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GreenChip II SMPS control IC
General descriptionThe GreenChip II is the second generation of green Switched Mode Power Supply
(SMPS) controller ICs. Its high level of integration allows the design of a cost effective
power supply with a very low number of external components.
The TEA1530(A) (TEA1530T , TEA1530AT and TEA1530AP) can be used in fixed
frequency converter designs for low voltage, high current applications. At low power
(standby) levels, the system operates in cycle skipping mode which minimizes the
switching losses during standby.
The proprietary high voltage BCD800 process makes direct start-up possible from the
rectified universal mains voltage in an effective and green way. A second low voltage
BICMOS IC is used for accurate, high speed protection functions and control.
The TEA1530(A) enables highly efficient and reliable supplies to be designed easily.
2.1 Distinctive features Universal mains supply operation, 70 VAC to 276 VAC. High level of integration, resulting in a very low external component count. Fixed frequency operation.
2.2 Green features Cycle skipping modeat very low loads; input power< 300 mWat no-load operationfor
a typical adapter application. On-chip start-up current source.
2.3 Protection features Safe restart mode for system fault conditions. Undervoltage protection (foldback during overload). IC OverTemperature Protection (OTP) (latched). Low and adjustable OverCurrent Protection (OCP) trip level. Soft (re)start. Mains voltage-dependent operation-enabling level. TEA1530AT and TEA1530AP: General purpose input for latched or safe restart
protection and timing, e.g. to be used for OverVoltage Protection (OVP), output short
circuit protection or system OTP.
GreenChip II SMPS control IC
Rev. 01 — 30 June 2008 Product data sheet
NXP Semiconductors TEA1530T/A T/AP
GreenChip II SMPS control IC TEA1530T: General purpose inputfor latched protection and timing, e.g.tobe usedfor
OVP , output short circuit protection or system OTP.
Applications Printer& LCD adapters/ chargers/ supplies. The device can, however, alsobe usedin
all applications that demand an efficient and cost-effective solution up to 65 W.
Ordering information
Table 1: Ordering informationTEA1530T SO8 plastic small outline package; 8 leads; body width 3.9 mm SOT96-1
TEA1530AT SO8 plastic small outline package; 8 leads; body width 3.9 mm SOT96-1
TEA1530AP DIP8 plastic dual in-line package; 8 leads (300 mil) SOT97-1
NXP Semiconductors TEA1530T/A T/AP
GreenChip II SMPS control IC Block diagram
NXP Semiconductors TEA1530T/A T/AP
GreenChip II SMPS control IC Pinning information
6.1 Pinning
6.2 Pin description Functional descriptionThe TEA1530(A) is the controller of a compact flyback converter, with the IC situated at
the primary side. An auxiliary winding of the transformer powers the IC after start-up;
see Figure3.
Table 2: Pin descriptionVCC 1 supply voltage
GND 2 ground
PROTECT 3 protection and timing input
CTRL 4 control input
SENSE 5 programmable current sense input
DRIVER 6 MOSFET gate driver output
HVS 7 High voltage spacer
DRAIN 8 High voltage rectified mains input for start-up current
NXP Semiconductors TEA1530T/A T/AP
GreenChip II SMPS control ICThe TEA1530(A) can operate in multi modes; see Figure4.
Because of the fixed frequency mode, the internal oscillator determines the start of the
next converter stroke.
A cycle skipping mode is activated at very low power (standby) levels.
NXP Semiconductors TEA1530T/A T/AP
GreenChip II SMPS control IC
7.1 Start-up, mains enabling operation level and undervoltage lockoutRefer to Figure 8 and Figure 9. Initially, the IC is self supplying from the rectified mains
voltage via pin DRAIN. The supply capacitor CVCC (at pin 1) is charged by the internal
start-up current source to a level of about 4 V or higher, depending on the drain voltage.
Once the drain voltage exceeds the Vmains(oper)(en) (mains-dependent operation-enabling
level), the start-up current source will continue charging capacitor CVCC (switch S1 willbe
opened), see Figure 1. The IC activates the power converter as soon as the voltage on
pin VCC passes the Vstartup level.At this moment theIC supply from the high voltage pinis
stopped (green function). The IC supply is taken over by the auxiliary winding of the
flyback converter.
The moment the voltage on pin VCC drops below Vth(UVLO) (undervoltage lockout), the IC
stops switching and performs a safe restart from the rectified mains voltage. In the safe
restart mode the driver outputis disabled and the voltageon pin VCCis recharged via the
pin DRAIN.
7.2 Supply managementAll (internal) reference voltages are derived from a temperature compensated, on-chip
band gap circuit.
7.3 Current control modeCurrent control mode is used for its good line regulation behavior.
The primary currentis sensed acrossan external resistor and compared with the internal
control voltage. The driver output is latched in the logic, preventing multiple switch-on.
The internal control voltage is inversely proportional to the voltage on the external
pin CTRL with an offset of 1.5 V. This means that a voltage range from 1 V to
approximately 1.5 V on pin CTRL will result in a pin SENSE voltage range from
0.52Vto25 mV (a high external control voltage results in a low duty cycle).
7.4 OscillatorThe fixed frequency of the oscillator is set by an internal current source and capacitor.
NXP Semiconductors TEA1530T/A T/AP
GreenChip II SMPS control IC
7.5 Cycle skippingAt very low power levels, a cycle skipping mode activates. An internal control voltage
(Vsense(max)) lower than 25 mV will inhibit switch-on of the external power MOSFET until
this voltage increases to a higher value; see Figure5.
7.6 Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM)TheIC operatesin Fixed Frequency Continuous Conduction Mode (FF CCM). Pin DRAIN
should be connected to the high voltage rectified mains VI; see Figure8.
7.7 OverCurrent Protection (OCP)The primary peak current in the transformer is measured accurately cycle-by-cycle using
the external sense resistor Rsense. The OCP circuit limits the voltage on pin SENSE to an
internal level equal to 1.5V− VCTRL (see also Section 7.3). The OCP detection is
suppressed during the leading edge blanking period, tlebto prevent false triggering caused
by the switch-on spikes.
7.8 Control pin protection pin CTRL becomes open-circuitoris disconnected,a fault conditionis assumed and the
converter will stop switching immediately. Operation recommences when the fault
condition is removed.
7.9 Adjustable slope compensationA slope compensation function has been added at pin CTRL; see Figure 6. The slope
compensation function prevents subharmonic oscillationin CCMat duty cycles over50%.
The CTRL voltageis modulatedby sourcinga (non-constant) current outof pin CTRL and
by adding externally a series resistor Rslopecomp. This increases the CTRL voltage
proportionally with the on-time, which therefore limits the OCP level. A longer on-time
resultsina higher CTRL voltage, this increasein CTRL voltage will decrease the on-time.
Slope compensation can be adjusted by changing the value of Rslopecomp. Slope
compensation prevents modulationof the on-time (duty cycle) while operatingin FF CCM.
A possible drawback of subharmonic oscillation can be output voltage ripple.
NXP Semiconductors TEA1530T/A T/AP
GreenChip II SMPS control IC
7.10 Minimum and maximum on-timeThe minimum on-timeof the SMPSis determinedby the LEB time (typically 400 ns). The
IC limits the maximum on-time by limiting the driver duty cycle to70 %. So the maximum
on-time is correlated to the oscillator time which results in an accurate limit of the
minimum input voltage of the flyback converter.
7.11 PROTECT and timing inputThe PROTECT input (pin 3) is a multipurpose, high-impedance input, which can be used
to switch off the IC and create a relatively long timing function. As soon as the voltage on
this pin rises above 2.5V, switching stops immediately. For the timing function,a currentof
typically 50 μA flows out of pin PROTECT and charges an external capacitor until the
activation level of 2.5 V is reached. This current source is only activated when the
converter is not in regulation, which is detected by the voltage on pin CTRL
(VCTRL< 0.63 V). A (small) discharge current is also implemented to ensure that the
capacitor is not charged, for example, by spikes. An internal MOSFET switch is added to
discharge the external capacitor and ensures a defined start situation. For the
TEA1530AP and TEA1530AT the voltage on pin CTRL determines whether the IC enters
latched protection mode or safe restart protection mode:
When the voltage on pin CTRL is below 0.63V , the IC is assumed to be out of
regulation (e.g. the control loop is open). In this case activating pin PROTECT
(VPROTECT > 2.5 V) will cause the converter to stop switching. Once VCC drops below
Vth(UVLO), capacitor CVCC will be recharged and the supply will restart. This cycle will
be repeated until the fault condition is removed (safe restart mode).
When the voltage on pin CTRL is above 0.63 V, the output is assumed to be in
regulation. In this case activating pin PROTECT (VPROTECT> 2.5 V), by external
means, will activate the latch protection of the IC. The voltage on pin VCC will cycle
between Vstartup and Vth(UVLO), but the IC will not start switching again until the latch
NXP Semiconductors TEA1530T/A T/AP
GreenChip II SMPS control ICprotectionis reset. The latchis resetas soonas VCC drops below 4.5V (typical value)
(this only occurs when the mains has been disconnected). The internal
overtemperature protection will also trigger this latch; see also Figure1.
For the TEA1530T the IC always enters the latched mode protection independent of the
voltage on pin CTRL. voltage higher than3Von pin PROTECT will always latch the IC. Thisis independentof
the state of the IC.
7.12 OverTemperature Protection (OTP)The IC provides accurate OTP . The IC stops switching when the junction temperature
exceeds the thermal shutdown temperature. When VCC dropsto Vth(UVLO), capacitor CVCC rechargedto the Vstartup level, however, switching will not restart. Subsequently, VCC will
drop again to Vth(UVLO).
Operation only recommences when VCC drops belowa levelof about 4.5V, typically when
the mains voltage is disconnected for a short period.
7.13 Soft start-up (pin SENSE)To prevent transformer rattle at start-up or during hiccup, the transformer peak current is
slowly increased by the soft start function. This can be achieved by inserting a resistor
anda capacitor between pin SENSE (pin5) and sense resistor Rsense. An internal current
source charges the capacitor to VSENSE =Istartup(soft)× Rss (about 0.5 V maximum).
The start level and the time constant of the increasing primary current level can be
adjusted externally by changing the values of Rss and Css.
The charging current Istartup(soft) will flow as long as the voltage on pin SENSE is
below approximately 0.5 V. If the voltage on pin SENSE exceeds 0.5 V, the soft start
current source will start limiting current Istartup(soft).At Vstartup, the Istartup(soft) current source
is completely switched off, see Figure7.
Since the soft start current Istartup(soft) is supplied from pin DRAIN, the Rss value will not
affect VCC current during start-up. Rss Css×=
NXP Semiconductors TEA1530T/A T/AP
GreenChip II SMPS control IC
7.14 DriverThe driver circuit to the gate of the power MOSFET has a current sourcing capability of
typically 150 mA and a current sink capability of typically, 500 mA at VCC = 9.5 V. At
VCC=15 V, the current sourcing capability is typically 250 mA and the current sink
capability typically 0.7 A. This permits fast turning on and off of the power MOSFET for
efficient operation.
A low driver source current has been chosen to limit the ΔV/Δt at switch-on. This reduces
ElectroMagnetic Interference (EMI) and also limits the current spikes across Rsense.
Limiting values
Table 3: Limiting valuesIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134). All voltages are measured
with respectto ground (pin2); positive currents flow into the chip;pin VCC may notbe current driven.
The voltage ratings are valid provided other ratings are not violated; current ratings are valid
provided the maximum power rating is not violated.
VoltagesVCC supply voltage continuous −0.4 +20 V
VPROTECT voltage on pin PROTECT continuous −0.4 +5 V
VCTRL voltage on pin CTRL −0.4 +5 V
VSENSE voltage on pin SENSE current limited −0.4 - V
VDRAIN voltage on pin DRAIN −0.4 +650 V
CurrentsICTRL current on pin CTRL d<10% - 50 mA
ISENSE current on pin SENSE −1 +10 mA
IDRIVER current on pin DRIVER d<10% −0.8 +2 A
IDRAIN current on pin DRAIN - 5 mA
NXP Semiconductors TEA1530T/A T/AP
GreenChip II SMPS control IC[1] Equivalent to discharging a 100 pF capacitor through a 1.5 kΩ series resistor.
[2] Equivalent to discharging a 200 pF capacitor through a 0.75 μH coil and a 10 Ω resistor.
Thermal characteristics
10. Characteristics
GeneralPtot total power dissipation Tamb <70°C
SO8 package - 0.5 W
DIP8 package - 0.75 W
Tstg storage temperature −55 +150 °C junction temperature −20 +145 °C
ESDVESD electrostatic discharge
human body model
pins1to6 [1]- 2000 V
pin 8 (DRAIN) [1]- 1500 V
machine model [2]- 200 V
Table 3: Limiting values …continuedIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134). All voltages are measured
with respectto ground (pin2); positive currents flow into the chip;pin VCC may notbe current driven.
The voltage ratings are valid provided other ratings are not violated; current ratings are valid
provided the maximum power rating is not violated.
Table 4. Thermal characteristicsRth(j-a) thermal resistance from junctionto ambient. in free air, SO8 package. 150 K/W
in free air, DIP8 package 95 K/W
Table 5: CharacteristicsTamb =25 °C; VCC=15 V; all voltages are measured with respect to ground (pin 2); currents are positive when flowing into
the IC; unless otherwise specified.
Start-up current source (pin DRAIN)IDRAIN current on pin DRAIN VDRAIN> 100V
VCC=0V 1.0 1.2 1.4 mA
with auxiliary supply - 100 300 μA
VBR breakdown voltage 650 - - V
Vmains(oper)(en) mains-dependent
operation-enabling voltage - 100 V
Supply voltage management (pin VCC)Vstartup start-up voltage 10.3 11 11.7 V
Vth(UVLO) undervoltage lockout threshold
8.1 8.7 9.3 V