TEF6902AH ,Integrated car radioGeneral descriptionThe TEF6902A is a single-chip car radio integrated circuit with FM/AM tuner, ste ..
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TL431BILP ,Voltage ReferenceMAXIMUM RATINGS (Full operating ambient temperature range applies, unlessotherwise noted.)Rating Sy ..
TL431BIP ,PROGRAMMABLE PRECISION REFERENCESFeatures81• Programmable Output Voltage to 36 VMicro8• Voltage Reference Tolerance: ±0.4%, Typ @ 2 ..
TL431BIP ,PROGRAMMABLE PRECISION REFERENCESMaximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNIT(2) ..
TL431BIP ,PROGRAMMABLE PRECISION REFERENCESBlock Diagram1503.28 k4.0 k20 pFReference Cathode10 k2.4 k 7.2 k(R)(K)+–1.0 k2.5 Vref800Anode (A)An ..
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Integrated car radio
General descriptionThe TEF6902A is a single-chip car radio integrated circuit with FM/AM tuner, stereo
decoder, weak signal processing and audio processing.
FM tuner with double conversion to IF1= 10.7 MHz and IF2= 450 kHz with integrated
image rejection for both IF1 and IF2; integrated channel filter with variable bandwidth
control; capableof US FM, Europe FM, Japan FM and Eastern Europe FM. AM tuner with
double conversion to IF1= 10.7 MHz and IF2= 450 kHz; capable of Long Wave (LW),
Medium Wave (MW) and full range Short Wave (SW) (11 m to 120 m bands).
Multiplex (MPX) stereo decoder, ignition noise blanker and extensive weak signal
Audio processing with flexible source selection, volume, balance, fader, input gain control
and inaudible tuning mute. Integrated audio filtersfor bass and treble and loudness control
The device can be controlled via the fast-mode I2 C-bus (400 kHz) and includes
autonomous tuning functions for easy control without microcontroller timing. No manual
alignments are required.
Features FM Radio Frequency (RF) front-end with large dynamic range Integrated FM channel filter with controlled bandwidth Fully integrated FM demodulator Fully integrated stereo decoder with high immunity for birdy noise FM noise blanker with adaptive detection at MPX and level Signal quality detection: level, AM wideband, frequency deviation, ultrasonic
noise/adjacent channel FM weak signal processing: stereo blend, high cut control and soft mute AM RF Automatic Gain Control (AGC) circuit for external cascode AGC and Positive
Intrinsic Negative (PIN) diode AGC Dual AM noise blanking system AM weak signal processing: high cut control and soft mute Low phase noise local oscillator In-lock detection for optimized adaptive Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) tuning speed Crystal oscillator reference with low harmonics Inaudible soft slope tuning mute for AM and FM Sequential state machine supporting each tuning action Flexible audio input source selection
Integrated car radio
Rev. 03 — 19 March 2008 Product data sheet
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio Integrated audio processing and tone filtering Treble, bass and loudness tone control Volume, balance, fader and input gain control Audio controls with Audio Step Interpolation (ASI) for pop-free function Compact Disc (CD) dynamics compression Volume Unit (VU)-meter audio level read-out
Quick reference data
Table 1. Quick reference data
Supply voltageVCC analog supply voltage on pins VCC,
MIX1OUT1 and MIX1OUT2 8.5 9 V
Supply current in FM modeICC total supply current inclusive IV60 - 102 - mA
Supply current in AM modeICC total supply current inclusive IV60 -89 - mA
AM overall system parametersftune AM tuning frequency LW 144 - 288 kHz 522 - 1710 kHz 2.3 - 26.1 MHz
Vsens sensitivity voltage fRF = 990 kHz; m= 0.3;
fmod=1 kHz; BAF = 2.15 kHz;
(S+N)/N=26 dB; dummy aerial pF/60pF
-50 - μV
S/N ultimate signal-to-noise ratio 54 58 - dB
THD total harmonic distortion 200 μV < VRF < 1 V; m = 0.8;
fAF= 400 Hz 0.4 1 %
IP3 3rd-order intercept point Δf = 40 kHz - 130 - dBμV
FM overall system parametersftune FM tuning frequency 65 - 108 MHz
Vsens sensitivity voltage (RF input voltage
at (S+N)/N = 26 dB)
Δf = 22.5 kHz; fmod=1 kHz;
DEMP= 1; B= 300 Hz to 22 kHz;
measured with 75 Ω dummy
antenna and test circuit - μV
(S+N)/N maximum signal plus noise-to-noise
ratio of MPXAM output voltage=3 mV;Δf= 22.5 kHz;
fmod=1 kHz; DEMP=1;= 300 Hz to 22 kHz; measured
with 75 Ω dummy antenna and test
-60 - dB
THD total harmonic distortion Δf = 75 kHz - 0.5 1 %
IP3 3rd-order intercept point Δf = 400 kHz - 120 - dBμV
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio[1] The input gain setting ING and the volume setting VOL define the overall volume. The overall range is limited to −83 dB to +28 dB. For
values > +28 dB the actual value is +28 dB. For overall values < −83 dB the actual value is mute.
Ordering information
Stereo decoder pathαcs channel separation fFMMPX=1 kHz 40 - - dB
S/N signal-to-noise ratio fMPXAMIN=20 Hz to15 kHz;
referenced to 1 kHz at 91% FM
modulation; DEMP=1 - - dB
THD total harmonic distortion FM mode; DEMP= 1; measured
with 15 kHz brick-wall low-pass
filter; fMPXAMIN= 200 Hz to 15 kHz - 0.3 %
Tone/volume controlVi(max) maximum input voltage THD= 0.2 %; Gvol=−6 dB;
THD total harmonic distortion configured as non-inverting,
single-ended inputs;
faudio=20Hz to 10 kHz;=1V (RMS) 0.02 0.1 %
Gvol volume/balance gain control see Table83
maximum setting [1] -20 - dB
minimum setting [1]- −75 - dB
Gstep(vol) step resolution - 1 - dB
Gtreble treble gain control TRE[2:0]= 111; TREM=1 - 14 - dB
TRE[2:0]= 111; TREM=0 - −14 - dB
Gstep(treble) step resolution gain - 2 - dB
Gbass bass gain control BAS[3:0]= 0111; BASM=1 - 14 - dB
BAS[3:0]= 0111; BASM=0 - −14 - dB
Gstep(bass) step resolution gain - 2 - dB
Table 1. Quick reference data …continued
Table 2. Ordering informationTEF6902AH QFP64 plastic quad flat package; 64 leads (lead length 1.6 mm); body 14×14× 2.7 mm SOT393-1
xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx x x
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio Block diagram
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio Pinning information
6.1 Pinning
6.2 Pin description
Table 3. Pin descriptionCPOUT 1 charge pump output
VTUNE 2 tuning voltage; 3 mA charge pump output
VCCPLL 3 tuning PLL supply voltage
PLLGND 4 PLL ground
i.c. 5 internally connected; leave open
VTCM 6 Intermediate Frequency (IF) filter reference voltage
VTC 7 IF filter center voltage
IFMAGC 8 PIN diode current FM AGC
TRFAGC 9 FM and AM RF AGC time constant
DAAOUT 10 antenna Digital Auto Alignment (DAA) output
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radioFMMIX1IN1 11 FM mixer 1 input 1
FMMIX1IN2 12 FM mixer 1 input 2
VCCRF 13 AM/FM RF supply voltage
RFGND 14 RF ground
IAMAGC 15 PIN diode current AM AGC
i.c. 16 internally connected; leave open
VDCPIN 17 AM PIN diode DC bias voltage
VAMCASFB 18 feedback for cascode AM AGC
VAMCAS 19 cascode AM AGC
AMMIX1DEC 20 AM mixer 1 decoupling
AMMIX1IN 21 AM mixer 1 input
AMMIX1REF 22 AM mixer 1 reference
MIX1OUT1 23 AM and FM mixer 1 output 1 at IF1
MIX1OUT2 24 AM and FM mixer 1 output 2 at IF1
IFGND 25 IF ground
IF1DEC 26 AM and FM mixer 2 decoupling
IF1IN 27 AM and FM mixer 2 input
AMMIX2OUT1 28 AM mixer 2 output 1 at IF2
AMMIX2OUT2 29 AM mixer 2 output 2 at IF2
TAMIFKAGC 30 AM IF AGC and FM keyed AGC time constant
AMIF2DEC 31 AM IF2 input decoupling
AMIF2IN 32 AM IF2 input
V60 33 input for FM filter and demodulator supply current
VREF 34 reference voltage for noise decoupling
GND 35 ground
VCC 36 8.5 V supply voltage
LEVEL 37 AM and FM level voltage output
DGND1 38 digital ground1
i.c. 39 internally connected; leave open
i.c. 40 internally connected; leave open
DGND2 41 digital ground2
SDA 42 I2 C-bus Serial Data (SDA) input and output
SCL 43 I2 C-bus Serial Clock (SCL) input
ADDR 44 I2 C-bus slave address select input
RROUT 45 right rear audio output
LROUT 46 left rear audio output
RFOUT 47 right front audio output
LFOUT 48 left front audio output
AGND 49 analog ground
XTAL1 50 crystal oscillator 1
XTAL2 51 crystal oscillator 2
Table 3. Pin description …continued
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio Functional description
7.1 FM mixer 1The FM quadrature mixer 1 converts FM RF (65 MHz to 108 MHz) to an IF frequency of
10.7 MHz. The FM mixer provides image rejection and a large dynamic range. Low and
high injection Local Oscillator (LO) can be selected via the I2 C-bus.
7.2 FM RF AGCAGC detection at the FM front-end mixer input with programmable threshold. When the
threshold is exceeded, the PIN diode drive circuit sources a current to an external PIN
diode circuit, keeping the RF signal level constant. Keyed AGC function is selectable via
the I2 C-bus and uses the in-band level information derived from the limiter. The AGC PIN
diode drive circuit can optionally deliver a fixed current; this local mode can be used for
search tuningon absolute RF levels.In AM mode, the FM AGC PIN diode drive circuit can
be set to source a fixed current into the external FM PIN diode circuitry.
7.3 FM mixer 2The FM quadrature mixer 2 converts 10.7 MHz IF1 to 450 kHz IF2 and includes image
rejection with the integrated channel filter. Two gain settings can be selected to
compensate for high ceramic filter insertion loss.
7.4 FM IF2 channel filterThe order and dynamic range of the FM IF2 channel filter is designed for operation with
only one external ceramic filter. The filter characteristic is optimized to combine high
selectivity with low distortion. The bandwidth of the filter can be set to a range of fixed
settingsor automatically via the bandwidth control algorithm. When the automatic modeis
selected the bandwidth depends on the signal conditions.
IND 52 audio input D, signal input
INC 53 audio input C, common mode or signal input
INBR 54 audio input B, right channel
INBL 55 audio input B, left channel
INAC 56 audio input A, left channel inverted (or other options)
INAR 57 audio input A, right channel
INAL 58 audio input A, left channel
MPXAMIN 59 MPX and AM audio input to radio processing
MPXAMOUT 60 MPX and AM audio output from tuner part
VCCVCO 61 Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO) supply voltage
VCOFDB 62 VCO feedback
VCOTNK 63 VCO tank circuit
VCOGND 64 VCO ground
Table 3. Pin description …continued
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
7.5 FM limiter and level detectionThe limiter amplifies theIF filter output signal, removes AM modulations from theIF signal
and suppliesa well defined signalfor the FM demodulator. From the limiter also the Radio
Signal Strength Information (RSSI)is derived whichis convertedtoa suitable level voltage
with minimum temperature drift.
7.6 FM demodulatorThe fully integrated FM demodulator converts the IF signal from the limiter to the multiplex output signal with low distortion.
7.7 Center frequency and bandwidth tuning and center frequency DAAThe center frequency as well as the bandwidth of both the IF filter and demodulator are
coupled to the crystal reference frequency. A coarse alignment (IFCAP) sets the circuit
operating range and the center frequency fine adjustment is achieved with a 6-bit
alignment (IFCF).
7.8 Bandwidth control algorithmThe bandwidth of the IF filter can be selected with 5 bits, directly via I2 C-bus or
automatically via the bandwidth control algorithm. The bandwidth control algorithm
detects the amount of adjacent channel interference, the deviation of the desired signal,
detuning, multipath and signal strength to define the optimum bandwidth setting of the filter. Flexibility on the algorithm settings is provided via the I2 C-bus control.
7.9 VCO and dividersThe varactor tuned LC oscillator together with the dividers provides the local oscillator
signal for both AM and FM front-end mixers. The VCO has an operating frequency of
approximately 160 MHzto 250 MHz.In FM mode the VCO frequencyis dividedby2or3.
These dividers generate in-phase and quadrature-phase output signals used in the front-end mixerfor image rejection.In AM mode the VCO frequencyis dividedby6,8,
10,16or20 dependingon the selected AM band. The amplitudeof the VCOis controlled
by a digital AGC to ensure a safe oscillation start-up at a wide range of the loaded Q.
7.10 Crystal oscillatorThe crystal oscillator provides a 20.5 MHz signal. A divider-by-two generates in-phase
and quadrature-phase mixer frequencies for the conversion from IF1 to IF2 including
image rejection. The reference divider generates from the crystal frequency various
reference frequencies for the tuning PLL. Also timing signals for the sequential machine
as well as references for the integrated FM channel filter, the stereo decoder and the
integrated audio filters are derived from the crystal reference.
7.11 Tuning PLLThe tuning PLL locks the VCO frequency dividedby the programmable divider ratioto the
reference frequency. Due to the combination of different charge pump signals in the
PLL loop filter, the loop parameters are adapted dynamically. T uning to different frequencies is done by changing the programmable divider ratio. The tuning step size
is selected with the reference frequency divider setting.
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
7.12 Antenna DAAFor FM operation the antenna Digital Auto Alignment (DAA) measures the VCO tuning
voltage and multipliesit witha factor definedby the 7-bit DAA settingto generatea tuning
voltage for the FM antenna tank circuit (RF selectivity). In AM mode the DAA setting
controls a fixed voltage.
7.13 AM RF AGC controlThe AM front-end is designed for the application of an external Junction Field Effect
Transistor (JFET) low noise amplifier with cascode AGC and PIN diode AGC both
controlledbyan integrated AGC control circuit. Four AGC thresholdsof the detectorat the
first mixer input are selectable via I2 C-bus. Detectors at the RF mixer input and at the
AMIF2 input prevent undesired overload (see Figure 38). AGC information can be read
out via I2 C-bus. The PIN diode current drive circuit includes a pull-up current source for
reverse biasing of the PIN diode, when the AGC is not active to achieve a low parasitic
7.14 AM mixer 1The large dynamic range AM mixer converts AM RF (144 kHz to 26.1 MHz) to an IF
frequency of 10.7 MHz.
7.15 AM IF noise blankerThe spike detectionfor the AMIF noise blankerisat the outputof the AM front-end mixer.
Blanking is realized at the second AM mixer.
7.16 AM IF AGC amplifier and demodulatorThe 450 kHz IF2 signal after the ceramic channel selection filter is amplified by the AGC amplifier and demodulated.
7.17 AM level detectionThe IF2 signal usedfor AMIF AGC and demodulationis also usedin the limiter circuitfor
in-band level detection.
7.18 AM and FM level DAAThe start and slope of the level detector output are programmable to achieve level
information independent of gain spread in the signal channel.
7.19 AM and FM IF counterThe output signal from the limiter is used for IF counting in both AM and FM.
7.20 Tuning muteA soft slope tuning mute is controlled by the sequential machine for different tuning
actions to eliminate audible effects of tuning and band switching.
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
7.21 FM stereo decoderA low-pass filter provides additional suppression of high frequency interferences at the
stereo decoder input and the necessary signal delay for FM noise blanking.
The MPX signal is decoded in the stereo decoder part. An integrated oscillator and pilot
PLL is used for the regeneration of the 38 kHz subcarrier. The required 19 kHz
and38 kHz signals are generated by division of the oscillator output signal in logic
By means of a 19 kHz quadrature detector the pilot PLL oscillator frequency is locked to
the incoming 19 kHz stereo pilot. A pilot level voltage derived from a 19 kHz in-phase
detector is used for stereo detection and for generation of an anti-phase 19 kHz signal to
remove the pilot tone from the audio signal.
The signalis then decodedin the decoder part. The L-R side signalis demodulated using
the 38 kHz subcarrier and combined with the main signal to the left and right audio
channel.A fine adjustmentis doneby adjusting the gainof the L-R signal.A smooth mono
to stereo takeover is achieved by controlling the efficiency of the matrix by the Stereo
Noise Control (SNC) signal from the weak signal processing block.
7.22 FM and AM AF noise blankerThe FMor AM tuner operation selects between two noise blanker operations optimizedfor
FM or AM ignition noise suppression.
In FM mode the noise blanker operates as a modified sample and hold circuit with
ultrasonic noise detection on MPX and detection of noise spikes on level. AM mode the audio signalis muted during the interference pulse triggeredby slew-rate
detection of the audio signal.
7.23 Fixed high cut and high cut controlThe high cut part is a low-pass filter circuit with seven bandwidth settings. The cut-off
frequenciesof the filter curves canbe selectedto match different application requirements
(fixed high cut).
The high cut circuit also provides a dynamic control of the filter response, the High Cut
Control (HCC). This function is controlled by the HCC signal from the weak signal
7.24 De-emphasisThe signal passes the low-pass filter de-emphasis block and is then fed to the source
selector. The de-emphasis time constant canbe selected between the standardsof50μs
and 75 μs.
7.25 Weak signal processingThe weak signal processing block detects quality degradationsin the incoming signal and
controls the processingof the audio signal accordingly. The weak signal processing block
has three different quality criteria: The average valueof the level voltage, AM components
on the level voltage (WAM = wideband AM) and high frequency components in the MPX
signal (USN = ultrasonic noise).
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio the weak signal processing block these signals are combinedin specific ways and used
for the generation of control signals for soft mute, stereo blend (SNC= stereo noise
control) and HCC. Detector time constants of soft mute, HCC and SNC can be selected
In AM mode, soft mute and HCC are controlled by the average value of the level voltage.
7.26 Audio step interpolationThe tone/volume blocks of source selector, volume/balance, bass/loudness, fader and
output mute include the Audio Step Interpolation (ASI) function. This minimizes audible
pops by smoothing the transitions in the audio signal during the switching of the controls.
7.27 Source selectorThe source selector selects one out of several input sources:
One internal stereo signal (AM/FM tuner)
Seven input pins allow many combinations of external sources by means of flexible
input selection
Three of the seven input pins can connect to:
1 stereo signal with ground input for common mode rejection (CD)
1 stereo signal and 1 mono signal
Four more input pins can connect to:
1 stereo signal (AUX) and 1 mono signal with common mode rejection or
differential input (PHONE)
1 stereo signal (AUX) and 2 mono signals (e.g. NAV and BEEP)
2 stereo signals (AUX and AUX-2)
1 stereo signal with common mode rejection (CD-2) and 1 mono signal (e.g.
1 stereo signal with differential input (CD-symmetrical)
7.28 VU-meter readThe input audio level of external sources can read out via the I2 C-bus. Audio level
information is available on a logarithmic scale. In radio mode the AM or FM modulation
index is available in the same way.
7.29 Volume and balanceThe volume/balance control is used for volume setting and also for balance adjustment.
The control range of the volume/balance control is between +20 dB and −75 dB in steps
of 1 dB.
7.30 CD compressionDynamic volume compression is available for external input sources. This option is
generally usedfor audio from CDor other digital formatsto reduce the very high dynamic
range of these signals into a range suitable for the car environment.
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
7.31 BassThe bass tone control stage controls the low audio frequencies with a modified shelve
curve response. The control range is between +14 dB and −14 dB in steps of 2 dB. Four
different filter cut-off frequencies can be selected.
7.32 TrebleThe treble tone control stage controls the high audio frequencies with a shelve curve
response. The control range is between +14 dB and −14 dB in steps of 2 dB. Four
different filter cut-off frequencies can be selected.
7.33 Loudness integrated loudness function canbe activated which controls bass and treblein relation
to the user volume setting. The control range of the bass frequencies is limited to 20 dB
and the optional treble range to 4 dB. Different volume ranges can be selected for the
loudness control.
7.34 FaderThe fader is located at the end of the tone/volume chain. The balance between the front
and rear channel can be controlled by attenuation of either the front or the rear channel.
Control range is 0 dB to −64 dB with a step size of 1 dB. Optionally the fader attenuation
can be activated for front and rear channels together.
I2 C-bus protocolSDA and SCL HIGH and LOW internal thresholds are specified according to both 2.5 V
and 3.3VI2 C-bus, however also SDA and SCL signals froma5Vbus are supported. The
maximum I2 C-bus communication speed is 400 kbit/s in accordance with the I2 C-bus fast
mode specification.
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
8.1 Read mode
Application restriction to use the read mode: Read transmissions should not bestopped after read byte 4 (IFBW) since this will disturb level read-out, weak signal
processing and bandwidth control. Read transmission can be stopped after any of the
other read bytes0to 3, 5 or 6.
The read datais loaded into theI2 C-bus output registerat the ACK clock pulse preceding
the data byte.
Table 4. Description of I2 C-bus format START condition
Slave address W 1100 0000b for pin ADDR grounded
1100 0010b for pin ADDR floating
Slave address R 1100 0001b for pin ADDR grounded
1100 0011b for pin ADDR floating
ACK-s acknowledge generated by the slave
ACK-m acknowledge generated by the master not acknowledge generated by the master
MSA mode and subaddress byte
Data data byte STOP condition
Table 5. Read register overview IFCOUNTER Section 8.1.1 LEVEL Section 8.1.2 USN/WAM Section 8.1.3 MOD Section 8.1.4 IFBW Section 8.1.5
5ID Section 8.1.6 TEMP Section 8.1.7
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
8.1.1 Read mode: data byte IFCOUNTER
Table 6. IFCOUNTER - format of data byte 0IFCM1 IFCM0 IFCS IFCA IFC3 IFC2 IFC1 IFC0
Table 7. IFCOUNTER - data byte 0 bit description and6 IFCM[1:0] IF counter mode; IFCM reads 00 immediately after I2 C-bus start of
PRESET, SEARCH, AFU, JUMPor CHECK untilthe first IFC resultofthe
new tuning is available.
00 = no new counter result available (IFC value is previous result or
reset state)
01 = new counter result available (IFC value is new result)
10 = counter result from AF update (IFC value is AF result, value is
held until I2 C-bus read). Also the detector information of LEV , USN,
WAM and MOD shows AF update results.= Power-On Reset (POR)or undefined stateofthe state machineis
detected. The I2 C-bus data is reset to POR state. IFCS IF counter sign
0 = the IF counter result indicates a positive
RF frequency error1 = the IF counter result indicates a negative
RF frequency error IFCA IF counter accuracy
0 = IF counter result with 1 kHz resolution in FM mode and 0.5 kHz
resolution in AM mode
1 = IF counter result with 8 kHz resolution in FM mode and 4 kHz
resolution in AM modeto0 IFC[3:0] IF counter result; see Table8
Table 8. IF counter result 0 0 0 0 kHz to 1 kHz reset state 0 kHz to 0.5 kHz reset state 0 0 1 1 kHz to 2 kHz - 0.5 kHz to 1 kHz - 0 1 0 2 kHz to 3 kHz 16 kHz to 24 kHz 1 kHz to 1.5 kHz 8 kHz to 12 kHz 0 1 1 3 kHz to 4 kHz 24 kHz to 32 kHz 1.5 kHz to 2 kHz 12 kHz to 16 kHz 1 0 0 4 kHz to 5 kHz 32 kHz to 40 kHz 2 kHz to 2.5 kHz 16 kHz to 20 kHz 1 0 1 5 kHz to 6 kHz 40 kHz to 48 kHz 2.5 kHz to 3 kHz 20 kHz to 24 kHz 1 1 0 6 kHz to 7 kHz 48 kHz to 56 kHz 3 kHz to 3.5 kHz 24 kHz to 28 kHz 1 1 1 7 kHz to 8 kHz 56 kHz to 64 kHz 3.5 kHz to 4 kHz 28 kHz to 32 kHz 0 0 0 8 kHz to 9 kHz 64 kHz to 72 kHz 4 kHz to 4.5 kHz 32 kHz to 36 kHz 0 0 1 9 kHz to 10 kHz 72 kHz to 80 kHz 4.5 kHz to 5 kHz 36 kHz to 40 kHz 0 1 0 10 kHz to 11 kHz 80 kHz to 88 kHz 5 kHz to 5.5 kHz 40 kHz to 44 kHz 0 1 1 11 kHz to 12 kHz 88 kHz to 96 kHz 5.5 kHz to 6 kHz 44 kHz to 48 kHz 1 0 0 12 kHz to 13 kHz 96 kHz to 104 kHz 6 kHz to 6.5 kHz 48 kHz to 52 kHz
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radioAfter a tuning action, which is activated by the state machine, the IF counter is reset at
that moment when tuning is established (PLL in-lock). The first counter result is available
from2 ms after reset. For FM further results canbe obtained from4 ms,8 ms,16 ms and ms after reset, the increasing count time attenuates influenceof FM modulationon the
counter result. After this, the counter continuesat the maximum count timeof32 ms (see
Figure 5). For AM the count time is fixed to 2 ms and results are available every 2 ms.
After AF Update (AFU) sampling the IF counter read value is held (IFCM = 10) (see
Figure6, Figure 17 and Figure 18) for easy I2 C-bus read-out. The counter itself remains
active in the background in 2 ms count time mode. The IF counter data hold is released
after I2 C-bus read.
IFCM reads 00 immediately after I2 C-bus start of PRESET, SEARCH, AFU, JUMP or
CHECK until the first new tuning IFC result is available. 1 0 1 13 kHz to 14 kHz 104 kHz to 112 kHz 6.5 kHz to 7 kHz 52 kHz to 56 kHz 1 1 0 14 kHz to 15 kHz 112 kHz to 120 kHz 7 kHz to 7.5 kHz 56 kHz to 60 kHz 1 1 1 15 kHz to 16 kHz ≥ 120 kHz 7.5 kHz to 8 kHz ≥ 60 kHz
Table 8. IF counter result …continued
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
8.1.2 Read mode: data byte LEVELAfter AF update sampling the level read value is held (indicated by IFCM = 10) for easy2 C-bus read-out. The level detector remains activein the background. The LEV data hold
is released after I2 C-bus read.
To reduce the influence of modulation in AM mode the LEV information is additionally
filtered by a slow 60 ms detector. Fast level information is made available during update and check tuning.
For standard operation the following level alignment (byte LEVELALGN; see Table 43) is
FM and AM level slope; ΔLEV = 51 (ΔVLEVEL = 0.80 V) at ΔVRF = 20 dB (measured at
VRF= 200 μV and VRF =20 μV)
FM mode level start; LEV= 78 (VLEVEL= 1.47 V) at VRF =20 μV
AM mode level start; LEV= 63 (VLEVEL= 1.24 V) at VRF =20 μV
Table 9. LEVEL - format of data byte1LEV7 LEV6 LEV5 LEV4 LEV3 LEV2 LEV1 LEV0
Table 10. LEVEL - data byte 1 bit descriptionto0 LEV[7:0] level detector; this byte indicates the LEVEL voltage between
0.25V (LEV = 0) and 4.25 V (LEV = 255) from the tuner part;
VLEVEL=1 ⁄64LEV[7:0]+ 0.25 V; see Figure7
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
8.1.3 Read mode: data byte USN/WAMAfter AF update sampling the USN and WAM read valueis held (indicatedby IFCM= 10)
for easyI2 C-bus read-out. The USN and WAM detectors remain activein the background.
The USN and WAM data hold is released after I2 C-bus read.
Table 11. USN/WAM - format of data byte 2USN3 USN2 USN1 USN0 WAM3 WAM2 WAM1 WAM0
Table 12. USN/WAM - data byte 2 bit descriptionto4 USN[3:0] ultrasonic noise detector; this value indicates the USN content of the
MPX audio signal; see Figure24to0 WAM[3:0] wideband AM detector; this value indicates the WAM content of the
LEVEL voltage; see Figure24
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
8.1.4 Read mode: data byte MOD
Table 13. MOD - format of data byte 3MOD4 MOD3 MOD2 MOD1 MOD0 STIN TAS1 TAS0
Table 14. MOD - data byte 3 bit descriptionto3 MOD[4:0] modulation detector; this value indicates the audio modulation; see
FM between 0 kHz and 150 kHz FM deviation
AM between 0 % and 200 % modulation
FM offset detector; a read value of 31 indicates offset detection. The
offset detector is part of the FM bandwidth control algorithm and detects
adjacent channel breakthrough.
VU-meter; whenan external audio sourceis selected and VU-meter read
is active (see subaddress 17h; see Table 97) MOD indicates the audio
input level (RMS) between 0 V and 2 V; see Table 15. STIN stereo indicator; this bit indicates if a stereo pilot signal has been
0 = no pilot signal detected
1 = pilot signal is detected and the FM stereo decoder is activated
1 and 0 T AS[1:0] Tuning action state; state machine information. The signal TAS informs
about internal control functions of the tuner action state machine. This
way the progress of tuner actions can be monitored by the
00 = inactive
01 = starting mute
10 = PLL tuning
11 = tuning ready with mute active
Table 15. MOD detector 0 0 0 0 < 1.5 kHz < 2% - < 0.02 V 0 0 0 1 1.5 kHz 2% −34 dB 0.02 V
00010 3 kHz 4% −28 dB 0.04 V 0 0 1 1 4.5 kHz 6% −24 dB 0.06 V
00100 6 kHz 8% −22 dB 0.08 V 0 1 0 1 7.5 kHz 10% −20 dB 0.1 V 0 1 1 0 9.5 kHz 13% −18 dB 0.13 V 0 1 1 1 12 kHz 16% −16 dB 0.16 V 1 0 0 0 15 kHz 20% −14 dB 0.2 V 1 0 0 1 19 kHz 25% −12 dB 0.25 V 1 0 1 0 24 kHz 32% −10 dB 0.32 V 1 0 1 1 30 kHz 40% −8 dB 0.4 V 1 1 0 0 38 kHz 50% −6 dB 0.5 V
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radioThe indicated amplitude levels are approximate values.
In the case of FM radio, carrier modulation is measured (MPX FM deviation). Timing is
fixed with fast 30 ms release time. Depending upon reception conditions and internal
offsets small modulation levels maybe indicatedas MOD[4:0]=0 0000b. After AF update
sampling the MOD read valueis held (indicatedby IFCM= 10)for easyI2 C-bus read-out.
The MOD detector remains activein the background. The MOD data holdis released after2 C-bus read.
In the case of AM radio, carrier modulation is measured (AM). Timing is fixed with fast ms release time. Modulation may exceed 100 % in cases of special modulation
schemes as used by some stations. After AF update sampling, the MOD read value is
held (indicated by IFCM= 10) for easy I2 C-bus read-out. The MOD detector remains
active in the background. The MOD data hold is released after I2 C-bus read.
With external source selection and VU-meter mode disabled (AVUM = 0 and COMP = 0)
FM or AM modulation is indicated equal to radio mode.
With external source selection and VU-meter mode enabled (AVUM=1or COMP=1) the
audio input levelof the external sourceis indicated (i.e. the audio levelas foundon the line
input pins). For stereo signals left and right channels are combined for MOD read
(0.5×L+ 0.5 × R). VU-meter timing is defined by setting HTC. For AVUM control see
subaddress 17h; see Table 97. In case of AF update sampling the AM or FM modulation
value is indicated with data hold (indicated by IFCM = 10) for easy I2 C-bus read-out. The
MOD data hold is released after I2 C-bus read and VU-meter indication continues. 1 1 0 1 47 kHz 63% −4 dB 0.63 V 1 1 1 0 60 kHz 80% −2 dB 0.8 V 1 1 1 1 75 kHz 100% 0 dB 1 V 0 0 0 0 95 kHz 125% 2 dB 1.25 V 0 0 0 1 120 kHz 160% 4 dB 1.6 V 0 0 1 0 150 kHz 200% 6 dB 2 V
10011 - - - -
::::: : : : :
11110 - - - - 1 1 1 1 offset
detection -
Table 15. MOD detector …continued
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
8.1.5 Read mode: data byte IFBW
8.1.6 Read mode: data byteID
Table 16. IFBW - format of data byte 4RAGC1 RAGC0 ASIA IFBW4 IFBW3 IFBW2 IFBW1 IFBW0
Table 17. IFBW - data byte 4 bit description and6 RAGC[1:0] RF AGC indicator; PIN diode current on pins IAMAGC or IFMAGC=
FM: < 0.05 mA
AM: < 0.1 mA=
FM: 0.05 mA to 0.5 mA
AM: 0.1 mA to 0.5 mA= 0.5 mA to 2.5 mA=> 2.5 mA ASIA ASI active; this bit indicates activity of the audio step interpolation
0 = ASI is not active
1 = ASI step is in progressto0 IFBW[4:0] FM IF filter bandwidth control; 57 kHz (0 0000) to 165 kHz (1 1111). The
bandwidth read data equals the write data definition (at DYN = 0; see
Table 28).
Table 18. ID - format of data byte 5IFCAPG - - - - ID2 ID1 ID0
Table 19. ID - data byte 5 bit description IFCAPG IF filter gear; read value is used for IFCAP adjustment (byte IFCAP);
see Table47
6 to 3 - reserved
2 to 0 ID[2:0] device type identification 001 = TEF6902A
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
8.1.7 Read mode: data byte TEMP
8.2 Write modeThe device is controlled by the I2 C-bus. After the Integrated Circuit (IC) address the MSA
byte contains the control of the tuning action via the bits MODE[2:0] and subaddressing
via bits SA[4:0] (see Figure8).
All circuits are controlled by the CONTROL register. Any data change in the CONTROL
register has immediate effect and will change the operationof the circuit accordingly. The
subaddress range 00h to 05h includes data that may lead to audible disturbance when
changed. Therefore the subaddress range 00h to 05h is not loaded in the CONTROL
register directly but loaded in a BUFFER register instead. This allows the IC to take care tuning actions and mute control, freeing the microcontroller from cumbersome controls
and timings. The subaddress range of 06h onwards does not contain such critical data.2 C-bus information in this range will be loaded in the CONTROL register directly (at
acknowledge of each byte).
Controlled by a state machine the BUFFER data will be loaded in the CONTROL register
for new settings. Howeverat the same time the CONTROL datais loadedin the BUFFER
register. This register swap action allowsa fast returnto the previous setting because the
previous data remains available in the BUFFER register (see Figure 10, Figure 11 and
Figure 12).
Via MODE several operational modes canbe selectedfor the state machine. MODE offers
all standard tuning actions as well as generic control for flexibility. The state machine
controls the tuner directly by controlling the I2 C-bus data. Internal circuits like the IF
counter, mute and weak signal processing are controlled complementary to the tuner
action. The state machine operation startsat the endof transmission(P= STOP).In case
a previous action is still active this is overruled and the new action defined by MODE is
started immediately.
When only the address byteis transmittedno actionis started andno settingis changed,
this can be used to test the presence of the device on the bus. To minimize the I2 C-bus
transmission time only bytes that include data changes need to be written. Following the
MSA byte the transmission can start at any given data byte defined by the subaddress
(SA) bits. In case of MODE = preset, search or load the value of buffered data that is not
overwrittenby the new transmission will equal the control register content, i.e. the current
tuner state. Instead in case of MODE = buffer, AF update, jump, check or end any not
overwritten BUFFER data remains to be the existing BUFFER register content, i.e. the
previous tuner state.
Table 20. TEMP - format of data byte 6TEMP7 TEMP6 TEMP5 TEMP4 TEMP3 TEMP2 TEMP1 TEMP0
Table 21. TEMP - data byte 6 bit description7 to 0 TEMP[7:0] on-chip temperature; 1 step ≈ 1 K; relative indication
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radioAfter power-on reset, all registers, including the reserved registers, should be initialized
with their default settings (see Table 22) usinga preset mode tuning action (see Table 25).
The tuning mute circuitis muted. An actionof the state machineis requiredto de-mute the
circuit, for this purpose preset mode (bits MODE[2:0] = 001) is best fitted since it assures
fast settling of all parameters before mute is released.
Table 22. Write mode subaddress overview00h BANDWIDTH 1111 1110 Section 8.2.2
01h PLLM 0000 1000 Section 8.2.3
02h PLLL 0111 1110 Section 8.2.3
03h DAA 0100 0000 Section 8.2.4
04h AGC 0000 0000 Section 8.2.5
05h BAND 0010 0000 Section 8.2.6
06h LEVELALGN 1000 0100 Section 8.2.8
07h IFCF 0010 0000 Section 8.2.9
08h IFCAP 0000 1000 Section 8.2.10
09h ACD 0100 1010 Section 8.2.11
0Ah SENSE 1000 0101 Section 8.2.12
0Bh TIMING 0110 0110 Section 8.2.13
0Ch SNC 0111 0100 Section 8.2.14
0Dh HIGHCUT 0110 1111 Section 8.2.15
0Eh SOFTMUTE 0110 1010 Section 8.2.16
0Fh RADIO 0001 1010 Section 8.2.17
10h INPUT 0000 1010 Section 8.2.18
11h VOLUME 0011 0000 Section 8.2.19
12h TREBLE 0000 1100 Section 8.2.20
13h BASS 0000 1100 Section 8.2.21
14h FADER 0000 0000 Section 8.2.22
15h OUTPUT 0000 1111 Section 8.2.23
16h BALANCE 1000 0000 Section 8.2.24
17h LOUDNESS 0000 1100 Section 8.2.25
18h POWER 0000 0110 Section 8.2.26
19h to 1Eh reserved 0000 0000 Section 8.2.27
1Fh TEST 0000 0000 Section 8.2.28
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
8.2.1 Mode and subaddress byte for write
Table 23. MSA - format of mode and subaddress byteMODE2 MODE1 MODE0 SA4 SA3 SA2 SA1 SA0
Table 24. MSA - mode and subaddress byte bit descriptionto5 MODE[2:0] mode tuning action; see Table25to0 SA[4:0] Subaddress;0 0000to1 1111= write data byte subaddress 00hto 1Fh.
The subaddress value is auto-incremented and will revert from= 1Fhto SA= 00h. The auto-increment function cannotbe disabled.
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radioSince buffer mode (bits MODE[2:0] = 000) does not change any tuner action or register
other then those defined by the I2 C-bus write transmission it generally is the mode used
for writing outside the buffered subaddress range (i.e. bits SA[4:0] = 06h to 1Fh). Writing
in the subaddress range of 06h to 1Fh is executed immediately and is not controlled by
the state machine. Load mode does not interrupt a state machine process, the preload
action changes the content of the BUFFER register which may interfere with a tuner
action in progress.
When a new state machine tuning action is started during a mute state of the state
machine, the new action skips the unnecessary activationof mute and starts immediately
with the actions that follow the mute period in the standard sequence. In this way fastest
timing is possible e.g. for search tuning (see Figure 14, Figure 16, Figure 20 and
Figure 22). When AF update mode is started during a mute state only the return tuning
action will be performed; in combination with check mode an AF update can be created
with the AF sampling time defined by I2 C-bus control (see Figure 18).
The FM IF2 signal path contains a digital controlled AGC function with a maximum AGC
decay time of 13 ms to realize sufficient AM suppression during changing signal
conditions and high modulation situations. During the settling of the AGC (e.g. after a
tuning action), the gain of the FM path and the level detection can be affected. To get
correct signal quality information, a minimum time of 13 ms should be used between two
tuning actions.
Table 25. Tuning action modes 0 0 buffer write BUFFER register, no state machine action, no
register swap; see Figure9 0 1 preset tune to new program with 60 ms mute control; swap;
see Figure13 and Figure 14; BUFFERis preloaded with
CONTROL register; immediate swap; see Figure11 1 0 search tune to new program and stay muted (to release use
end); swap; see Figure 15 and Figure 16; BUFFER is
preloaded with CONTROL register; see Figure11 1 1 AF update tune to AF program; check AF quality and tune back to
main program; two register swap operations;
see Figure 10, Figure 17 and Figure18 0 0 jump tune to AF program in minimum time; register swap;
see Figure 10, Figure 19 and Figure20 0 1 check tunetoAF program and stay muted(to release use end);
register swap; see Figure 10, Figure 21 and Figure22 1 0 load write CONTROL registervia BUFFER;no state machine
action; BUFFER is preloaded with CONTROL register;
immediate swap; see Figure12 1 1 end end action; release mute;no register swap; see Figure9
and Figure23
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
8.2.2 Write mode: data byte BANDWIDTH
Table 26. BANDWIDTH - format of data byte 00h with default setting (buffered)DYN BW4 BW3 BW2 BW1 BW0 TE1 TE0
Table 27. BANDWIDTH - data byte 00h bit description DYN dynamic bandwidth; see Table28
0 = FM IF bandwidth set by BW
1 = FM IF bandwidth dynamically controlledto2 BW[4:0] FM IF bandwidth; see Table28
DYN = 0
00h to 1Fh = FM fixed IF bandwidth 57 kHz to 165 kHz
DYN = 1
00h to 0Fh = minimum dynamic bandwidth 57 kHz to 109 kHz
10h to 1Fh = maximum dynamic bandwidth 113 kHz to 165 kHz and0 TE[1:0] threshold extension
00 = no threshold extension
01 = threshold extension low= threshold extension standard
11 = threshold extension high
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
Table 28. FM IF bandwidth selection0000057 kHz 57 kHzto 165 kHz
0000160 kHz 60 kHzto 165 kHz
0001064 kHz 64 kHzto 165 kHz
0001167 kHz 67 kHzto 165 kHz
0010071 kHz 71 kHzto 165 kHz
0010174 kHz 74 kHzto 165 kHz
0011078 kHz 78 kHzto 165 kHz
0011181 kHz 81 kHzto 165 kHz
0100085 kHz 85 kHzto 165 kHz
0100188 kHz 88 kHzto 165 kHz
0101092 kHz 92 kHzto 165 kHz
0101195 kHz 95 kHzto 165 kHz
0110099 kHz 99 kHzto 165 kHz 1 1 0 1 102 kHz 102 kHzto 165 kHz 1 1 1 0 106 kHz 106 kHzto 165 kHz 1 1 1 1 109 kHz 109 kHzto 165 kHz 0 0 0 0 113 kHz 57 kHzto 113 kHz 0 0 0 1 116 kHz 57 kHzto 116 kHz 0 0 1 0 120 kHz 57 kHzto 120 kHz 0 0 1 1 123 kHz 57 kHzto 123 kHz 0 1 0 0 127 kHz 57 kHzto 127 kHz 0 1 0 1 130 kHz 57 kHzto 130 kHz 0 1 1 0 134 kHz 57 kHzto 134 kHz 0 1 1 1 137 kHz 57 kHzto 137 kHz 1 0 0 0 141 kHz 57 kHzto 141 kHz 1 0 0 1 144 kHz 57 kHzto 144 kHz 1 0 1 0 148 kHz 57 kHzto 148 kHz 1 0 1 1 151 kHz 57 kHzto 151 kHz 1 1 0 0 155 kHz 57 kHzto 155 kHz 1 1 0 1 158 kHz 57 kHzto 158 kHz 1 1 1 0 162 kHz 57 kHzto 162 kHz 1 1 1 1 165 kHz 57 kHzto 165 kHz
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
8.2.3 Write mode: data bytes PLLM and PLLL
8.2.4 Write mode: data byte DAA
Table 29. PLLM - format of data byte 01h with default setting (buffered)RFGAIN PLL14 PLL13 PLL12 PLL11 PLL10 PLL9 PLL8
Table 30. PLLL - format of data byte 02h with default setting (buffered)
Table 31. PLLM and PLLL - data byte 01h and data byte 02h bit description
7 (PLLM) RFGAIN RF gain setting in FM mode
0 = standard RF gain
1 = +6 dB additional RF gain at FM mixer 1
PLL[14:0] VCO programmable divider N; application range of N = 1024 to 32767;
see Section 8.2.7
Table 32. DAA - format of data byte 03h with default setting (buffered) DAA6 DAA5 DAA4 DAA3 DAA2 DAA1 DAA0
Table 33. DAA - data byte 03h bit description - reserved; 0= normal operation
6 to 0 DAA[6:0] RF selectivity alignment
FM: alignment of antenna circuit tuning voltage
(0.1× VVCOto 2.0× VVCO)
AM: voltage Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) output
(0.1× 4.3Vto 2.0× 4.3V)
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
8.2.5 Write mode: data byte AGC
Table 34. AGC - format of data byte 04h with default setting (buffered)AGCSW IFGAIN 0 0 AGC1 AGC0 KAGC LODX 0000
Table 35. AGC - data byte 04h bit description AGCSW RF AGC switch
0 = no control of unused RF AGC
1 = unused AM RF AGC PIN diode at FM mode, or unused FM RF
AGC PIN diodeat AM modeis supplied witha constant currentfor fixed
attenuation IFGAIN IF gain
0 = IF gain for low loss 10.7 MHz filter
1 = increased IF gain (3 dB) for high loss 10.7 MHz filter
5 and 4 - reserved; 0 = normal operation and2 AGC[1:0] setting of RF AGC threshold voltage
FM mixer 1 input voltage (RMS value)
00 = 24 mV
01 = 17 mV
10 = 12 mV
11 = 9 mV
AM mixer 1 input voltage (peak-to-peak value)
00 = 1000 mV
01 = 700 mV
10 = 500 mV
11 = 350 mV KAGC keyed AGC
FM mode
0 = keyed AGC off= keyed AGCon; the AGC start levelis shiftedtoa value10dB above
the standard AGC start level, when the level voltage of the wanted RF
signal is below the threshold level voltage for narrow-band AGC
AM mode
0 = RF cascode AGC enabled with full range
1 = RF cascode AGC enabled with limited range LODX FM: local switch
0 = standard operation (DX)
1 = forced FM RF AGC attenuation (LOCAL)
AM: trigger signal from AM IF noise blanker to AM audio noise blanker
0 = trigger signal active for low modulation (m< 0.05) only
1 = trigger signal always active, independent of modulation
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
8.2.6 Write mode: data byte BANDDifferent PLL charge pump currents are used for different reference frequencies to
maintain best PLL loop stability; see Table 40.
Settings FREF[2:0]= 000 (100 kHz) and FREF[2:0]= 001 (50 kHz) include additional high
current charge pump control to realize fast PLL locking within 1 ms.
Table 36. BAND - format of data byte 05h with default setting (buffered)BAND2 BAND1 BAND0 FREF2 FREF1 FREF0 LOINJ 0
Table 37. BAND - data byte 05h bit descriptionto5 BAND[2:0] FM and AM band selection; see Table38to2 FREF[2:0] PLL reference frequency; see Table39 LOINJ FM mixer 1 image suppression
0 = high injection image suppression
1 = low injection image suppression - reserved; 0 = normal operation
Table 38. Decoding of BAND bits000- reserved
10110 AM
11016 AM
11120 AM
Table 39. Reference frequencies 0 0 100 kHz 0 1 50 kHz 1 0 25 kHz 1 1 20 kHz 0 0 10 kHz 0 1 reserved 1 0 reserved 1 1 reserved
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio[1] X = don’t care.
8.2.7 Tuning overviewHigh injection LO (Europe FM, US FM and AM):
with LOINJ= 0 to achieve full image suppression in FM.
Low injection LO (Japan FM and OIRT):
with LOINJ= 1 to achieve full image suppression in FM.
where: M is the divider ratio of the VCO frequency for AM mixer 1 and FM mixer1
Table 40. Charge pump source[1] 0 0 X CP1 100 kHz 0 1 X CP2 50 kHz 1 0 X CP3 25 kHz 1 1 1 CP3 20 kHz 1 1 0 CP4 20 kHz 0 0 X CP5 10 kHz 0 1 X reserved 1 0 X reserved 1 1 X reserved
Table 41. Standard tuner settingsEurope FM and US FM 001 2 000 100 kHz 0 50 kHz
Japan FM 010 3 000 100 kHz 1 33.3 kHz
Eastern Europe FM
010 3 011 20 kHz 1 6.67 kHz
AM MW and LW 111 20 011 20 kHz 0 1 kHz
AM SW 120 m to 60 m 110 16 100 10 kHz 0 0.625 kHz
AM SW 49 m to 22 m 101 10 100 10 kHz 0 1 kHz
AM SW 25 m to 15 m 100 8 100 10 kHz 0 1.25 kHz
AM SW 16 m to 11 m 011 6 100 10 kHz 0 1.67 kHz fRF 10.7 MHz+ () M×ref
-----------------------------------------------------= fRF 10.7 MHz– () M×ref
tuning step fref------= f VCO mixer1---------------=
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
8.2.8 Write mode: data byte LEVELALGNFor I2 C-bus reading of the level voltage and standard alignment see read data byte 1
(see Table 10).
Level alignment should begin with slope alignment (LSL): the level slope does not change
with level start alignment (LST) or broadcast band; therefore a single LSL alignment
setting can be used for all FM and AM band selections.
Level start may change between broadcast bands; therefore generally a separate LST
alignment and setting is used for every broadcast band.
8.2.9 Write mode: data byte IFCF
8.2.10 Write mode: data byte IFCAP
Table 42. LEVELALGN - format of data byte 06h with default settingLST4 LST3 LST2 LST1 LST0 LSL2 LSL1 LSL0
Table 43. LEVELALGN - data byte 06h bit descriptionto3 LST[4:0] level start voltage alignmentto0 LSL[2:0] level slope alignment
Table 44. IFCF - format of data byte 07h with default settingIFCFA IFNBW IFCF5 IFCF4 IFCF3 IFCF2 IFCF1 IFCF0
Table 45. IFCF - data byte 07 bit description IFCFA FM IF filter align mode
0 = normal operation
1 = align mode (fast frequency settling) IFNBW FM IF filter narrow
0 = normal operation
1 = FM IF filter at minimum bandwidth (57 kHz)to0 IFCF[5:0] FM IF filter center frequency alignment
Table 46. IFCAP - format of data byte 08h with default settingIFCAPA 0 0 0 IFCAP3 IFCAP2 IFCAP1 IFCAP0 0 0 0
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radioThe fully integrated IF2 filter of the TEF6902A has to be aligned in order to achieve the
optimum performance at all ambient conditions. Factory alignment of bits IFCAP[3:0]FM IF filter operation point alignment: data byte IFCAP: a single alignment of the FM IF
filter operation range secures an accurate and continuous frequency setting over the full
temperature range and all FM bands. Set bit IFCAPA to logic 1 to disable internal IFCAP control Decrease IFCAP from 15 downwards until I2 C-bus read bit IFCAPG (read byte 5; ID)
changes from logic 1 to logic0 Save this IFCAP setting as alignment value Set bit IFCAPA to logic 0 to return to normal operation Initialization of the radioDuring radio initialization bit IFCAPA (is logic 1) is used for writing the stored IFCAP[3:0]
value. Afterwards set bit IFCAPA to a logic 0 to start normal operation. Writing of the
IFCAP byte with the alignment value is allowed during radio operation but requires a
setting of bit IFCAPA to logic 0. Factory alignment of IFCFFM IF filter center frequency alignment: data byte IFCF: to correct IF frequency errors
causedbyan errorin the crystal frequency the alignmentis preferably performedfor every
FM band in use. A test frequency in the center of the band is preferred. An accurate
alignment result is realized by testing for symmetrical filter attenuation. Set RF generator level VRF= 200 μV Set bit IFCFA to logic 1 to enable fast settling of the filter frequency Set bit IFNBW to logic 1 for accuracy (filter is set to narrow 57 kHz bandwidth) Test high side of filter curve: tune to fRF − 50 kHz (Europe/USA) or fRF + 33.3 kHz
(Japan/OIRT) Change IFCF from 0 to 63 and note the level read result (level voltages) Test low side of filter curve: tune to fRF + 50 kHz (Europe/USA) or fRF − 33.3 kHz
(Japan/OIRT) Change IFCF from 0 to 63 and note the level voltages Find the IFCF value where both level curves cross (lowest difference) and save this
IFCF value
Table 47. IFCAP - data byte 08h bit description IFCAPA FM IF filter capacitor align
0 = standard operation
1 = align mode and initialization mode (auto correct disabled)
6 to 4 - reserved; 0 = normal operationto0 IFCAP[3:0] IF filter capacitor. Setting of FM IF filter capacitor value by means of
bit IFCAPG of read data byte 5, ID; see Table 19 (For initialization set
IFCAPA = 1. For alignment set IFCAPA = 1 and check, when read bit
IFCAPG changes from logic 0 to logic 1).
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio Set bits IFCFA and IFNBW to logic 0 to return to normal operation
The bits IFCFA and IFNBW are intended for factory alignment use only. Normal radio
operation requires a setting of bits IFCFA and IFNBW to logic 0.
8.2.11 Write mode: data byte ACD
8.2.12 Write mode: data byte SENSE
Table 48. ACD - format of data byte 09h with default settingACDLEV ACDLAP1 ACDLAP0 ACDBAL1 ACDBAL0 ACDWAM1 ACDWAM0 HCSFH 0 0 1 0 1 0
Table 49. ACD - data byte 09h bit description ACDLEV level threshold; start level of threshold extension and latch protection
0 = start at LEV= 40 (VLEVEL= 0.88 V), normal operation
1 = start at LEV= 48 (VLEVEL =1V) and 5 ACDLAP[1:0] latch protection limit; protect against narrow bandwidth lockingat high
modulation, low RF signal condition
00 = no protection
01 = low protection
10 = standard protection
11 = high protection and 3 ACDBAL[1:0] control balance; bandwidth control priority towards adjacent channel
(prevent breakthrough) or towards modulation (low distortion)
00 = high adjacent channel priority
01 = medium adjacent channel priority, standard operation
10 = medium modulation priority
11 = high modulation priority and 1 ACDWAM[1:0] WAM threshold; desensitize bandwidth control at detection of WAM
00 = no desensitization on WAM
01 = low sensitivity
10 = medium sensitivity
11 = high sensitivity HCSFH HCC minimum bandwidth; combined control with bit HCSF;
see Table 57, Table 60 and Figure26
0 = minimum bandwidth of high cut control is 2.2 kHz or 3.3 kHz
1 = minimum bandwidth of high cut control is 3.9 kHz or 5.6 kHz
Table 50. SENSE - format of data byte 0Ah with default settingCSA3 CSA2 CSA1 CSA0 USS1 USS0 WAS1 WAS0
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radioThe input control valuefor weak signal control derived from USNis denotedby Veq.LEVEL;
equivalent level voltage. This indicates a weak signal control amount equal to the weak
signal control generated by a certain VLEVEL voltage.
The USS setting does not influence the I2 C-bus read quality information of USN; read
data byte 2, USN/WAM; see Table 12.
The input control valuefor weak signal control derived from WAMis denotedby Veq.LEVEL;
equivalent level voltage. This indicates a weak signal control amount equal to the weak
signal control generated by a certain VLEVEL voltage.
The WAS setting does not influence the I2 C-bus read quality information of WAM; read
data byte 2, USN/WAM; see Table 12.
Table 51. SENSE - data byte 0Ah bit descriptionto4 CSA[3:0] alignment of FM stereo channel separation and 2 USS[1:0] USN sensitivity; USN weak signal control equivalent level
voltage/frequency deviation for weak signal processing; see Figure24
00 = −0.06 V/kHz
01 = −0.08 V/kHz
10 = −0.12 V/kHz
11 = −0.16 V/kHz and0 WAS[1:0] WAM sensitivity; WAM weak signal control equivalent level
voltage/VLEVEL (peak-to-peak) for weak signal processing; see Figure24
00 = −7.5
01 = −10
10 = −15
11 = −20
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
8.2.13 Write mode: data byte TIMING[1] During the tuning mute of the preset and search mode tuning action the time constants set by STC, HTC
and MTC changeto tattack =50ms and trecovery=50msto enable fast settlingofthe weak signal processing
to new conditions.
[1] When for an external audio source VU-meter mode is enabled (bits AVUM or COMP are logic 1) the HTC
setting controls the trecovery VU-meter timing, tattack has a fixed value of 20 ms; see Table99.
Table 52. TIMING - format of data byte 0Bh with default settingSTC1 STC0 HTC2 HTC1 HTC0 MTC2 MTC1 MTC0
Table 53. TIMING - data byte 0Bh bit description[1] and 6 STC[1:0] setting of the stereo noise control time constants; see Table54to3 HTC[2:0] setting of the high cut control time constants; see Table55to0 MTC[2:0] setting of the soft mute control time constants; see Table56
Table 54. SNC weak signal processing control speed setting 0 0.1 s 1.25 s 1 0.1 s 2.5 s 0 0.1 s 5 s 1 0.1 s 10 s
Table 55. HCC speed setting[1] 0 0 0.03 s 0.04 s 0 1 0.03 s 0.08 s 1 0 0.06 s 0.3 s 1 1 0.25 s 0.3 s 0 0 0.25 s 0.6 s 0 1 0.5 s 0.6 s
1101 s 1.25 s
1111 s 2.5 s
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio[1] When for an external audio source dynamic compression is enabled (bit COMP is logic 1) the MTC setting
controls the trecovery compression timing, tattack has a fixed value of 20 ms; see Table80.
[2] The attack time is the time, which the weak signal processing needs to realize a full control change for a
level voltage change between HIGH level (where the weak signal processing is inactive) and 0.75 V level
[3] The recovery timeisthe time neededforthefull control change whenthe level voltage rises from 0.75Vto
HIGH level.
8.2.14 Write mode: data byte SNC
Table 56. Soft mute weak signal processing control speed setting[1] 0 0 0.01 s 0.01 s 0 1 0.01 s 0.03 s 1 0 0.03 s 0.1 s 1 1 0.1 s 0.1 s 0 0 0.1 s 0.2 s 0 1 0.2 s 0.2 s 1 0 0.4 s 0.4 s 1 1 0.4 s 0.8 s
Table 57. SNC - format of data byte 0Ch with default settingSST3 SST2 SST1 SST0 SSL1 SSL0 HCMP HCSF
Table 58. SNC - data byte 0Ch bit descriptionto4 SST[3:0] SNC start; start setting of the stereo noise control; see Table 59 and
Figure25 and 2 SSL[1:0] SNC slope; slope setting of the stereo noise control (αsep /Veq.LEVEL);
see Figure25
00 = 38 dB/V
01 = 51 dB/V
10 = 63 dB/V
11 = 72 dB/V HCMP HCC control source
0 = high cut control is only controlled by the level information
1 = high cut control is controlled by level, USN and WAM HCSF HCC minimum bandwidth; combined control with bit HCSFH;
see Table 49, Table 60 and Figure26
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
Table 59. Start of stereo noise control weak signal processing 0 0 0 1.88V 0 0 1 1.94V 0 1 0 2.00V 0 1 1 2.06V 1 0 0 2.13V 1 0 1 2.19V 1 1 0 2.25V 1 1 1 2.31V 0 0 0 2.38V 0 0 1 2.44V 0 1 0 2.5V 0 1 1 2.56V 1 0 0 2.63V 1 0 1 2.69V 1 1 0 2.75V 1 1 1 2.81V
Table 60. HCC minimum bandwidth 0 2.2 kHz 1 3.3 kHz 0 3.9 kHz 1 5.6 kHz
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
8.2.15 Write mode: data byte HIGHCUT
Table 61. HIGHCUT - format of data byte 0Dh with default settingHST2 HST1 HST0 HSL1 HSL0 HCF2 HCF1 HCF0
Table 62. HIGHCUT - data byte 0Dh bit descriptionto5 HST[2:0] HCC start; start setting of the high cut control; see Table 63 and Figure26 and 3 HSL[1:0] HCC slope; slope setting of the high cut control (α10kHz /Veq.LEVEL); see Figure26
00 = 9 dB/V
01 = 11 dB/V
10 = 14 dB/V
11 = 18 dB/Vto0 HCF[2:0] HCC maximum bandwidth; setting of the fixed high cut control; see Table 64, Figure 26 and
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
Table 63. Start of high cut control weak signal processing 0 0 1.5V 0 1 1.75V 1 0 2.0V 1 1 2.25V 0 0 2.5V 0 1 3.0V 1 0 3.5V 1 1 4.0V
Table 64. Fixed high cut settings 0 0 reserved 0 1 2 kHz 1 0 3 kHz 1 1 5 kHz 0 0 7 kHz 0 1 10 kHz 1 0 wide bandwidth 1 1 full bandwidth
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
8.2.16 Write mode: data byte SOFTMUTE[1] When for an external audio source dynamic compression is enabled (bit COMP is logic 1) the MSL setting
controls the compression ratio. For default 2: 1 compression MSL = 01 is used; see Table82.
[1] When for an external audio source dynamic compression is enabled (COMP = 1) the MST setting controls
the compression range. For default full compression MST = 7 is used; see Table81.
Table 65. SOFTMUTE - format of data byte 0Eh with default settingMST2 MST1 MST0 MSL1 MSL0 UMD1 UMD0 MSLE
Table 66. SOFTMUTE - data byte 0Eh bit descriptionto5 MST[2:0] soft mute start; start setting of the soft mute; for FM see Table 67 and
Figure 28; for AM see Table 68 and Figure29 and 3 MSL[1:0] soft mute slope[1]kHz /Veq.LEVEL); for
FM see Table 69 and Figure 28; for AM see Table 70 and Figure29 and 1 UMD[1:0] USN soft mute depth; settingof the maximum attenuationof the USN fast
soft mute control; see Figure30
00 = 3dB
01 = 6dB
10 = 9dB
11 = 12dB MSLE soft mute slope extension; additional slope setting of the soft mute; for
FM see Table 69 and Figure 28; for AM see Table 70 and Figure29
Table 67. Start of soft mute control weak signal processing; FM mode[1] 0 0 0.88V 0 1 1.0V 1 0 1.12V 1 1 1.25V 0 0 1.38V 0 1 0.75V 1 0 0.81V 1 1 0.94V
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio[1] When for an external audio source dynamic compression is enabled (COMP = 1) the MST setting controls
the compression range. For default full compression MST = 7 is used; see Table81.
[1] When for an external audio source dynamic compression is enabled (COMP = 1) the MSL setting controls
the compression range. For default 2: 1 compression MSL = 1 is used; see Table82.
[1] When for an external audio source dynamic compression is enabled (COMP = 1) the MSL setting controls
the compression range. For default 2: 1 compression MSL = 1 is used; see Table82.
Table 68. Start of soft mute control weak signal processing; AM mode[1] 0 0 1.5V 0 1 1.75V 1 0 2.0V 1 1 1.25V 0 0 1.38V 0 1 1.62V 1 0 1.88V 1 1 2.12V
Table 69. Slope of soft mute control weak signal processing; FM mode[1] 0 0 8 dB/V 0 1 16 dB/V 1 0 24 dB/V 1 1 32 dB/V 0 0 40 dB/V 0 1 48 dB/V 1 0 reserved 1 1 reserved
Table 70. Slope of soft mute control weak signal processing; AM mode[1] 0 0 8 dB/V 0 1 12 dB/V 1 0 16 dB/V 1 1 20 dB/V 0 0 24 dB/V 0 1 28 dB/V 1 0 32 dB/V 1 1 36 dB/V
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio
NXP Semiconductors TEF6902A
Integrated car radio