THS4509QRGTRQ1 ,Automotive Catalog Wideband Operational Amplifier 16-QFN -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe THS4509-Q1 is a wideband, fully differential1• Qualified for Automotive A ..
THS4509RGTR ,Wideband Operational AmplifierElectrical Characteristics: V – V = 3 V...... 8S+ S–12.4 Community Resources...... 407.7 Dissipatio ..
THS4509RGTRG4 ,Wideband Operational Amplifier 16-QFN -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe THS4509 device is a wideband, fully-differential1• Fully-Differential Arc ..
THS4509RGTT ,Wideband Operational AmplifierFeatures... 19 Application and Implementation...... 292 Applications..... 19.1 Application Informat ..
THS4511RGTR ,Wideband, Low Noise, Low Distortion Fully Differential Amplifier 16-QFN -40 to 85MAXIMUM RATINGSOver operating free-air temperature range, unless otherwise noted.UNITV Supply V to ..
THS4511RGTRG4 ,Wideband, Low Noise, Low Distortion Fully Differential Amplifier 16-QFN -40 to 85FEATURES DESCRIPTION2• Fully-Differential ArchitectureThe THS4511 is a wideband, fully-differential ..
TLC7701IDRG4 ,Adjustable Single SVS W/Programmable Time Delay 8-SOIC -40 to 85
TLC7701IPWR ,Adjustable Single SVS W/Programmable Time Delay
TLC7701QPW ,Adjustable Single SVS W/Programmable Time Delay
TLC7703IP ,Single SVS For 3.0V Systems W/Programmable Time Delay
TLC7703IPW ,Single SVS For 3.0V Systems W/Programmable Time Delay
TLC7703IPWR ,Single SVS For 3.0V Systems W/Programmable Time Delay
Automotive Catalog Wideband Operational Amplifier
50 Ω
69.8 Ω
100 Ω
69.8 Ω
100 Ω 348 Ω
1:1 VOUT
To 50 Ω
Sample &
Tools &
Support &
THS4509-Q1 1.9 nV/√Hz, and extremely low harmonic distortionof
–75-dBc HD2 and –80-dBc HD3at 100 MHz with• Minimum Gainof2 V/V(6 dB) 2 Vpp,G= 10 dB, and 1-kΩ load. Slew rateis very• Bandwidth: 1900 MHz highat 6600 V/μs and with settling timeof2nsto 1%• Slew Rate: 6600 V/μs (2-V step),itis ideal for pulsed applications.Itis
designed for minimum gainof6 dB butis optimized• 1% Settling Time:2ns
for gainof 10 dB.• HD2: –75 dBcat 100 MHz allow for dc coupling to analog-to-digital• HD3: –80 dBcat 100 MHz
converters (ADCs), its unique output common-mode• OIP2:73 dBmat70 MHz control circuit maintains the output common-mode• OIP3:37 dBmat70 MHz voltage within 3-mV offset (typical) from the set Input Voltage Noise: 1.9 nV/√Hz(f>10 MHz) voltage, when set within 0.5Vof mid-supply, with
less than 4-mV differential offset voltage. The• Noise Figure: 17.1 dB common-mode set pointis set to mid-supply by• Output Common-Mode Control internal circuitry, which may be overdriven from an• Power Supply: external source. Voltage:3V (±1.5V)to5V (±2.5V) The input and output are optimized for best Current: 37.7 mA performance with their common-mode voltages
mid-supply.• Power-Down Capability: 0.65 mA
2 Applications• Adaptive Cruise Control leadless• Blind Spot Detection for• Collision Warning range
from –40°Cto 125°C.• Industrial 5-V Data Acquisition Systems High Linearity ADC
(1)Amplifier• Test and Measurement