TDA8020HL ,Dual smart card interfaceINTEGRATED CIRCUITSDATA SHEETTDA8020HLDual smart card interfaceProduct specification 2001 Aug 15Supe ..
TDA8020HL/C1 ,TDA8020HL; Dual IC card interface
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Dual smart card interface
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Dual smart card interface TDA8020HL
FEATURES Two independent 6 contacts smart card interfaces Supply voltageto the cards; VCC =5or 3V ±5%; ICCup
to 65 mA Integrated DC/DC converter (doubler, tripleror follower)
for allowing power supply from 2.5to 6.5V Independant supply voltage for interface signals (from
1.5to 6.5V) Control and status via the I2 C-bus Four possible devices in parallel due to two I2C-bus
address pins Electrical specifications according to ISO 7816 or
EMV norms Automatic activation and deactivation sequences by
means of integrated sequencers Automatic clock count and reset toggling during warmor
cold reset Interrupt request output to the controller6 kV ESD protection on cards contacts Automatic emergency deactivation in the event of
supply drop-out, overload, overheating or card take-off Current limitation on pins CLK, RST, I/O and VCC Integrated voltage supervisor for power-on reset and
drop-out detection Power-down mode with several wake-up events.
APPLICATIONS Set top boxes Banking terminals Internet terminals.
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe TDA8020HL is a one-chip dual smart card interface.
Controlled by the I2C-bus, it guarantees conformity to
ISO 7816 or EMV norms with very few external
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Dual smart card interface TDA8020HL
Note Both cards are not allowed to operate at maximum current at the same time at minimum supply voltage.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Dual smart card interface TDA8020HL
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Dual smart card interface TDA8020HL
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Dual smart card interface TDA8020HL
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Dual smart card interface TDA8020HL
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThroughout this specification,itis assumed that the reader
is familiar with ISO 7816 norm terminology.
SupplyThe TDA8020HL operates with a supply voltage from
2.5to 6.5V.An integrated voltage supervisor ensures that spike appearson cards contacts during power-onor off.
The supervisor also initializes the device, and forces an
automatic emergency deactivation of the contacts in the
event of a supply drop-out.
As long as the supply voltage is below the threshold
voltage Vth1, the capacitor CDELremains uncharged. When
the supply voltage reaches Vth1 and Vhys1, then CDEL is
charged witha small current sourceof approximately2 μA.
When the voltage on CDEL reaches Vth2, then the
supervisorisno longer active.As longas the supervisoris
active (pin IRQis LOW),bit SUPLin the status registeris
set. When pin IRQ goes HIGH the supervisor becomes
inactive (see Fig.3).
Separate supply pins are used for the DC/DC converter,
allowing specific decoupling for counteracting the noise
the switching transistors may induce on the supply.
A specific reference supply voltage, VDDI, is used for the
interface signals CLKIN1, CLKIN2, I/O1uC, I/O2uC,
SAD0, SAD1, SCL, SDA and IRQ, which can be lower
thanVDD (minimum 1.5V), thus allowing directcontrolwith
a low voltage supplied device.
Pins SCL, SDA and IRQ are open-drain outputs, and may
be externally pulled up to a voltage higher than VDD.
2 C-busA 400 kHz I2 C-bus slave interface is used for configuring
the device and reading the status. The bus has addresses, onefor each card.4 devices maybe usedin
parallel dueto the addressselection pins SAD0 and SAD1
(see Table1).
Table 1 Proposed addresses
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Dual smart card interface TDA8020HL
Table 2 CONTROL bits (all bits cleared after power-on)
When deactivating the card, by resetting the START bit,
only bit 0 must be changed.
The clock to the cards in active mode is selected with
bits CLKSEL1 and CLKSEL2; see Table3.
Table 3 Selecting the card clock.
All frequency changes are synchronous, thus ensuring
that no pulse is shorter than 45% of the smallest period.
For cards power reduction modes, CLKIN maybe stopped
after switching to STOP LOW or STOP HIGH. CLKIN
should be restarted before leaving this mode.
A correct duty factor can not be guaranteed in the CLKIN
configuration, as it depends on the duty factor of the
CLKIN signal.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Dual smart card interface TDA8020HL
Table 4 STATUS bits (all bits cleared after power-on, except SUPL and PRES)
When one of the bits PRESL, MUTE, EARLY and PROT is set, then pin IRQ goes LOW until the status byte has been
read. After power-on, bit SUPL is set until the status byte has been read, and pin IRQ is LOW until the supervisor
becomes inactive.
DC/DC converterVCC1 is the supply voltage for card 1 contacts, VCC2 for
card2 contacts. Card1 and card2 maybe independently
powered-down, powered at 5 V or powered at 3 V. A
capacitor type step-up converter is used for generating
these voltages. This step-up converter acts either as a
doubler, tripler or follower. VCCis the maximum valueof VCC1 and VCC2, then there
are 4 possible situations: VDD=3V and VCC=3 V: in this case, the DC/DC
converter acts as a doubler with a regulation of
approximately 4.0V VDD=3V and VCC=5 V: in this case, the DC/DC
converter acts as a tripler with a regulation of
approximately 5.5V VDD=5V and VCC=3 V: in this case, the DC/DC
converter acts as a follower: VDD is applied on VUP VDD=5V and VCC=5 V: in this case, the DC/DC
converter acts as a doubler with a regulation of
approximately 5.5V.
The switch between the modesis automatically executed
when VDD is approximately 3.4V.
Each card may independently drawa currentupto65 mA,
also during activation, witha supply voltage from 2.5Vup
to 6.5 V provided the sum of ICC1 and ICC2 does not
exceed 80 mA. VDD>3V,for5V cards, then both cards can drawupto mA at the same time. VDD> 3.3V,for3V cards, then both cards can drawup
to 50 mA at the same time.
The DC/DC converteris powered with specific pins (VDDA
and AGND) to enable separate decoupling.
The output voltage, VUP, is internally fed to the VCC
generators. VCC1,VCC2 and CGND1, CGND2 are usedas
a reference for all other cards contacts.
Sequencers and clock counterTwo sequencers are used to ensure activation and
deactivation sequences according to ISO 7816 and
EMV norms, even in the event of an emergency (card
removal during transaction, supply drop-out and hardware
The sequencers are clocked by the internal oscillator.
The activation of a card is initiated by setting the card
selectbit and the startbit within the control register. Thisis
only possible if the card is present and if the voltage
supervisor is not active.
During activation the DC/DC converteris initiated (except
if another card is already powered up or if VDD=5 V and
VCC=3 V). VCC then goes high to the selected voltage or 5 V), the I/O lines are then enabled and the clock is
started with RST LOW.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Dual smart card interface TDA8020HLa startbitis detectedon the I/O during the first 200 CLK
pulses, thenitis omitted.Ifa startbitis detected between
200 and 352 CLK pulses, then bit EARLY is set in the
status register. If the card starts answering before
41950 CLK pulses, then RST remains LOW level. If not,
after 41950 CLK pulses, RSTis toggled HIGH.If, again,a
start bit is detected within 352 CLK pulses, bit EARLY is
set in the status register. If the card does not answer
before 41950 new CLK pulses, thenbit MUTEissetin the
status register. If the card answers within the correct
window, then the CLK count is stopped and the system
controller may send commands to the card.
Deactivation is initiated either by the system controller
(reset bit START), or automatically in the event of a
hardware problem or supply drop-out. With a supply
drop-out both cards are deactivated at the same time.
During deactivation, RST goes LOW, the clockis stopped
and the I/O lines go LOW. VCC then goes low with a
controlled slope and the DC/DC converteris stoppedifno
card is active.
Outside a session, cards contacts are forced low
impedance to CGND.
Activation sequenceWhen the cards are inactive, VCC, CLK, RST and I/O are
LOW, with low impedance with respect to CGND. The
DC/DC converter is stopped.
When everything is satisfactory (voltage supply, card
present andno hardware problems), the system controller
may initiate an activation sequence of a present card
(see Fig.4): The DC/DC converter is started (t1). If one card was
already active, then the DC/DC converter was already
on, and nothing more occurs at this step VCC starts rising from0to5or3V witha controlled rise
time of 0.14 V/μs typical (t2) I/O rises to VCC (t3); internal 10 kΩ pull-up resistors to
VCC CLK is sent to the card and RST is enabled (t4= tact).
If the card does not answer within the first 41950 CLK
cycles, then RST is raised HIGH (t5).
The sequencer is clocked by fint/64 which leads to a time
interval T of 25 μs typical. Thus t1=0to T/64;=t1+ 3T/2; t3=t1+ 7T/2 and t4=t1+ 4T.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Dual smart card interface TDA8020HL
Deactivation sequenceWhen the sessionis completed, the microcontroller resets
bit START/STOPto logic0 (t10). The circuit thenexecutes
an automatic deactivation sequence (see Fig.5): Card reset (RST falls LOW) (t11) CLK is stopped (t12) I/O falls to 0 V (t13) VCC falls to 0 V with typical 0.14 V/μs slew rate (t14) The DC/DC converter is stopped (if both cards are
inactive) and CLK, RST, VCC and I/O become low
impedance to CGND (t15).
t11= t10+ T/64; t12= t11+ T/2; t13= t11+T;
t14= t11+ 3T/2; t15= t11+ 7T/2.
The deactivation timetdeis the time that VCC needsto drop
below 0.4 V from START/STOP to logic 0 (t10).
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Dual smart card interface TDA8020HL
ProtectionsThe current on pin CLK is limited to ±70 mA.
The currenton pin RSTis limitedto ±20 mA;if the current
reaches this value with RST LOW, then an emergency
deactivation sequence is performed, IRQ is pulled LOW
and bit PROT is set in the status register.
The current on pins I/O is limited to +15 and −15 mA.
The currenton VCCis limitedto90 mA;if ICC reaches this
value, then an emergency deactivation sequence is
performed, IRQ is pulled LOW and bit PROT is set in the
status register.
In the event of overcurrent on VCC, card take-off during a
session, overheating, or overcurrent on RST, then the
TDA8020HL performs an automatic emergency
deactivation sequence on the corresponding card, resets
bit START/STOP and pulls pin IRQ LOW.
In the event of overheating or supply drop-out, the
TDA8020HL performs an automatic emergency
deactivation sequence on both cards, resets both bits
START/STOP and pulls pin IRQ LOW.
Clock inputs and data inputs/outputs to the system
controllerCLKIN1 is the input clock for card 1, CLKIN2 for card2.
They maybe driven separately from the system controller,
or be tied together externally and driven with the same
An RC filter is needed on these lines in order to limit the
influence of possible fast transitions.
I/O1uC is the data signal to or from card 1, I/O2uC to or
from card 2. They can be driven separately from the
system controller, in which case both bits I/OEN may be
setto logic1. They can alsobe drivenby the same signal, which event they havetobe tied together externally, but
each bit I/OEN has to be set or reset according to the
addressed card.
LIMITING VALUESIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).