stages, convert the logic signal into the form
required for driving the power output stages.
Output StagesThe output stages consist of two push-pull C stages. Using protective circuits for limiting
the power dissipation makes the outputs short-circuit proof to ground and to supply
voltage throughout the entire operating range. Positive and negative voltage peaks,
which occur when switching inductive loads, are limited by integrated power diodes.
Monitoring and Protecting FunctionsThe IC is protected against thermal overloads by a temperature protecting circuit.
In addition an internal circuit ensures that all output transistors are blocked for supply
voltages below operating range.
A monitoring stage logic for each output stage transistor detects whether the relevant
transistor is active and in this case for sink operation (source operation) prevents the
corresponding source transistor (sink transistor) from being turned on. Direct cross-over
currents are effectively prevented with this method.
Absolute Maximum RatingsTC = – 40 to 125 °C
Operating Range