TDA5950X ,Video/Sound IF with A/V SwitchFS: 04/93 Page 0SIEMENS AG IC-SPECIFICATIONTDA 5950X––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ..
TDA6060XS ,Video-Modulator with PLLFeatures -5- Application Circuit -6-Performance Data -7- Multiple IC Configuration ..
TDA6103Q/N3 ,TDA6103Q; Triple video output amplifier
TDA6103Q/N3 ,TDA6103Q; Triple video output amplifier
TDA6107JF/N3 ,TDA6107JF; Triple video output amplifier
TDA6111 ,Video output amplifier
TGL34-6.8A , Surface Mount unidirectional and bidirectional Transient Voltage Suppressor Diodes
TGL41-27A , Surface mount diode Unidirectional and bidirectional Transient Voltage Suppressor diodes
TGL41-8.2 , Surface mount unidirectional and bidirectional Transient Voltage Suppressor Diodes
Video/Sound IF with A/V Switch
Typenteam Elektrik
Hr. Kühngez.Datum
Typenteam LayoutHr. Crossgez.Datum
Typenteam PrüftechnikHr. Hämmerlinggez.Datum
MarketingHr. Morneburggez.Datum
ProjektleiterHr. Wondragez.Datum
ProduktentwicklungHr. Schwendtgez.Datum
QualitätssicherungHr. Dr. Schaafhausengez.Datum
HL-GeschäftszweigleiterHr. Langegez.Datum
Last Edition:
DOK-Nr. V66047-S679-A100-V1date:26.8.92
Page 2:Frequency range changed.
Page 11:Supply voltage max.value changed.
Page 15:Pos. 46 max. aux input voltage added.
Video- + Sound- IF + A / V SwitchTable of ContentsPageA.1
Functional Description, ApplicationPageB.2
Circuit DescriptionPageC.3
Block DiagramPageD.4
Pin AssignmentPageE.5
Pin DescriptionPageF.6 ... F.8
Package OutlinePageG.9
Absolute Maximum RatingsPageH.10
Operational RangePageI.11
AC / DC CharacteristicsPageK.12 ... K.15
Test CircuitPageL.16
Application CircuitPageM.17
Video IF SectionVideo IF broadband amplifier followed by a quasi-synchronous demodulator for negative modulated IF signals. A video
switch interface is included in the video section. A separate video output after the demodulator permits the installation
of one or more sound traps at the input of the video switch. The tuner AGC threshold is set by means of a
potentiometer, all other functions can be switched with open collector transistors.
Sound IF SectionFM IF limiter with FM PLL demodulator for the frequency range of 5.5 MHz to 6.5 MHz. The AF section includes an
audio switch followed by an audio buffer output.
ApplicationThe TDA 5950 is suitable for application in television receivers or video tape recorders with A / V switches.
Video IF SectionThe video IF section incorporates a four-stage, capacitively coupled, symmetrical and controlled amplifier, a limiter with
selection and a mixer for quasi-synchronous demodulation of negative modulated IF signals followed by a video output
amplifier. The video demodulator output and the video switch input are connected by means of a sound trap. The video
switch has two inputs (for signals from video demodulator and from external source) and two outputs. Parallel to the
video output amplifier the video signal is used for generating the AGC voltage. The control circuit is designed on the
integralaction AGC principle, employing a noise-free peak value detector. A delayed tuner AGC voltage with positive
control direction is derived from the AGC voltage via a threshold amplifier that is set by means of an external
potentiometer. An AFC push pull output current is generated from picture carrier tank circuit.
Sound IF SectionThe sound IF section incorporates a five-stage, symmetrical limiter amplifier followed by a PLL demodulator. The AF
section contains an audio switch followed by an output buffer.