TL497ACNSR ,Switching Voltage Regulatormaximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
TL497ACPWR ,Switching Voltage Regulatorelectrical characteristics over recommended operating conditions, V = 6 V (unless otherwiseCCnoted) ..
TL497AIN ,Switching Voltage Regulatorblock diagram11†BASE12†BASE DRIVECurrent13CUR LIM SENSLimitSense3FREQ CONTROL2OscillatorINHIBIT110C ..
TL499A ,Wide-Range Power-Supply Controller6.3 Recommended Operating Conditionsover operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise not ..
TL499ACP ,Wide-Range Power-Supply ControllerMaximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, which do no ..
TL499ACP. ,Wide-Range Power-Supply ControllerBlock Diagram..... 6Information..... 124 Revision HistoryNOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions ..
Switching Voltage Regulator
Adjustable Output Voltage Input Regulation... 0.2% Typ Output Regulation... 0.4% Typ Soft Start-Up Capability Can be Used in Buck, Boost, andInverting Configurations
description/ordering informationThe TL497A incorporates all the active functions required in the construction of switching voltage regulators.
It also can be used as the control element to drive external components for high-power-output applications. The
TL497A was designed for ease of use in step-up, step-down, or voltage-inversion applications requiring high
The TL497A is a fixed-on-time variable-frequency switching-voltage-regulator control circuit. The switch-on
time is programmed by a single external capacitor connected between FREQ CONTROL and GND. This
capacitor, CT, is charged by an internal constant-current generator to a predetermined threshold. The charging
current and the threshold vary proportionally with VCC . Thus, the switch-on time remains constant over the
specified range of input voltage (4.5 V to 12 V). Typical on times for various values of CT are as follows:
The output voltage is controlled by an external resistor ladder network (R1 and R2 in Figures 1, 2, and 3) that
provides a feedback voltage to the comparator input. This feedback voltage is compared to the reference
voltage of 1.2 V (relative to SUBSTRATE) by the high-gain comparator. When the output voltage decays below
the value required to maintain 1.2 V at the comparator input, the comparator enables the oscillator circuit, which
charges and discharges CT as described above. The internal pass transistor is driven on during the charging
of CT . The internal transistor can be used directly for switching currents up to 500 mA. Its collector and emitter
are uncommitted, and it is current driven to allow operation from the positive supply voltage or ground. An
internal Schottky diode matched to the current characteristics of the internal transistor also is available for
blocking or commutating purposes. The TL497A also has on-chip current-limit circuitry that senses the peak
currents in the switching regulator and protects the inductor against saturation and the pass transistor against
overstress. The current limit is adjustable and is programmed by a single sense resistor, RCL , connected
between VCC and CUR LIM SENS. The current-limit circuitry is activated when 0.7 V is developed across RCL.
External gating is provided by the INHIBIT input. When the INHIBIT input is high, the output is turned off.
Simplicity of design is a primary feature of the TL497A. With only six external components (three resistors, two
capacitors, and one inductor), the TL497A operates in numerous voltage-conversion applications (step-up,
step-down, invert) with as much as 85% of the source power delivered to the load. The TL497A replaces the
TL497 in all applications.
The TL497AC is characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C. The TL497AI is characterized for operation from
−40°C to 85°C.
Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of
Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.