TDSL-5150 ,Low Current 13 mm Seven Segment DisplayAbsolute Maximum RatingsT = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedambTDSL5150 /TDSL5160 Parameter Test ..
TDSL-5160 ,Low Current 13 mm Seven Segment DisplayTDSL51.0Vishay TelefunkenLow Current 13 mm Seven Segment Display Color Type CircuitryHigh efficienc ..
TDSO-1150 ,Standard 7- Segment Display 7 mmRev. 1.4, 31-Aug-04 1TDSG / O / Y11..VISHAYVishay SemiconductorsParameter Test condition Part Symbo ..
TDSO1160 ,Standard 7- Segment Display 7 mm Document Number 831242 Rev. 1.4, 31-Aug-04TDSG / O / Y11..VISHAYVishay SemiconductorsGreenTDSG1150 ..
TDSO-1160 ,Standard 7- Segment Display 7 mmElectrical CharacteristicsT = 25 °C, unless otherwise specifiedambOrange redTDSO1150/1160Parameter ..
TDSO3150 ,High-eff. red (635 nm) 7-segment display, 10 mm / 3.94 inch, viewing distance up to 6 meterTDS.31..Vishay Telefunken10 mm Seven Segment Display Color Type CircuitryRed TDSR315. Common anodeR ..
TK75A06K3 ,Power MOSFET (N-ch single 30V<VDSS≤60V)Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note) (T = 25 = 25 = 25 = 25 unless otherwise specified) unless other ..
TK7A45DA ,Power MOSFET (N-ch 250V<VDSS≤500V)Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C) 0.69 ± 0.15 M A Ф0.2 Characteristics Symbol Rating Unit 2.54 2 ..
TK7A50D ,Power MOSFET (N-ch 500V<VDSS≤700V)Thermal Characteristics Characteristics Symbol Max Unit2Thermal resistance, channel to case R 3.57 ..
TK7A55D ,Power MOSFET (N-ch 500V<VDSS≤700V)Thermal Characteristics Characteristics Symbol Max Unit2Thermal resistance, channel to case R 3.57 ..
TK7A60W ,Power MOSFET (N-ch 500V<VDSS≤700V)Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note) (T = 25 = 25 = 25 unless otherwise specified) unless otherwise s ..
Low Current 13 mm Seven Segment Display
Vishay Telefunkenwww.vishay.de • FaxBack +1-408-970-5600Document Number 83123
Low Current 13 mm Seven Segment Display
DescriptionThe TDSL51.0 series are 13 mm character seven
segment low current LED displays in a very compact
The displays are designed for a viewing distance up to
7 meters and available in high efficiency red. The grey
package surface and the evenly lighted untinted
segments provide an optimum on-off contrast.
All displays are categorized in luminous intensity
groups. That allows users to assemble displays with
uniform appearence.
Typical applications include instruments, panel
meters, point-of-sale terminals and household
Features Low power consumption Suitable for DC and multiplex operation Evenly lighted segments Grey package surface Untinted segments Luminous intensity categorized Wide viewing angle
96 11508
ApplicationsPanel meters est- and measure- equipment
Point-of-sale terminals
Control units