TDA5051AT ,Home automation modemFeatures and benefits Full digital carrier generation and shaping Modulation/demodulation frequen ..
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Home automation modem
1. General descriptionThe TDA5051A is a modem IC, specifically dedicated to ASK transmission by means of
the home power supply network, at 600 baud or 1200 baud data rate. It operates from a
single 5 V supply.
2. Features and benefits Full digital carrier generation and shaping Modulation/demodulation frequency set by clock adjustment, from microcontroller or
on-chip oscillator High clock rate of 6-bit D/A (Digital to Analog) converter for rejection of aliasing
components Fully integrated output power stage with overload protection Automatic Gain Control (AGC) at receiver input 8-bit A/D (Analog to Digital) converter and narrow digital filtering Digital demodulation delivering baseband data Easy compliance with EN50065-1 with simple coupling network Few external components for low cost applications SO16 plastic package
3. Applications Home appliance control (air conditioning, shutters, lighting, alarms and so on) Energy/heating control Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) data transmission using the home power network
Home automation modem
Rev. 5 — 13 January 2011 Product data sheet
NXP Semiconductors TDA5051A
Home automation modem
4. Quick reference data[1] The value of the total transmission mode current is the sum of IDD(RX/TX)(tot) + IDD(PAMP) in the Table 5 “Characteristics”.
[2] Frequency range corresponding to the EN50065-1 band. However, the modem can operate at any lower oscillator frequency.
[3] The minimum value can be improved by using an external amplifier; see application diagrams Figure 19 and Figure20.
5. Ordering information
Table 1. Quick reference dataVDD supply voltage 4.75 5.0 5.25 V
IDD(tot) total supply current fosc =8.48MHz
Reception mode - 28 38 mA
Transmission mode;
DATA_IN =0; ZL =30Ω
[1] -47 68 mA
Power-down mode - 19 25 mA
fcr carrier frequency [2]- 132.5 - kHz
fosc oscillator frequency 6.08 - 9.504 MHz
Vo(rms) output carrier signal (RMS value) DATA_IN= LOW; = CISPR16
120 - 122 dBμV
Vi(rms) input signal (RMS value) [3] 82 - 122 dBμV
THD total harmonic distortion on CISPR16 load
with coupling network −55 - dB
Tamb ambient temperature −50 - +100 °C
Table 2. Ordering informationTDA5051AT SO16 plastic small outline package; 16 leads; body width 7.5 mm SOT162-1
NXP Semiconductors TDA5051A
Home automation modem
6. Block diagramNXP Semiconductors TDA5051A
Home automation modem
7. Pinning information
7.1 Pinning
7.2 Pin description
Table 3. Pin descriptionDATA_IN 1 digital data input (active LOW)
DATA_OUT 2 digital data output (active LOW)
VDDD 3 digital supply voltage
CLK_OUT 4 clock output
DGND 5 digital ground
SCANTEST 6 test input (LOW in application)
OSC1 7 oscillator input
OSC2 8 oscillator output
APGND 9 analog ground for power amplifier
TX_OUT 10 analog signal output
VDDAP 11 analog supply voltage for power amplifier
AGND 12 analog ground
VDDA 13 analog supply voltage
RX_IN 14 analog signal input 15 power-down input (active HIGH)
TEST1 16 test input (HIGH in application)
NXP Semiconductors TDA5051A
Home automation modem
8. Functional descriptionBoth transmission and reception stages are controlled either by the master clock of the
microcontroller or by the on-chip reference oscillator connected to a crystal. This ensures
the accuracy of the transmission carrier and the exact trimming of the digital filter, thus
making the performance totally independent of application disturbances such as
component spread, temperature, supply drift and so on.
The interface with the power network is made by means of an LC network (see Figure 15).
The device includes a power output stage that feeds a 120 dBμV (RMS) signal on a
typical 30Ω load.
To reduce power consumption, the IC is disabled by a power-down input (pin PD): in this
mode, the on-chip oscillator remains active and the clock continues to be supplied at
pin CLK_OUT. For low-power operation in reception mode, this pin can be dynamically
controlled by the microcontroller, see Section 8.4 “Power-down mode”.
When the circuit is connected to an external clock generator (see Figure 6), the clock
signal must be applied at pin OSC1 (pin 7); OSC2 (pin 8) must be left open-circuit.
Figure7 shows the use of the on-chip clock circuit.
All logic inputs and outputs are compatible with TTL/CMOS levels, providing an easy
connection to a standard microcontroller I/O port.
The digital part of the IC is fully scan-testable. Two digital inputs, SCANTEST and TEST1,
are used for production test: these pins must be left open-circuit in functional mode
(correct levels are internally defined by pull-up or pull-down resistors).
8.1 Transmission modeTo provide strict stability with respect to environmental conditions, the carrier frequency is
generated by scanning the ROM memory under the control of the microcontroller clock or
the reference frequency provided by the on-chip oscillator. High frequency clocking rejects
the aliasing components to such an extent that they are filtered by the coupling network and do not cause any significant disturbance. The data modulation is applied
through pin DATA_IN and smoothly applied by specific digital circuits to the carrier
(shaping). Harmonic components are limited in this process, thus avoiding unacceptable
disturbance of the transmission channel (according to CISPR16 and EN50065-1
recommendations). A −55 dB Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) is reached when the typical coupling network (or an equivalent filter) is used.
The DAC and the power stage are set in order to provide a maximum signal level of
122 dBμV (RMS) at the output.
The output of the power stage (TX_OUT) must always be connected to a decoupling
capacitor, because of a DC level of 0.5VDD at this pin, which is present even when the
device is not transmitting. This pin must also be protected against overvoltage and
negative transient signals. The DC level of TX_OUT can be used to bias a unipolar transient suppressor, as shown in the application diagram (see Figure 15).
Direct connection to the mains is done through an LC network for low-cost applications.
However, an HF signal transformer could be used when power-line insulation has to be
NXP Semiconductors TDA5051A
Home automation modem
Remark: In transmission mode, the receiving part of the circuit is not disabled and the detection of the transmitted signal is normally performed. In this mode, the gain chosen
before the beginning of the transmission is stored, and the AGC is internally set to −6dB as long as DATA_IN is LOW. Then, the old gain setting is automatically restored.
8.2 Reception modeThe input signal received by the modem is applied to a wide range input amplifier with
AGC (−6 dBto +30 dB). This is basically for noise performance improvement and signal
level adjustment, which ensures a maximum sensitivity of the ADC. An 8-bit conversion is
then performed, followed by digital band-pass filtering, to meet the CISPR16
normalization and to comply with some additional limitations met in current applications.
After digital demodulation, the baseband data signal is made available after pulse
The signal pin (RX_IN) is a high-impedance input which has to be protected and decoupled for the same reasons as with pin TX_OUT. The high sensitivity (82 dBμV)
of this input requires an efficient 50 Hz rejection filter (realized by the LC coupling
network), which also acts as an anti-aliasing filter for the internal digital processing;
(see Figure 15).
8.3 Data format
8.3.1 Transmission modeThe data input (DATA_IN) is active LOW: this means that a burst is generated on the line
(pin TX_OUT) when DATA_IN pin is LOW.
Pin TX_OUT is in a high-impedance state as long as the device is not transmitting.
Successive logic 1s are treated in a Non-Return-to-Zero (NRZ) mode, see pulse shapes
in Figure 8 and Figure9.
8.3.2 Reception modeThe data output (pin DATA_OUT) is active LOW; this means that the data output is LOW
when a burst is received. Pin DATA_OUT remains LOW as long as a burst is received.
8.4 Power-down modePower-down input (pin PD) is active HIGH; this means that the power consumption is
minimum when pin PD is HIGH. Now, all functions are disabled, except clock generation.
NXP Semiconductors TDA5051A
Home automation modem
9. Limiting values
10. Characteristics
Table 4. Limiting valuesIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).
VDD supply voltage 4.5 5.5 V
fosc oscillator frequency - 12 MHz
Tstg storage temperature −50 +150 °C
Tamb ambient temperature −50 +100 °C junction temperature - 125 °C
Table 5. CharacteristicsVDDD =VDDA =5V± 5%; Tamb= −40 °C to +85 °C; VDDD connected to VDDA; DGND connected to AGND.
SupplyVDD supply voltage 4.75 5 5.25 V
IDD(tot) total supply current fosc =8.48MHz
Reception mode - 28 38 mA
DATA_IN =0; =30Ω
[1] -47 68 mA
Power-down mode - 19 25 mA
IDD(RX/TX)(tot) total analog + digital
supply current
VDD =5V± 5%;
Transmission or
Reception mode
-28 38 mA
IDD(PD)(tot) total analog + digital
supply current
VDD =5V± 5%; = HIGH;
Power-down mode
-19 25 mA
IDD(PAMP) power amplifier
supply current
VDD =5V± 5%; =30Ω;
Transmission mode
-19 30 mA
IDD(PAMP)(max) maximum power amplifier
supply current
VDD =5V± 5%; =1 Ω;
Transmission mode
-76 - mA
DATA_IN and PD inputs; DATA_OUT and CLK_OUT outputsVIH HIGH-level input voltage 0.2VDD +0.9- VDD +0.5 V
VIL LOW-level input voltage −0.5 - 0.2VDD− 0.1 V
VOH HIGH-level output voltage IOH= −1.6 mA 2.4 - - V
VOL LOW-level output voltage IOL= 1.6 mA - - 0.45 V
NXP Semiconductors TDA5051A
Home automation modem
OSC1 input and OSC2 output (OSC2 only used for driving external quartz crystal; must be left open-circuit when
using an external clock generator)VIH HIGH-level input voltage 0.7VDD -VDD +0.5 V
VIL LOW-level input voltage −0.5 - 0.2VDD− 0.1 V
VOH HIGH-level output voltage IOH= −1.6 mA 2.4 - - V
VOL LOW-level output voltage IOL= 1.6 mA - - 0.45 V
Clockfosc oscillator frequency 6.080 - 9.504 MHz
fosc/fcr ratio between oscillator and
carrier frequency
-64 -
fosc/fCLKOUT ratio between oscillator and
clock output frequency -
Transmission modefcr carrier frequency fosc =8.48MHz [2]- 132.5 - kHz
tsu set-up time of the shaped
fosc= 8.48 MHz;
see Figure8 170 - μs hold time of the shaped
fosc= 8.48 MHz;
see Figure8 170 - μs
tW(DI)(min) minimum pulse width of
DATA_IN signal
fosc= 8.48 MHz;
see Figure8 190 - μs
Vo(rms) output carrier signal
(RMS value)
120 - 122 dBμV
Io(max) power amplifier maximum
output current (peak value)
DATA_IN= LOW; =1Ω 160 - mA output impedance of the
power amplifier - Ω output DC level at
pin TX_OUT
-2.5 -V
THD total harmonic distortion on
CISPR16 load with the
coupling network (measured
on the first ten harmonics)
Vo(rms)= 121 dBμV on
CISPR16 load;
fosc= 8.48 MHz;
(no modulation);
see Figure 3 and
Figure22 −55 - dB
B−20dB bandwidth of the shaped
output signal (at −20 dB) CISPR16 load with the
coupling network
Vo(rms)= 121 dBμV on
CISPR16 load;
fosc= 8.48 MHz;
DATA_IN= 300 Hz;
duty factor=50 %;
see Figure4 3000 - Hz
Table 5. Characteristics …continuedVDDD =VDDA =5V± 5%; Tamb= −40 °C to +85 °C; VDDD connected to VDDA; DGND connected to AGND.
NXP Semiconductors TDA5051A
Home automation modem[1] The value of the total transmission mode current is the sum of IDD(RX/TX)(tot) + IDD(PAMP).
[2] Frequency range corresponding to the EN50065-1 band. However, the modem can operate at any lower oscillator frequency.
[3] The minimum value can be improved by using an external amplifier; see application diagrams Figure 19 and Figure20.
Reception modeVi(rms) analog input signal
(RMS value)
[3] 82 - 122 dBμV DC level at pin RX_IN - 2.5 - V RX_IN input impedance - 50 - kΩ
RAGC AGC range - 36 - dB
tc(AGC) AGC time constant fosc= 8.48 MHz;
see Figure5 296 - μs
td(dem)(su) demodulation delay
set-up time
fosc= 8.48 MHz;
see Figure21 350 400 μs
td(dem)(h) demodulation delay
hold time
fosc= 8.48 MHz;
see Figure21 420 470 μs
Bdet detection bandwidth fosc= 8.48 MHz -3 -kHz
BER bit error rate fosc= 8.48 MHz;
600 baud;
S/N=35 dB;
signal76 dBμV;
see Figure23 -1×10−4
Power-up timingtd(pu)(TX) delay between power-up
and DATA_IN in
transmission mode
XTAL= 8.48 MHz; =C2=27 pF; =2.2 MΩ;
see Figure10 - μs
td(pu)(RX) delay between power-up
and DATA_OUT in
reception mode
XTAL= 8.48 MHz; =C2=27 pF; =2.2 MΩ;
fRXIN= 132.5 kHz;
120 dBμV sine wave;
see Figure11 - μs
Power-down timingtd(pd)(TX) delay between PD= 0 and
DATA_IN in transmission
fosc= 8.48 MHz;
see Figure12
-10 - μs
td(pd)(RX) delay between PD= 0 and
DATA_OUT in reception
fosc= 8.48 MHz;
fRXIN= 132.5 kHz;
120 dBμV sine wave;
see Figure13 500 - μs
tactive(min) minimum active time with =10 ms power-down
period in reception mode
fosc= 8.48 MHz;
fRXIN= 132.5 kHz;
120 dBμV sine wave;
see Figure14 - μs
Table 5. Characteristics …continuedVDDD =VDDA =5V± 5%; Tamb= −40 °C to +85 °C; VDDD connected to VDDA; DGND connected to AGND.
NXP Semiconductors TDA5051A
Home automation modemNXP Semiconductors TDA5051A
Home automation modem
11. Timing
11.1 Configuration for clock
Table 6. Clock oscillator parameters6.080 MHz to
9.504 MHz kHz to
148.5 kHz
3.040 MHz to 4.752 MHz C1=C2=27 pF to 47 pF; =2.2 MΩ to 4.7 MΩ;
XTAL= standard quartz crystal
Table 7. Calculation of parameters depending on the clock frequencyfosc oscillator frequency with on-chip oscillator: frequency of
the crystal quartz
with external clock: frequency of the
signal applied at OSC1
fCLKOUT clock output frequency 1 ⁄2fosc Hz
fcr carrier frequency/digital filter tuning
frequency ⁄64fosc Hz
tsu set-up time of the shaped burst 23/fcr or 1472/fosc s hold time of the shaped burst 23/fcr or 1472/fosc s
tW(DI)(min) minimum pulse width of DATA_IN
tsu + 1/fcr s
NXP Semiconductors TDA5051A
Home automation modemtW(burst)(min) minimum burst time of VO(DC) signal tW(DI)(min) + th s
tc(AGC) AGC time constant 2514/fosc s
tsu(demod) demodulation set-up time 3200/fosc (max.) s
th(demod) demodulation hold time 3800/fosc (≈max.) s
Table 8. Relationship between DATA_IN and TX_OUTX = don’t care. X high-impedance 1 high-impedance (after th) 0 active with DC offset
Table 7. Calculation of parameters depending on the clock frequency …continued
NXP Semiconductors TDA5051A
Home automation modem
11.2 Timing diagramsNXP Semiconductors TDA5051A
Home automation modemNXP Semiconductors TDA5051A
Home automation modem
12. Application information