TEA1522P ,SMPS ICs for low-power systemsFEATURES A dedicated circuit for valley switching is built in (notimplemented in TEA152xAJM version ..
TEA1522T ,STARplugAPPLICATIONS• Under voltage protectionTMTypical application areas for the STARplug are:• Temperatur ..
TEA1522T ,STARplugINTEGRATED CIRCUITSDATA SHEETTEA152x familyTMSTARplugProduct specification 2000 Sep 08File under Int ..
TEA1522T ,STARplugapplications and small portable equipment, etc.4. Quick reference data Table 1. Quick reference dat ..
TEA1523 ,STARplugFEATURES A dedicated circuit for valley switching is built in (notimplemented in TEA152xAJM version ..
TEA1523AJM ,STARplugINTEGRATED CIRCUITSDATA SHEETTEA152x familyTMSTARplugProduct specification 2000 Sep 08File under Int ..
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TL1451ACD ,Dual Channel Controller with Wide Input Voltage Range SLVS024E – FEBRUARY 1983 – REVISED NOVEMBER 1999
TL1451ACDBLE ,Dual Channel Controller with Wide Input Voltage Rangemaximum ratings over operating free-air temperature rangeSupply voltage, V . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
TL1451ACDBR ,Dual Channel Controller with Wide Input Voltage Rangeblock diagramV RT CTCC92 1112 DTC1410IN+ +ERROR 2 OUTPUT13AMPLIFIER 2–IN–122 FEEDBACK PWMOscillator ..
TL1451ACDBRG4 ,Dual Channel Controller with Wide Input Voltage Range 16-SSOP -20 to 851OUT RTGND CTNCNCV REFCC2OUT SCP SLVS024E – FE ..
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
STARplug TM TEA152x family
FEATURES Designed for general purpose supplies up to 50W Integrated power switch: TEA1520: 48 Ω; 650V TEA1521: 24 Ω; 650V TEA1522: 12 Ω; 650V TEA1523: 6.5 Ω; 650V TEA1524: 3.4 Ω; 650V. Operates from universal AC mains supplies
(80to 276V) Adjustable frequency for flexible design RC oscillator for load insensitive regulation loop
constant Valley switching for minimum switch-on loss (not
implemented in TEA152xAJM versions) Frequency reduction at low power output makes low
standby power possible (<100 mW) Adjustable overcurrent protection Under voltage protection Temperature protection Short circuit winding protection Simple application with both primary and secondary
(opto) feedback Available in 8-pin DIP, 14-pin SO and 9-pin DBS
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe TEA152x family is a Switched Mode Power
Supply (SMPS) controller IC that operates directly from
the rectified universal mains.Itis implementedin the high
voltage EZ-HV SOI process, combined witha low voltage
BICMOS process. The device includes a high voltage
power switch and a circuit for start-up directly from the
rectified mains voltage.
A dedicated circuit for valley switching is built in (not
implemented in TEA152xAJM versions), which makes a
very efficient slim-line electronic powerplug concept
possible.its mostbasic versionof application, the TEA152xfamily
acts as a voltage source. Here, no additional secondary
electronics are required. A combined voltage and current
source can be realized with minimum costs for external
components. Implementation of the TEA152x family
renders an efficient and low cost power supply system.
Table 1 Available type numbers
APPLICATIONSTypical application areas for the STARplugTM are: Chargers Adapters STB (Set Top Box) DVD CD(R) TV/monitor standby supplies PC peripherals Microcontroller suppliesin home applications and small
portable equipment, etc.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification ARplug TM TEA152x family
Philips Semiconductors Product specification ARplug TM TEA152x family
Philips Semiconductors Product specification ARplug TM TEA152x family
Philips Semiconductors Product specification ARplug TM TEA152x family
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThe TEA152x family is the heart of a compact flyback
converter, with the IC placed at the primary side. The
auxiliary winding of the transformer can be used for
indirect feedback to control the isolated output. This
additional winding also powers the IC. A more accurate
control of the output voltage and/or current can be
implemented withan additional secondary sensing circuit
and optocoupler feedback.
The TEA152x family uses voltage mode control. The
frequency is determined by the maximum transformer
demagnetizing time and the time of the oscillator. In the
first case, the converter operates in the Self Oscillating
Power Supply (SOPS) mode.In the latter case,it operates
at a constant frequency, which can be adjusted with
external components RRC and CRC. This mode is called
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). Furthermore, a primary
stroke is started only in a valley of the secondary ringing.
This valley switching principle minimizes capacitive
switch-on losses.
Start-up and under voltage lock-outInitially, the IC is self supplying from the rectified mains
voltage. TheIC starts switchingas soonas the voltageon
pin VCC passes the VCC(start) level. The supply is taken
overby the auxiliary windingof the transformeras soonas
VCCis high enough and the supply from the lineis stopped
for high efficiency operation.
Whenfor somereason the auxiliary supplyis not sufficient,
the high voltage supply also supplies the IC. As soon as
the voltageon pin VCC drops below the VCC(stop) level, the
IC stops switching and restarts from the rectified mains
OscillatorThe frequency of the oscillator is set by the external
resistor and capacitoron pin RC. The external capacitoris
charged rapidly to the VRC(max) level and, starting from a
new primary stroke, it discharges to the VRC(min) level.
Because the discharge is exponential, the relative
sensitivityof the duty factorto the regulation voltageat low
duty factor is almost equal to the sensitivity at high duty
factors. This resultsina more constant gain over the duty
factor range compared to PWM systems with a linear
sawtooth oscillator. Stable operationat low duty factorsis
easily realized. For high efficiency, the frequency is
reduced as soon as the duty factor drops below a certain
value. This is accomplished by increasing the oscillator
charge time.
Duty factor controlThe duty factor is controlled by the internal regulation
voltage and the oscillator signal on pin RC. The internal
regulation voltage is equal to the external regulation
voltage (minus 2.5 V) multiplied by the gain of the error
amplifier (typical 20 dB (10 ×)).
Valley switching (not implemented in TEA152xAJM
versions) new cycleis started when the primary switchis switched
on (see Fig.5). After a certain time (determined by the
oscillator voltage RC and the internal regulation level), the
switch is turned off and the secondary stroke starts. The
internal regulation level is determined by the voltage on
pin REG. After the secondary stroke, the drain voltage
shows an oscillation with a frequency of approximately
where Lp is the primary self inductance and Cp is the
parasitic capacitance on the drain node.
As soon as the oscillator voltage is high again and the
secondary stroke has ended, the circuit waits for a low
drain voltage before starting a new primary stroke.
Figure 5 shows the drain voltage together with the valley
signal, the signal indicating the secondary stroke and the voltage.
The primary stroke starts some time before the actual
valleyat low ringing frequencies, and some time after the
actual valleyat high ringing frequencies. Figure6 showsa
typical curvefora reflected output voltageN×Voof80V.
This voltage is the output voltage Vo (see Fig.7)
transferredto the primary sideof the transformer with the
factorN (determinedby the turns ratioof the transformer).
Figure 6 shows that the system switches exactly at
minimum drain voltagefor ringing frequenciesof 480 kHz,
thus reducing the switch-on losses to a minimum. 200 kHz, the next primary stroke isstartedat 33° before
the valley. The switch-on losses are still reduced
DemagnetizationThe system operatesindiscontinuous conductionmodeall
the time.As longas the secondary stroke has not ended,
the oscillator will not starta new primary stroke. During the
first tsuppr seconds, demagnetization recognition is
suppressed. This suppression may be necessary in
applications where the transformer has a large leakage
inductance and at low output voltages. π×× ()----------------------------------------------------
Philips Semiconductors Product specification ARplug TM TEA152x family
Philips Semiconductors Product specification ARplug TM TEA152x family
Minimum and maximum duty factorThe minimum duty factor of the switched mode power
supply is 0%. The maximum duty factor is set to 75%
(typical value at 100 kHz oscillation frequency).
Overcurrent protectionThe cycle-by-cycle peak drain current limit circuit uses the
external source resistorto measure the current. The circuit
is activated after the leading edge blanking time tleb. The
protection circuit limits the source voltage to VSRC(max),
and thus limits the primary peak current.
Short circuit winding protectionThe short circuit winding protection circuitis also activated
after the leading edge blanking time.If the source voltage
exceeds the short circuit winding protection voltage Vswp,
the IC stops switching. Only a Power-on reset will restart
normal operation. The short circuit winding protection also
protects in case of a secondary diode short circuit.
Overtemperature protectionAn accurate temperature protection is provided in the
device. When the junction temperature exceeds the
thermal shutdown temperature, the IC stops switching.
During thermal protection, theIC currentis loweredto the
start-up current. The IC continues normal operation as
soon as the overtemperature situation has disappeared.
Overvoltage protectionOvervoltage protection canbe achievedin the application
by pulling pin REG above its normal operation level. The
current primary stroke is terminated immediately, and no
new primary strokeis started until the voltageon pin REG
drops to its normal operation level. Pin REG has an
internal clamp. The current feed into this pin must be
Output characteristics of complete powerplugOUTPUT POWER
A wide range of output power levels can be handled by
choosing the RDS(on) and packageof the TEA152x family.
Power levels up to 50 W can be realised.
The accuracy of the complete converter, functioning as a
voltage source with primary sensing,is approximately 8%
(mainly dependent on the transformer coupling). The
accuracy with secondary sensing is defined by the
accuracy of the external components. For safety
requirements in case of optocoupler feedback loss, the
primary sensing remains active when an overvoltage
circuit is connected.
An efficiency of 75% at maximum output power can be
achieved for a complete converter designed for universal
A minimum ripple is obtained in a system designed for a
maximum duty factor of 50% under normal operating
conditions, anda minimized dead time. The magnitudeof
the ripple in the output voltage is determined by the
frequency and duty factor of the converter, the output
current level and the value and ESR of the output
Input characteristics of complete powerplugINPUT VOLTAGE
The input voltage range comprises the universal AC mains
(80to 276V).
Philips Semiconductors Product specification ARplug TM TEA152x family
LIMITING VALUESIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134); all voltages are measured with respect to
ground; positive currents flow into the device; pins VCC and RC are not allowedtobe current driven, pins REG and AUX
are not allowed to be voltage driven.
Notes Human body model: equivalent to discharging a 100 pF capacitor through a 1.5 kΩ series resistor. All pins are
2500 V maximum, except pin DRAIN, which is 1000 V maximum. Machine model: equivalent to discharging a 200 pF capacitor through a 0.75 μH coil and a 10 Ω series resistor.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification ARplug TM TEA152x family
Note Thermal resistance Rth(j-a) can be lower when the GND pins are connected to sufficient copper area on the
printed-circuit board. See the TEA152x application notes for details.
QUALITY SPECIFICATIONIn accordance with “SNW-FQ-611 part E”.
CHARACTERISTICSTamb =25 °C;no overtemperature;all voltages are measured with respectto ground; currents are positive when flowing
into the IC; unless otherwise specified.