TL3116CPW ,Ultra-Fast Low-Power Precision Comparatormaximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)Supply voltage, V ..
TL3116CPWR ,Ultra-Fast Low-Power Precision Comparatormaximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)Supply voltage, V ..
TL3116ID ,Ultra-Fast Low-Power Precision Comparator SLCS132C − MARCH 1997 − REVISED MAY 1997 Ultra- ..
TL3116IDR ,Ultra-Fast Low-Power Precision Comparatormaximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
TL3116IDRG4 ,Ultra-Fast Low-Power Precision Comparator 8-SOIC -40 to 85 SLCS132C − MARCH 1997 − REVISED MAY 1997 Ultra- ..
TL317 ,3-Terminal, 100mA Adjustable Positive Voltage RegulatorElectrical Characteristics....... 511.3 Trademarks..... 146.6 Typical Characteristic... 511.4 Elect ..
TLV320AIC29IRGZRG4 ,Low-Power Mono ADC / Stereo DAC with 6 audio inputs and HP/Speaker Amplifier 48-VQFN -40 to 85SLAS494B − DECEMBER 2005 − REVISED OCTOBER 2007This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas ..
TLV320AIC29IRGZT ,Low-Power Mono ADC / Stereo DAC with 6 audio inputs and HP/Speaker Amplifier 48-VQFN -40 to 85FEATURES APPLICATIONS Personal Digital Assistants Stereo Audio DAC and Mono Audio ADC Cellular S ..
TLV320AIC29IRGZTG4 ,Low-Power Mono ADC / Stereo DAC with 6 audio inputs and HP/Speaker Amplifier 48-VQFN -40 to 85MAXIMUM RATINGS(1), (2)over operating free-air temperature range unless otherwise noted UNITSAVDD1/ ..
TLV320AIC3007IRSBR ,Low Power Stereo CODEC with Integrated Class-D Amplifier 40-WQFN -40 to 85FEATURES • Extensive Modular Power Control2• Stereo CODEC with Integrated Mono Class-D • Power Supp ..
TLV320AIC3007IRSBT ,Low Power Stereo CODEC with Integrated Class-D Amplifier 40-WQFN -40 to 85These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the dev ..
TLV320AIC3100IRHBR ,Low-Power Audio Codec With Audio Processing and Mono Class-D Amplifier 32-VQFN -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics.. 9 11.1 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates. 1255.6 Power D ..
Ultra-Fast Low-Power Precision Comparator
Complementary Outputs Input Common-Mode Voltage IncludesNegative Rail Low Offset Voltage No Minimum Slew Rate Requirement Output Latch Capability Functional Replacement to the LT1116
descriptionThe TL3116 is an ultra-fast comparator designed
to interface directly to TTL logic while operating
from either a single 5-V power supply or dual
±5-V supplies. The input common-mode voltage
extends to the negative rail for ground sensing
applications. It features extremely tight offset
voltage and high gain for precision applications. It
has complementary outputs that can be latched
using the LATCH ENABLE terminal. Figure 1
shows the positive supply current of the
comparator. The TL3116 only requires 12.7 mA
(typical) to achieve a propagation delay of 10 ns.
The TL3116 is a pin-for-pin functional replace-
ment for the LT1116 comparator, offering
high-speed operation but consuming much less
AVAILABLE OPTIONS†The PW packages are available left-ended taped and reeled only.
‡Chip forms are tested at TA = 25°C only.
symbol (each comparator)
Figure 1
−50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 125
− Positive Supply Current − mA
TA − Free-Air Temperature − °C