TLC271BCDR ,Programmable Low-Power Operational Amplifierelectrical characteristicsmediumoperating characteristics(Figures 34 – 65)typical characteristics
TLC271BCDR ,Programmable Low-Power Operational Amplifierfeatures low offset voltage drift, high input impedance, and low noise.Speed in this mode is simila ..
TLC271BCDRG4 ,Programmable Low-Power Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC 0 to 70features low offset voltage drift, high input impedance, extremely low powerconsumption, and high d ..
TLC271BCP ,Programmable Low-Power Operational AmplifierFEATURESBIAS-SELECT MODE† † UNIT UNITP PARAMETER ARAMETERHIGH MEDIUM LOWP 3375 525 50 µ WDSR 3.6 0. ..
TLC271BCP ,Programmable Low-Power Operational Amplifierfeatures low offset voltage drift, high input impedance, and low noise.Speed in this mode approache ..
TLC271BID ,Programmable Low-Power Operational Amplifierfeatures associated with bipolar technology are available in LinCMOS operational amplifiers,withou ..
TMP141AIDBVT ,Digital Out Temperature Sensor with Single-Wire SensorPath BusELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS At T = −40°C to +125°C and V = +3.0V to +3.6V, unless otherwise noted.A ..
TMP141AIDGKR ,Digital Out Temperature Sensor with Single-Wire SensorPath BusNot Recommended For New DesignsTMP141SBAS347A − MARCH 2005 − REVISED JULY 2006Digital Out Temperatu ..
TMP141AIDGKT ,Digital Out Temperature Sensor with Single-Wire SensorPath BusFEATURES DESCRIPTION SensorPath INTERFACEThe TMP141 is a digital output temperature sensor that F ..
TMP141AIDGKTG4 ,Temperature Sensor with SensorPath 1-Wire Interface 8-VSSOP -40 to 125.PIN CONFIGURATIONSTop ViewV+ 1 8 SWDADD0 1 6 ADD1GND 2 7 ADD1GND 2 5 SWD3GND 6 ADD0GND 3 4 V+4GND ..
TMP175 ,Digital Temperature Sensor with 2-Wire Interface SBOS288L–JANUARY 2004–REVISED DECEMBER 20155 Pin Configuration and FunctionsDGK and D Packages8-Pi ..
TMP175AID ,Digital Temperature Sensor with 2-Wire InterfaceFeatures 3 DescriptionThe TMP75 and TMP175 devices are digital1• TMP175: 27 Addressestemperature se ..
Programmable Low-Power Operational Amplifier
–40°C to 85°C...4 V to 16 V
–55°C to 125°C...5 V to 16 V Single-Supply Operation Common-Mode Input Voltage Range
Extends Below the Negative Rail (C-Suffix
and I-Suffix Types) Low Noise... 25 nV/√Hz Typically at
f = 1 kHz (High-Bias Mode) Output Voltage Range Includes Negative
Rail High Input Impedance ...1012 Ω Typ ESD-Protection Circuitry Small-Outline Package Option Also
Available in Tape and Reel Designed-In Latch-Up Immunity
descriptionThe TLC271 operational amplifier combines a
wide range of input offset voltage grades with low
offset voltage drift and high input impedance. In
addition, the TLC271 offers a bias-select mode
that allows the user to select the best combination of power dissipation and ac performance for a particular
application. These devices use Texas Instruments silicon-gate LinCMOS technology, which provides offset
voltage stability far exceeding the stability available with conventional metal-gate processes.
AVAILABLE OPTIONSThe D package is available taped and reeled. Add R suffix to the device type (e.g., TLC271BCDR).
Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of
Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.
NC – No internal connection