TDA8029HL/C207 ,TDA8029; Low power single card reader
TDA8034AT ,Low power smart card interfaceApplications Pay TV Electronic paymentTDA8034T; TDA8034ATNXP SemiconductorsSmart card interface ..
TDA8040T ,Quadrature demodulator
TDA8041H ,Quadrature demodulator controller
TDA8041H ,Quadrature demodulator controller
TDA8041H ,Quadrature demodulator controller
THS8200IPFPEP ,Enhanced Product Triple 10-Bit All Format Video DAC 80-HTQFP -40 to 85 SLES253–DECEMBER 20094.7.3.9 SDTV Mode ........ 454.7.3.10 NEQ_NEQ (Negative Equalization Pulse/Ne ..
THS8200PFP ,Triple 10-Bit All Format Video DACMaximum Ratings........ 8 6.11 CGMS Insertion. 6424.2 Handling Ratings. 8 6.12 I C Interface..... 6 ..
THS9000DRWR ,50 MHz to 750 MHz Cascadable Amplifier 6-VSON -40 to 85ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSTypical Performance (V = 5 V, R = 237Ω, L = 470 nH) (unless otherwise not ..
THS9000DRWT ,50 MHz to 750 MHz Cascadable Amplifier 6-VSON -40 to 85maximum ratings under any condition is limited by the constraints of the silicon process. Stresses ..
THV1021 , 2ch Buck/Boost Inverting
THV1023 , 2ch Buck Controller