TJA1020T ,LIN transceiverGENERAL DESCRIPTIONGeneral The TJA1020 is the interface between the LINmaster/slave protocol contro ..
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LIN transceiver
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
LIN transceiver TJA1020
General Baud rate up to 20 Kbaud Very low ElectroMagnetic Emission (EME) High ElectroMagnetic Immunity (EMI) Low slope mode for an even further reduction of EME Passive behaviour in unpowered state Input levels compatible with 3.3 and5 V devices Integrated termination resistor for Local Interconnect
Network (LIN) slave applications Wake-up source recognition (local or remote) Supports K-line like functions.
Low power management Very low current consumption in sleep mode with local
and remote wake-up.
Protections Transmit data (TXD) dominant time-out function Bus terminal and battery pin protected against
transients in the automotive environment (ISO7637) Bus terminal short-circuit proof to battery and ground Thermally protected.
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe TJA1020 is the interface between the LIN
master/slave protocol controller and the physical bus in a
Local Interconnect Network (LIN). It is primarily intended
for in-vehicle sub-networks using baud rates from 2.4upto Kbaud.
The transmit data stream of the protocol controller at the
TXD input is converted by the LIN transceiver into a bus
signal with controlled slew rate and wave shaping to
minimize EME. The LIN bus output pinis pulled HIGHvia
an internal termination resistor. For a master application
an external resistor in series with a diode should be
connected between pin INH or pin BAT and pin LIN. The
receiver detects the data stream at the LIN bus input pin
and transfers it via pin RXD to the microcontroller.
In normal transceiver operation the TJA1020 can be
switchedin the normal slope modeor the low slope mode. the low slope mode the TJA1020 lengthens the rise and
fall slopesof the LIN bus signal, thus further reducing the
already very low emission in normal slope mode.
In sleep mode the power consumption of the TJA1020 is
very low, whereasin failure modes the power consumption
is reduced to a minimum.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
LIN transceiver TJA1020
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
LIN transceiver TJA1020
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThe TJA1020 is the interface between the LIN master/slave protocol controller and the physical bus in a Local
Interconnect Network (LIN). The LIN transceiver is optimized for the maximum specified LIN transmission speed of Kbaud providing optimum EMC performance due to wave shaping of the LIN output.
Operating modesThe TJA1020 provides two modesof normal operation, one intermediate mode and one very low power mode. Figure3
shows the state diagram.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
LIN transceiver TJA1020
Table 1 Operating modes
Notes The standby modeis entered automatically upon any localor remote wake-up event during sleep mode. Pin INH and
the 30 kΩ termination resistor at pin LIN are switched on. The internal wake-up source flag (set if a local wake-up did occur and fed to pin TXD) will be reset when entering
normal slope or low slope mode (NSLP goes HIGH). The wake-up interrupt (on pin RXD)is released when entering normal slopeor low slope mode (NSLP goes HIGH). The normal slope modeis entered duringa positive edgeon NSLP while pin TXDis already set HIGH.In the event
of a short-circuit to ground on pin TXD, the transmitter will be disabled. The low slope mode is entered during the positive edge on NSLP while pin TXD is already pulled LOW.
Sleep modeThis modeis the most power saving modeof the TJA1020
and the default state after power-up (first battery supply).
Despite itsextremelowcurrent consumption, theTJA1020
can still be waken up remotely via pin LIN, or waken up
locallyvia pin NWAKE,or activated directly via pin NSLP.
Filters at the inputs of the receiver (LIN), of pin NWAKE
andofpin NSLP are preventing unwanted wake-up events
due to automotive transients or EMI. All wake-up events
have to be maintained for a certain time period (tBUS,
tNWAKE and tgotonorm).
The sleep mode is initiated by a falling edge on the pin
NSLP while TXD is already set HIGH. After a filter time
continuously driven sleep command (pin NSLP= LOW),
pin INH becomes floating.
In sleep mode the internal slave termination between
pins LIN and BAT is disabled to minimize the power
dissipation in case pin LIN is short-circuited to ground.
Onlya weak pull-up between pins LIN and BATis present.
The sleep mode can be activated independently from the
actual levelonpin LINor NWAKE.Soitis guaranteed that
the lowest power consumptionis achievable evenin casea continuous dominant levelon pin LINora continuous
LOW on pin NWAKE.
Standby modeThe standby mode is entered automatically whenever a
localor remote wake-up occurs while the TJA1020isinits
sleep mode. These wake-up events activate pin INH and
enable the slave termination resistor at the pin LIN. As a
result of the HIGH condition on pin INH the voltage
regulator and the microcontroller can be activated.
The standby modeis signalledbya LOW levelonpin RXD
which can be used as an interrupt for the microcontroller. the standby mode (pin NSLPis still LOW), the condition pin TXD (weak pull-downor strong pull-down) indicates
the wake-up source: weak pull-downfora remote wake-up
request and strong pull-down for a local wake-up request.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
LIN transceiver TJA1020
Settingpin NSLP HIGH during standby mode resultsin the
following events: An immediate reset of the wake-up source flag; thus
releasing the possible strong pull-down at pin TXD
before the actual mode change (after tgotonorm) is
performed A change into normal slope mode if the HIGH level on
pin NSLP has been maintainedfora certain time period
(tgotonorm) while pin TXD is pulled HIGH A change into low slope mode if the HIGH level on pin
NSLP has been maintained for a certain time period
(tgotonorm) while pin TXD is pulled LOW either
deliberately driven by the microcontroller, or due to a
failure. In the event of a short-circuit to ground or an
open-wireonpin TXD, the LINoutput remains recessive
(fail safe)A resetof the wake-up request signalon pin RXDif the
HIGH level on pin NSLP has been maintained for a
certain time period (tgotonorm).
Normal slope modeIn the normal slope mode the transceiver is able to
transmit andreceive datavia the LIN busline. The receiver
detects the data stream at the LIN bus input pin and
transfers it via pin RXD to the microcontroller (see Fig.1):
HIGHata recessive level and LOWata dominant levelon
the bus. The receiver has a supply voltage related
threshold with hysteresis and an integrated filter to
suppress bus line noise. The transmit data stream of the
protocol controller at the TXD input is converted by the
transmitter into a bus signal with controlled slew rate and
wave shapingto minimize EME. The LIN bus output pinis
pulled HIGHviaan internal slave termination resistor. For
a master application an external resistor in series with a
diode should be connected between pin INH or BATon
one side and pin LIN on the other side (see Fig.7).
Being in the sleep or standby mode, the TJA1020 enters
normal slope mode whenevera HIGH level onpin NSLPis
maintained for a time of at least tgotonorm provided its
preceding positive edge is executed while pin TXD is
already set to HIGH.
The TJA1020 switches to sleep mode in case of a LOW
levelon pin NSLP, maintained duringa certain time period
(tgotosleep) while pin TXD is already set to HIGH.
Low slope modeThe only difference between the normal slope mode and
the low slope mode is the transmitter behaviour.
In the low slope mode the transmitter output stage drives
the LIN bus line with lengthened rise andfall slopes. This
will further reduce the already outstanding EME in the
normal slopemode. The low slope modeis perfectly suited
for applications where transmission speed is not critical.
The mode selectionis doneby the LIN transceiver aftera
positive edge on pin NSLP, maintained for a certain time
period (tgotonorm). If pin TXD is LOW at that time, the low
slope mode is entered, otherwise the normal mode is
entered. The transition to the low slope mode will be
executedduringan open pinTXD (fail-safe),a short-circuit
from pin TXD to ground (fail-safe) or an intended LOW
level of pin TXD programmed by the microcontroller. The
transmitter is enabled after a LOW-to-HIGH transition on
pin TXD. In the event of a short-circuit to ground on pin
TXD, the transmitter will be disabled.
Wake-upThere are three ways to wake-up a TJA1020 which is in
sleep mode: Remote wake-up via a dominant bus state Local wake-up via a negative edge at pin NWAKE Mode change (pin NSLPis HIGH) from sleep modeto
normal slope/low slope mode.
Remote and local wake-upA falling edge at pin NWAKE followed by a LOW level
maintained for a certain time period (tNWAKE) results in a
local wake-up. The pin NWAKE provides an internal
pull-up towards pin BAT.In orderto prevent EMI issues,it
is recommended to connect an unused pin NWAKE to
pin BAT.
If, during power-up, pin NWAKE is LOW for a certain
period of time (tNWAKE) this will also result in a local
A falling edge at pin LIN followed by a LOW level
maintained for a certain time period (tBUS) and a rising
edgeat pin LIN respectively (see Fig.4) resultsina remote
After a local or remote wake-up pin INH is activated (it
goes HIGH) and the internal slave termination resistor is
switched on. The wake-up requestis indicatedbya LOW
active wake-up request signalon pin RXDto interrupt the
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
LIN transceiver TJA1020
Wake-up via mode transitionIt is also possible to set pin INH HIGH with a mode
transition towards normal slope/low slope mode via
pin NSLP. This is useful for applications with a
continuously powered microcontroller.
Wake-up source recognitionThe TJA1020 can distinguish between a local wake-up
requeston pin NWAKE anda remote wake-up requestvia
a dominant bus state. The wake-up source flag is set in
case the wake-up request was a local one. The wake-up
source canbe readon pin TXDin the standby mode.Ifan
external pull-up resistor on pin TXD to the power supply
voltage of the microcontroller has been added a HIGH
level indicatesa remote wake-up request (weak pull-down
at pin TXD) and a LOW level indicates a local wake-up
request (strong pull-downatpin TXD; much stronger than
the external pull-up resistor).
The wake-up request flag (signalled on pin RXD) as well
as the wake-up source flag (signalled on pin TXD) are
reset immediately, if the microcontroller sets pin NSLP
TXD dominant time-out function ‘TXD Dominant Time-out’ timer circuit prevents the bus
line from being driven to a permanent dominant state
(blocking all network communication) if pin TXD is forced
permanently LOW by a hardware and/or software
application failure. The timer is triggered by a negative
edge on pin TXD. If the duration of the LOW level on
pin TXD exceeds the internal timer value (tdom), the
transmitteris disabled, driving the bus line intoa recessive
state. The timer is reset by a positive edge on pin TXD.
Fail-safe featuresPin TXD provides a pull-down to GND in order to force a
predefined level on input pin TXD in case the pin TXD is
Pin NSLP provides a pull-down to GND in order to force
the transceiver into sleep mode in case the pin NSLP is
Pin RXDis set floatingin caseof lost power supplyon pin
The current of the transmitter output stage is limited in
orderto protect the transmitter against short-circuitto pins
BAT or GND. lossof power (pins BAT and GND) hasno impactto the
bus line and the microcontroller. There are no reverse
currents from the bus. The LIN transceiver can be
disconnected from the power supply without influencing
the LIN bus.
The output driver at pin LIN is protected against
overtemperature conditions. If the junction temperature
exceeds the shutdown junction temperature Tj(sd), the
thermal protection circuit disables the output driver. The
driver is enabled again if the junction temperature has
been decreased below Tj(sd) and a recessive level is
present at pin TXD.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
LIN transceiver TJA1020
LIMITING VALUESIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134); all voltages are referenced to pin GND.
Notes Equivalent to discharging a 100 pF capacitor through a 1.5 kΩ resistor. Equivalentto discharginga 200pF capacitor througha10Ω resistor anda 0.75 μH coil.In the eventofa discharge
from pin INH to pin BAT: −150V
According to IEC60747-1.
Quality specification in accordance with “AEC- Q100”.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
LIN transceiver TJA1020
VBAT=5to27 V; Tvj= −40to +150 °C; RL(LIN-BAT)= 500 Ω; all voltages are defined with respect to ground; positive
currents flow into the IC; typical values are given at VBAT=12 V; unless otherwise specified; notes1 and2.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
LIN transceiver TJA1020
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
LIN transceiver TJA1020