THS7316DR ,3-Channel HDTV Video Amplifier with 5th Order Filters and 6dB Gain 8-SOIC -40 to 85SLOS521A–MARCH 2007–REVISED JANUARY 2008FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM+Vs140 mV+Levelgm-ShiftChannel 1 Channel ..
THS7316DRG4 ,3-Channel HDTV Video Amplifier with 5th Order Filters and 6dB Gain 8-SOIC -40 to 85MAXIMUM RATINGS(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)VALUE UNITSuppl ..
THS7316DRG4 ,3-Channel HDTV Video Amplifier with 5th Order Filters and 6dB Gain 8-SOIC -40 to 85FEATURESDESCRIPTION• 3 HDTV Video Amplifiers for Y'P' P' 720p andB R1080i, G'B'R' (R'G'B'), VGA/SVG ..
THS7319IZSVR ,3-Channel Very Low Power, Low Profile EDTV Video Amplifiers with 6-dB Gain 9-uCSP -40 to 85MAXIMUM RATINGSOver operating free-air temperature range, unless otherwise noted.THS7319 UNITSupply ..
THS7327 ,3-Channel RGBHV Video Buffer with I2C Control, Selectable Filters, Monitor Pass-Thru, 2:1 MUXFEATURES• Rail-to-Rail Output:– Output Swings Within 0.1 V From the Rails2345• 3-Video Amplifiers f ..
THS7347IPHP ,3-Channel RGBHV Video Buffer with I2C Control, Monitor Pass-Thru, 2:1 MUX 48-HTQFP -40 to 85FEATURES APPLICATIONS2345• 3-Video Amplifiers for CVBS, S-Video, EDTV,• ProjectorsHDTV Y'P' P' , G' ..
TLE2061ACD ,Excalibur JFET-Input High-Output-Drive uPower Operational Amplifier (Low-Power Version TLE2071) µ SLOS193B ..
TLE2061BM ,JFET-Input Low Power High Drive Single Operational Amplifier 8-CDIP -55 to 125 µ SLOS193B ..
TLE2061CD ,JFET-Input High-Output-Drive uPower Operational Amplifier µ SLOS193B ..
TLE2061CDR ,JFET-Input High-Output-Drive uPower Operational Amplifier µ SLOS193B ..
TLE2061CDRG4 ,JFET-Input High-Output-Drive uPower Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC µ SLOS193B ..
TLE2061ID ,JFET-Input High-Output-Drive uPower Operational Amplifier µ SLOS193B ..
3-Channel HDTV Video Amplifier with 5th Order Filters and 6dB Gain
Encoder / G’ / R’R
3.3 VW
G’B’R’R / B’BW
3-Channel HDTV Video 3 HDTV Video Amplifiers for Y'P'BP'R
1080i, G'B'R' (R'G'B'), VGA/SVGA/XGA (SiGe)isa low power•
Integrated Low-Pass Filters integrated video
– 5th -Order 36-MHz (–3 dB) Butterworth– –1 dB Passband Bandwidth 30 dB Attenuationat74 MHz•
Versatile Input Biasing– DC-Coupled With 140-mV Input AC-Coupled with Sync-Tip Clamp– Allows AC-Coupled With Biasing Built-in 6-dB Gain (2V/V)•
3-Vto 5-V Single Supply Operation sync-tip clamp•
Rail-to-Rail Output:Y’or Green with
Output Swings Within 100 mV From P’B/P’R/Non-sync an external
Rails Allowing ACor DC Output– Supports Driving2 Lines per Channel for all output•
Low 18.3-mAat 3.3-V Total Quiescent output stage with•
Low Differential Gain/Phaseof 0.1% line driving. The•
SOIC-8 Package channel, or 75-Ω asa video line current makesit•
Set Top Box Output Video Buffering•
PVR/DVDR Output Buffering USB/Portable Low Power Video Buffering