TDA8551T ,1 W BTL audio amplifier with digital volume controlAPPLICATIONS• No switch-on/switch-off plops• Portable consumer products• High supply voltage ripple ..
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1 W BTL audio amplifier with digital volume control
NXP Semiconductors Product specification
1 W BTL audio amplifier with digital volume
control TDA8551
FEATURES One pin digital volume control Volume setting with UP/DOWN pulses Flexibility in use Few external components Low saturation voltage of output stage Standby mode controlled by CMOS compatible levels Low standby current No switch-on/switch-off plops High supply voltage ripple rejection Protected against electrostatic discharge Outputs short circuit safe to ground, VP and across the
load Thermally protected.
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe TDA8551; TDA8551T is a one channel 1W
Bridge-Tied Load (BTL) audio power amplifier capable of
delivering 1 W output power to an 8 Ω load at THD= 10%
using a 5 V power supply. The circuit contains a BTL
power amplifier, a digital volume control and standby/mute
logic. The TDA8551T comes in an 8 pin SO package and
the TDA8551 in a 8 pin DIP package.
APPLICATIONS Portable consumer products Personal computers Telephony.
NXP Semiconductors Product specification
1 W BTL audio amplifier with digital volume
control TDA8551
NXP Semiconductors Product specification
1 W BTL audio amplifier with digital volume
control TDA8551
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThe TDA8551; TDA8551T is a 1 W BTL audio power
amplifier capable of delivering 1 W output power to an 8Ω
load at THD= 10% using a 5 V power supply. The gain of
the amplifier can be set by the digital volume control. In the
maximum volume setting the gain is 20 dB. Using the
MODE pin the device can be switched to the standby
condition, the mute condition and the normal operating
condition. The device is protected by an internal thermal
shutdown protection mechanism.
Power amplifierThe power amplifier is a Bridge Tied Load (BTL) amplifier
with a complementary CMOS output stage. The total
voltage loss for both output power MOS transistors is
within 1 V and with a 5 V supply and an 8 Ω loudspeaker
an output power of 1 W can be delivered. The total gain of
this power amplifier is internally fixed at 20 dB.
Volume controlThe volume control operates as a digital controlled
attenuator between the audio input pin and the power
amplifier. In the maximum volume control setting the
attenuation is 0 dB and in the minimum volume control
setting the typical attenuation is 80 dB. The attenuation
can be set in 64 steps by the UP/DOWN pin.
This UP/DOWN pin is a trinary input: Floating UP/DOWN pin: volume remains unchanged Negative pulses: setting volume towards minimum Positive pulses: setting volume towards maximum.
Each pulse on the UP/DOWN pin results in a change in
gain of 80/64= 1.25 dB (typical value). In the basic
application the UP/DOWN pin is switched to ground or VP
by a double push-button. When the supply voltage is
initially connected, after a complete removal of the supply,
the initial state of the volume control is an attenuation of dB (low volume), so the gain of the total amplifier is
−20 dB. After powering-up, some positive pulses have to
be applied to the UP/DOWN pin for turning up to listening
volume. When the device is switched with the MODE
select pin to the mute or the standby condition, the volume
control attenuation setting remains on its value, assumed
that the voltage on pin VP does not fall below the minimum
supply voltage. After switching the device back to the
operation mode, the previous volume setting is
Mode select pinThe device is in the standby mode (with a very low current
consumption) if the voltage at the MODE pin is between VP
and VP− 0.5 V. At a mode select voltage level of less than
0.5 V the amplifier is fully operational. In the range
between 1 V and VP− 1.4 V the amplifier is in the mute
condition. The mute condition is useful for using it as a ‘fast
mute’; in this mode output signal is suppressed, while the
volume setting remains at its value. It is advised to keep
the device in the mute condition while the input capacitor
is being charged. This can be done by holding the MODE
pin at a level of 0.5VP, or by waiting approximately 100 ms
before giving the first volume-UP pulses.
NXP Semiconductors Product specification
1 W BTL audio amplifier with digital volume
control TDA8551
LIMITING VALUESIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134).
QUALITY SPECIFICATIONQuality according to “SNW-FQ-611 part E”, if this type is used as an audio amplifier. Quality specifications are listed in
the “Quality reference handbook”, order number 9397 750 00192.
NXP Semiconductors Product specification
1 W BTL audio amplifier with digital volume
control TDA8551
CHARACTERISTICS =5V; Tamb =25 °C; RL =8 Ω; VMODE=0 V; total gain setting at +7 dB (unless otherwise specified); measured in
test circuit of Fig.4.
NXP Semiconductors Product specification
1 W BTL audio amplifier with digital volume
control TDA8551
Notes to the Characteristics With a load connected at the outputs the quiescent current will increase, the maximum of this increase being equal
to the DC output offset voltage divided by RL. The DC output voltage with respect to ground is approximately 0.5VP. Output voltage in mute position is measured with an input of 1V (RMS), including noise, in a bandwidth of 20 kHz. Total gain setting at +20 dB. The noise output voltage is measured at the output in a frequency band from 20Hzto20 kHz (unweighted), input
source impedance Rsource =0Ω. Supply voltage ripple rejection is measured at the output, with a source impedance of Rsource =0 Ω at the input.
The ripple voltage is a sine wave with frequency of 1 kHz and an amplitude of 100 mV (RMS) is applied to the positive
supply rail.
NXP Semiconductors Product specification
1 W BTL audio amplifier with digital volume
control TDA8551
TEST AND APPLICATION INFORMATIONReduction of the value of capacitor C2 results in a
decrease of the SVRR performance at low frequencies
(see Fig.9).
The UP/DOWN pin can be driven by a 3-state logic output
stage (microcontroller) without extra external components.
If the UP/DOWN pin is driven by push-buttons, then it is
advised to have an RC filter between the buttons and the
UP/DOWN pin. Advised values for the RC filter are 2.2 kΩ
and 100 nF.
The volume control circuit responds to the trailing edge of
the pulse on the volume pin; connecting to VP results in a
one step (1.25 dB) higher gain; connecting to ground
results in a one step lower gain.
To avoid audible plops while switching the supply voltage
on and off pin MODE has to be connected to VP (standby
condition) during charge or discharge of the input and
SVRR capacitors.
The measured thermal resistance of the IC package is
highly dependent on the configuration and size of the
application board. Data may not be comparable between
different semiconductor manufacturers because the
application boards and test methods are not standardized
yet. In addition, the thermal performance of packages for a
specific application may be different than presented here,
because the configuration of the application boards
(copper area) may be different. NXP Semiconductors uses
FR-4 type application boards with 1 oz. copper traces with
solder coating. The measurements have been carried out
with vertical placed boards.
NXP Semiconductors Product specification
1 W BTL audio amplifier with digital volume
control TDA8551
When a practical PCB layout is used with wider copper
tracks and some extra copper added both to the IC pin
connections and underneath the IC, the thermal resistance
from junction to ambient can be reduced. Without these
measures Rthj-a= 160 K/W for the SO8 package; see
Chapter “Thermal characteristics”. The power dissipation
can be calculated as follows:
For a maximum ambient temperature of 50 °C, VP =5V
and RL =8 Ω this results in a worst case sine wave
dissipation of 0.63 W.
Figures5to 15 represent test results obtained while using
the test circuit given in Fig.4. The following test conditions
apply: Tamb =25 °C; VP =5V; f= 1kHz; RL =8 Ω; =20 dB; audio bandwidth from 22Hzto22 kHz
(except for Figs8 and 9); unless otherwise specified. T amb th j-a--------------=