TEFT4300 ,Silicon NPN Phototransistor Document Number 815494 (5) Rev. 2, 20-May-99S – Relative SensitivityrelTEFT4300Vishay Semicon ..
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Silicon NPN Phototransistor
Vishay Semiconductorswww.vishay.comDocument Number 81549
Silicon NPN Phototransistor
DescriptionTEFT4300 is a high speed and high sensitive silicon
NPN epitaxial planar phototransistor in a standard T–1
(ø 3 mm) plastic package.
The epoxy package itself is an IR filter, spectrally
matched to GaAs IR emitters with p 900nm).
The plastic lens provides a wide viewing angle of ±.
Features High radiant sensitivity Fast response times T1 (ø 3 mm) plastic package with IR filter Additional polarity sign Wide viewing angle ϕ = ± 30 Suitable for near infrared radiation Matches with TSUS4300 GaAs infrared emitter
94 8637
ApplicationsOptical switches
Counters and sorters
Interrupters ape and card readers
Position sensors
Absolute Maximum RatingsTamb = 25C