TFP201APZP ,PanelBus DVI Receiver 112MHz, HSYNC fix SLDS116A - MARCH 2000 − REVISED JUNE 2000 Supports SXGA R ..
TFP201PZP ,PanelBus DVI Receiver 112MHz SLDS116A - MARCH 2000 − REVISED JUNE 2000 Supports SXGA R ..
TFP401AMPZPEP ,Enhanced Product PanelBus DVI Receiver 165MHz, HSYNC fix 100-HTQFP -55 to 125FEATURES SUPPORTS DEFENSE, AEROSPACE,AND MEDICAL APPLICATIONS2• Supports Pixel Rates Up to 165 MHz ..
TFP401APZP ,PanelBus DVI Receiver 165MHz, HSYNC fixFeatures 2 Applications1• Supports Pixel Rates up to 165 MHz (Including • High-Definition TV1080p a ..
TFP401PZP ,PanelBus DVI Receiver 165MHz SLDS120G–MARCH 2000–REVISED MAY 20165 Description (Continued)PowerPAD advanced packaging technolog ..
TFP401PZPG4 ,165 MHz PanelBus? TMDS DVI Receiver/Deserializer 100-HTQFP 0 to 70Features 2 Applications1• Supports Pixel Rates up to 165 MHz (Including • High-Definition TV1080p a ..
TLA-7T201LF-T , Pulse transformers
TLC04CDR ,Butterworth Switched-Capacitor Filterblock diagramLevel Shift3LS1CLKIN2NonoverlappingCLKRClock Generatorϕ1 ϕ28ButterworthFILTER IN5Fourt ..
TLC04CP ,Butterworth Switched-Capacitor Filtermaximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
TLC04ID ,Butterworth Switched-Capacitor Filterelectrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, V = 2.5 V,CC+V = ..
TLC04IDG4 ,Butterworth Switched-Capacitor Filter 8-SOIC features self-clocking or TTL- or CMOS-compatible options in conjunctionwith the level shift (LS) t ..
PanelBus DVI Receiver 112MHz, HSYNC fix
or 2-Pixels Per Clock Laser Trimmed Internal Termination
Resistors for Optimum Fixed Impedance
Matching Skew Tolerant Up to One Pixel Clock Cycle 4x Over-Sampling
Using TI PowerPAD Packaging Advanced Technology Using TI 0.18-µm
EPIC-5 CMOS Process TFP201A Incorporates HSYNC Jitter
descriptionThe Texas Instruments TFP201 and TFP201A are TI PanelBus flat panel display products, part of a
comprehensive family of end-to-end DVI 1.0 compliant solutions. Targeted primarily at desktop LCD monitors
and digital projectors, the TFP201/201A finds applications in any design requiring high-speed digital interface.
The TFP201/201A supports display resolutions up to SXGA in 24-bit true color pixel format. The TFP201/201A
offers design flexibility to drive one or two pixels per clock, supports TFT or DSTN panels, and provides an option
for time staggered pixel outputs for reduced ground bounce.
PowerPAD advanced packaging technology results in best of class power dissipation, footprint, and ultra-low
ground inductance.
The TFP201/201A combines PanelBus circuit innovation with TI’s advanced 0.18-µm EPIC-5 CMOS
process technology, along with TI PowerPAD package technology to achieve a reliable, low-powered, low
noise, high-speed digital interface solution.
AVAILABLE OPTIONS The Digital Visual Interface Specification, DVI, is an industry standard developed by the Digital Display Working Group (DDWG) for
high-speed digital connection to digital displays The TFP201 and TFP201A are compliant to the DVI Specification Rev. 1.0. The TFP201/201A has an internal voltage regulator that provides the 1.8-V core power supply from the externally supplied 3.3-V
supplies. The TFP201A incorporates additional circuitry to create a stable HSYNC from DVI transmitters that introduce undesirable jitter on
the transmitted HSYNC signal.
Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of
Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.
PanelBus, PowerPAD and EPIC-5 are trademarks of Texas Instruments.