TLC25L4CD ,Quad uPower Low-Voltage Operational AmplifierTLC254, TLC254A, TLC254B, TLC254Y, TLC25L4, TLC25L4A, TLC25L4B TLC25L4Y, TLC25M4, TLC25M4A, TLC25M4 ..
TLC25L4CDG4 ,Quad uPower Low-Voltage Operational Amplifier 14-SOIC 0 to 70FEATURESTLC25L4_C TLC25M4_C TLC254_CPARAMETER(LOW BIAS) (MEDIUM BIAS) (HIGH BIAS)Supply current (Ty ..
TLC25L4CN ,Quad uPower Low-Voltage Operational Amplifierfeatures associated with bipolar technology are available with LinCMOS operationalamplifiers withou ..
TLC25M2ACD ,LinCMOS Dual Operational AmplifierTLC252, TLC252A, TLC252B, TLC252Y, TLC25L2, TLC25L2A, TLC25L2BTLC25L2Y, TLC25M2, TLC25M2A, TLC25M2B ..
TLC25M2CDR ,Dual Low-Power Low-Voltage Operational Amplifierfeatures associated with bipolar technology are available withLinCMOS operational amplifiers witho ..
TLC25M2CP ,Dual Low-Power Low-Voltage Operational AmplifierTLC252, TLC252A, TLC252B, TLC252Y, TLC25L2, TLC25L2A, TLC25L2BTLC25L2Y, TLC25M2, TLC25M2A, TLC25M2B ..
TMP05BRT-REEL ,?.5艭 Accurate PWM Temperature Sensor in 5-Lead SC-70GENERAL DESCRIPTION which the TMP05/TMP06 measure temperature in continu-The TMP05/TMP06 are monoli ..
TMP100MDBVREP ,Enhanced Product, Temperature Sensor with I2C/SMBus Interface in SOT-23 6-SOT-23 -55 to 125TMP100−EPDIGITAL TEMPERATURE SENSOR2 WITH I C INTERFACESGLS254B − JULY 2005 − REVISED OCTOBER 2013 ..
TMP100NA/250 ,Digital Temperature Sensor with I2C Serial InterfaceFeatures 3 Description2The TMP100 and TMP101 devices are digital1• Digital Output: SMBus™, Two-Wire ..
TMP100NA/250G4 ,Temperature Sensor with I2C/SMBus Interface in SOT-23 6-SOT-23 Electrical Characteristics....... 511.1 Related Links.. 236.6 Timing Requirements... 611.2 Trademar ..
TMP100NA/3K ,Digital Temperature Sensor with I2C Serial InterfaceFeatures... 17.4 Device Functional Modes.... 142 Applications..... 17.5 Programming..... 153 Descri ..
TMP100NA/3KG4 ,Temperature Sensor with I2C/SMBus Interface in SOT-23 6-SOT-23 -55 to 125Features One Address Pin and an2Two-Wire, and I C interface compatibility. TheALERT PinTMP100 devic ..
Quad uPower Low-Voltage Operational Amplifier
True Single-Supply Operation Common-Mode Input Voltage Includes theNegative Rail Low Noise... 25 nV/√Hz Typ at f = 1 kHz
(High-Bias Version)
descriptionThe TLC254, TLC254A, TLC254B, TLC25L4,
TLC254L4A, TLC254L4B, TLC25M4, TLC25M4A
and TL25M4B are low-cost, low-power quad
operational amplifiers designed to operate with
single or dual supplies. These devices utilize the
Texas Instruments silicon gate LinCMOS
process, giving them stable input-offset voltages that are available in selected grades of 2, 5, or 10 mV
maximum, very high input impedances, and extremely low input offset and bias currents. Because the input
common-mode range extends to the negative rail and the power consumption is extremely low, this series is
ideally suited for battery-powered or energy-conserving applications. The series offers operation down to a
1.4-V supply, is stable at unity gain, and has excellent noise characteristics.
These devices have internal electrostatic-discharge (ESD) protection circuits that prevent catastrophic failures
at voltages up to 2000 V as tested under MIL-STD-883C, Method 3015.1. However, care should be exercised
in handling these devices as exposure to ESD may result in degradation of the device parametric performance.
Because of the extremely high input impedance and low input bias and offset currents, applications for these
devices include many areas that have previously been limited to BIFET and NFET product types. Any circuit
using high-impedance elements and requiring small offset errors is a good candidate for cost-effective use of
these devices. Many features associated with bipolar technology are available with LinCMOS operational
amplifiers without the power penalties of traditional bipolar devices.
Available optionsThe D package is available taped and reeled. Add the suffix R to the device type (e.g., TLC254CDR). Chips
are tested at 25°C.