THS9000DRWT ,50 MHz to 750 MHz Cascadable Amplifier 6-VSON -40 to 85maximum ratings under any condition is limited by the constraints of the silicon process. Stresses ..
THV1021 , 2ch Buck/Boost Inverting
THV1023 , 2ch Buck Controller
THV3011 , 1ch DC/DC converter
THV3056 , 3ch Buck/Boost 2ch CP 1ch HVLDO 1ch LVLDO Controller
TI380C25PGE ,Token Ring Commprocessor 144-LQFP
TLE2071ID ,Low-Noise High-Speed JFET-Input Operational Amplifier
TLE2071IP ,Low-Noise High-Speed JFET-Input Operational Amplifier
TLE2072AQDRG4Q1 ,Automotive Excalibur Low-Noise High-Speed JFET-Input Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC -40 to 125 TLE207x-Q1, TLE207xA-Q1EXCALIBUR LOW-NOISE HIGH-SPEEDJFET-INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERSSGLS226B − ..
TLE2072CD ,Dual Low-Noise High-Speed JFET-Input Operational Amplifier
TLE2072CP ,Dual Low-Noise High-Speed JFET-Input Operational Amplifier
TLE2072CP ,Dual Low-Noise High-Speed JFET-Input Operational Amplifier
50 MHz to 400 MHz Casadable Amplifier
C(BYP) 5 2
www.ti.com MHz to 750 MHz CASCADEABLE
Checkfor Samples: THS9000
23• High Dynamic Range • IF OIP3=36 dBm – NF< 4.5 dB – Single-Supply Voltage – High Speed – VS=3Vto5V IS= Adjustable Input/Output Impedance 50Ω
DESCRIPTIONThe THS9000isa medium power, cascadeable, gain block
incorporates internal impedance matchingto 50 Ω. The part
than 15-dB input and output return loss from50 MHzto 325 MHz
Design requires only two dc-blocking capacitors, one power-supply
bias resistor.