TL062CPSR ,Dual Low-Power JFET-Input General-Purpose Operational AmplifierMaximum Ratings.. 410 Power Supply Recommendations... 196.2 ESD Ratings........ 511 Layout.... 206. ..
TL062CPSR ,Dual Low-Power JFET-Input General-Purpose Operational AmplifierPin Functions (continued)PINTL061 TL062 TL064TYPE DESCRIPTIONNAMED, JG, P, D, J, N, NS,D, P, PS FK ..
TL062CPSR ,Dual Low-Power JFET-Input General-Purpose Operational AmplifierFeatures... 18.3 Feature Description.... 142 Applications..... 18.4 Device Functional Modes.... 153 ..
TL062CPSRG4 ,Dual Low-Power JFET-Input General-Purpose Operational Amplifier 8-SO 0 to 70Electrical Characteristics for TL06xM and TL064M.. 712.4 Trademarks..... 216.10 Operating Character ..
TL062CPW ,Dual Low-Power JFET-Input General-Purpose Operational AmplifierFeatures with Military Disclaimer........ 12 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright 1978–2015, Te ..
TL062CPW ,Dual Low-Power JFET-Input General-Purpose Operational Amplifier SLOS078L–NOVEMBER 1978–REVISED MAY 20155 Pin Configuration and FunctionsTL061x D, P, and PS Packag ..
TLV0831CD ,8-Bit 49 kSPS ADC Serial Out, Differential input, Configurable as SE input, 1 Ch. SLAS148 − SEP ..
TLV0831CDR ,8-Bit 49 kSPS ADC Serial Out, Differential input, Configurable as SE input, 1 Ch. SLAS148 − SEP ..
TLV0831CDR ,8-Bit 49 kSPS ADC Serial Out, Differential input, Configurable as SE input, 1 Ch.block diagramStartCLKFlip-FlopCSCLKShift RegisterODD/EVENDI DS(TLV0832RStartonly) CLKTo InternalCir ..
TLV0831ID ,8-Bit 49 kSPS ADC Serial Out, Differential input, Configurable as SE input, 1 Ch.block diagramStartCLKFlip-FlopCSCLKShift RegisterODD/EVENDI DS(TLV0832RStartonly) CLKTo InternalCir ..
TLV0831IDR ,8-Bit 49 kSPS ADC Serial Out, Differential input, Configurable as SE input, 1 Ch. SLAS148 − SEP ..
TLV0832CD ,8-Bit 44.7 kSPS ADC Serial Out, Muxed Twin Ch. w/SE or Differential Option, 2 Ch. SLAS148 − SEP ..
Dual Low-Power JFET-Input General-Purpose Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC 0 to 70
TL06xx Features Very Low Power Consumption Typical Supply Current: Wide Common-Mode and
Ranges Low Input Bias and Offset• Common-Mode Input VoltageIncludes VCC+• Output Short-Circuit Protection• High Input Impedance: Internal Frequency Compensation• Latch-Up-Free Operation• High Slew Rate: 3.5 V/μs Typical On Products Compliantto MIL-PRF-38535,
Device Information(1)All Parameters Are Tested Unless OtherwiseNoted. OnAll Other Products, ProductionProcessing Does Not Necessarily Include TestingofAll Parameters.
(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Schematic Symbol