TLC7226CN ,8-Bit, 5 us Quad DAC, Parallel Input, Single / Dual Supplymaximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
TLC7226IDWRG4 ,8-Bit, 5 us Quad DAC, Parallel Input, Single / Dual Supply 20-SOIC -40 to 85block diagram4REF_2OUTA8 8LatchDAC A +A_18 8 OUTBLatch+DAC B8 B7−14DB0−DB7_208 8 OUTCLatch+DAC CC_1 ..
TLC7226IN ,8-Bit, 5 us Quad DAC, Parallel Input, Single / Dual Supply SLAS060F − JANUARY 1995 − R ..
TLC7524 ,8-Bit, 0.1 us MDAC, Parallel Input, Fast Control Signalling for DSP, Easy Micro Interface SLAS061D − SEPTEMBER 1986 − REVI ..
TLC7524CD ,8-Bit, 0.1 us MDAC, Parallel Input, Fast Control Signalling for DSP, Easy Micro Interfacemaximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)Supply voltage ra ..
TLC7524CDR ,8-Bit, 0.1 us MDAC, Parallel Input, Fast Control Signalling for DSP, Easy Micro Interface SLAS061D − SEPTEMBER 1986 − REVI ..
TMP47P422VFG , TLCS-47 Series
TMP47P422VUG , TLCS-47 Series
8-Bit, 5 us Quad DAC, Parallel Input, Single / Dual Supply
Single Supply Operation Possible CMOS Technologyapplications Process Control Automatic Test Equipment Automatic Calibration of Large System
Parameters, e.g. Gain/Offset
descriptionThe TLC7226C, TLC7226I, and TLC7226M
consist of four 8-bit voltage-output digital-to-
analog converters (DACs) with output buffer
amplifiers and interface logic on a single
monolithic chip.
Separate on-chip latches are provided for each of
the four DACs. Data is transferred into one of
these data latches through a common 8-bit
TTL/CMOS-compatible 5-V input port. Control
inputs A0 and A1 determine which DAC is loaded
when WR goes low. The control logic is speed
compatible with most 8-bit microprocessors.
Each DAC includes an output buffer amplifier
capable of sourcing up to 5 mA of output current.
The TLC7226 performance is specified for input reference voltages from 2 V to VDD − 4 V with dual supplies.
The voltage mode configuration of the DACs allows the TLC7226 to be operated from a single power supply
rail at a reference of 10 V.
The TLC7226 is fabricated in a LinBiCMOS process that has been specifically developed to allow high-speed
digital logic circuits and precision analog circuits to be integrated on the same chip. The TLC7226 has a common
8-bit data bus with individual DAC latches. This provides a versatile control architecture for simple interface to
microprocessors. All latch-enable signals are level triggered.
Combining four DACs, four operational amplifiers, and interface logic into either a 0.3-inch wide, 20-terminal
dual-in-line IC (DIP) or a small 20-terminal small-outline IC (SOIC) allows a dramatic reduction in board space
requirements and offers increased reliability in systems using multiple converters. The Leadless Ceramic Chip
Carrier (LCCC) package provides for operation at military temperature range. The pinout is aimed at optimizing
board layout with all of the analog inputs and outputs at one end of the package and all of the digital inputs at
the other.
Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of
Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.