TLC7705M ,Single Power SVS (5v) W/Pgmmable Time Delay & Push-Pull Outputs 10-CFP -55 to 125These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the dev ..
TLC7705QD ,Single Power SVS (5v) W/Pgmmable Time Delay & Push-Pull Outputs
TLC7725IP ,Micropower Supply Voltage Supervisor
TLC7725IPWR ,Micropower Supply Voltage Supervisor
TLC7733IDRG4 ,Single SVS For 3.3V Systems W/Programmable Time Delay 8-SOIC -40 to 85
TMP512AID ,Thermal/Power Management with Dual Remote and Local Temperature Sensor and Current Shunt Monitor 14-SOIC -40 to 125FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe TMP512 (dual-channel) and TMP513234•±1°C REMOTE DIODE SENSORS(triple-channe ..
TMP709AIDBVR ,Resistor-Programmable Trip Point Temperature Switch 5-SOT-23 -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe TMP709 is a fully-integrated, resistor-1• Threshold Accuracy:programmable ..
TMP75 ,Digital Temperature Sensor with 2-Wire InterfaceElectrical Characteristics....... 511.2 Community Resources...... 246.6 Timing Requirements... 611. ..
TMP75AID ,Digital Temperature Sensor with 2-Wire InterfaceMaximum Ratings.. 410.1 Layout Guidelines.... 236.2 ESD Ratings ...... 410.2 Layout Example....... ..
TMP75AID . ,Digital Temperature Sensor with 2-Wire InterfaceFeatures... 17.5 Programming .... 162 Applications..... 18 Application and Implementation...... 213 ..
TMP75AIDG4 , Temperature Sensor with I2C/SMBus Interface in Industry Standard LM75 Form Factor & Pinout 8-SOIC -40 to 125Block Diagram TMPx75VSSOP (8) 3.00 mm × 3.00 mmTemperature(1) For all available packages, see the o ..
Single Power SVS (5v) W/Pgmmable Time Delay & Push-Pull Outputs
TLC7701, TLC7725,
Drop Precision Voltage Sensor Temperature-Compensated Voltage Reference Programmable Delay Timeby External
Capacitor Supply Voltage Range...2Vto6V Defined RESET Output from VDD≥1V Power-Down Control Support for Static RAM
With Battery Backup Maximum Supply Currentof16µA Power Saving Totem-Pole Outputs Temperature Range... Upto –55°Cto 125°C
APPLICATIONS Medical Imaging
DESCRIPTIONThe TLC77xx familyof micropower supply voltage
supervisors provide reset control, primarily in
microcomputer and microprocessor systems.
During power-on, RESET is asserted when VDD
reaches 1 V. After minimum VDD (≥2 V) is
established, the circuit monitors SENSE voltage and
keeps the reset outputs active as long as SENSE below the threshold delays returnof the output ensure system reset. determined by an externalisin secondsbe customized with two external fixed voltage divider. When SENSE voltage drops below the threshold voltage, the that state until SENSE voltage above threshold voltage and the delay