TLC2554IDR ,12-bit, 400 KSPS ADC, 4-Ch. Serial With Powerdown TLC2554, TLC2558 5-V, 12-BIT, 400 KSPS, 4/8 CHANNEL, LOW POWER,SERIAL ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS ..
TLC2554IPW ,12-bit, 400 KSPS ADC, 4-Ch. Serial With Powerdown TLC2554, TLC2558 5-V, 12-BIT, 400 KSPS, 4/8 CHANNEL, LOW POWER,SERIAL ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS ..
TLC2555ID ,12-Bit, 400 kSPS ADC, Serial Out, TMS320 Compatible (up to 10MHz), Single Ch. Pseudo-differentialTLC2551, TLC2552, TLC25555-V, LOW-POWER, 12-BIT, 175/360 KSPS,SERIAL ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS W ..
TLC2555ID ,12-Bit, 400 kSPS ADC, Serial Out, TMS320 Compatible (up to 10MHz), Single Ch. Pseudo-differentialfeatures a high-speedserial link to modern host processors with SCLK up to 20 MHz. The maximum SCLK ..
TLC2558CDW ,12-bit, 400 KSPS ADC, 8-Ch. Serial With Powerdown TLC2554, TLC2558 5-V, 12-BIT, 400 KSPS, 4/8 CHANNEL, LOW POWER,SERIAL ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS ..
TLC2558IDW ,12-bit, 400 KSPS ADC, 8-Ch. Serial With Powerdown TLC2554, TLC2558 5-V, 12-BIT, 400 KSPS, 4/8 CHANNEL, LOW POWER,SERIAL ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS ..
TMP03 ,Serial Digital Output Thermometers (Temperature Sensor)Specifications subject to change without notice.Test Load100 pF to Ground–2–REV. ATMP03/TMP04ABSOLU ..
TMP03 ,Serial Digital Output Thermometers (Temperature Sensor)GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe TMP03/TMP04 are monolithic temperature detectors thatgenerate a modulated se ..
TMP03FRU ,Serial Digital Output ThermometersSpecifications subject to change without notice.Test Load100 pF to Ground–2–REV. 0TMP03/TMP04(V+ = ..
TMP03FS ,Serial Digital Output ThermometersGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe TMP03/TMP04 is a monolithic temperature detector thatgenerates a modulated s ..
TMP03FT9 ,Serial Digital Output ThermometersCHARACTERISTICSMaximum Supply Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +9 VMaximum O ..
TMP04FS ,Serial Digital Output ThermometersSPECIFICATIONS(V+ = +5 V, –408C ≤ T ≤ 1008C unless otherwise noted)TMP03FAParameter Symbol Conditio ..
12-bit, 400 KSPS ADC, 4-Ch. Serial With Powerdown
Signal-to-Noise and Distortion Ratio:69 dB, fi = 12 kHz Spurious Free Dynamic Range: 75 dB,
fi = 12 kHz SPI/DSP-Compatible Serial Interfaces With
SCLK up to 20 MHz Single Supply 5 Vdc
External Ref, 6 mA at 5.5 V, Internal Ref) Power Down: Software/Hardware
Power-Down Mode (1 μA Max, Ext Ref),
Auto Power-Down Mode (1 μA, Ext Ref) Programmable Auto-Channel Sweep SDO
descriptionThe TLC2558 and TLC2554 are a family of high-performance, 12-bit low power, 1.6 μs, CMOS analog-to-digital
converters (ADC) which operate from a single 5 V power supply. These devices have three digital inputs and
a 3-state output [chip select (CS), serial input-output clock (SCLK), serial data input (SDI), and serial data output
(SDO)] that provide a direct 4-wire interface to the serial port of most popular host microprocessors (SPI
interface). When interfaced with a DSP, a frame sync (FS) signal is used to indicate the start of a serial data
In addition to a high-speed A/D converter and versatile control capability, these devices have an on-chip analog
multiplexer that can select any analog inputs or one of three internal self-test voltages. The sample-and-hold
function is automatically started after the fourth SCLK edge (normal sampling) or can be controlled by a special
pin, CSTART , to extend the sampling period (extended sampling). The normal sampling period can also be
programmed as short (12 SCLKs) or as long (24 SCLKs) to accommodate faster SCLK operation popular
among high-performance signal processors. The TLC2558 and TLC2554 are designed to operate with very low
power consumption. The power-saving feature is further enhanced with software/hardware/auto power down
modes and programmable conversion speeds. The converter uses the external SCLK as the source of the
conversion clock to achieve higher (up to 1.6 μs when a 20 MHz SCLK is used) conversion speed. There is a
4-V internal reference available. An optional external reference can also be used to achieve maximum flexibility.
Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of
Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.