TEKT5400S ,Silicon NPN Phototransistor Document Number 815692 (7) Rev. 1, 24–May–02TEKT5400SVishay SemiconductorsTypical Characteristics ..
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Silicon NPN Phototransistor
Vishay Semiconductorswww.vishay.comDocument Number 81569
Silicon NPN Phototransistor
DescriptionTEKT5400S is a high sensitive silicon NPN epitaxial
planar phototransistor in a flat side view plastic
package.A small recessed lens provides a high
sensitivity in a low profile case.
The molded package itself is an IR filter, spectrum
matched to IR emitters (λp > 850nm or 950 nm).
Features High photo sensitivity Daylight filter Molded package with side view lens Angle of half sensitivity ϕ = – 37� Matched with IR–Emitter TSKS5400S
Applications Detector in electronic control and drive circuits
Order Instruction
Absolute Maximum Ratings Tamb = 25°C