TDA4817 ,PFC IC for High Power Factor and Acti...Power Factor Controller TDA 4817IC for High Power Factor andActive Harmonic FilteringAdvance Inform ..
TDA4817 ,PFC IC for High Power Factor and Acti...Power Factor Controller TDA 4817IC for High Power Factor andActive Harmonic FilteringAdvance Inform ..
TDA4817 ,PFC IC for High Power Factor and Acti...Features● IC for sinusoidal line-current consumption● Power factor approaching 1● Controls boost co ..
TDA4817 ,PFC IC for High Power Factor and Acti...Features● IC for sinusoidal line-current consumption● Power factor approaching 1● Controls boost co ..
TDA4817G ,PFC IC for High Power Factor and Acti...Features● IC for sinusoidal line-current consumption● Power factor approaching 1● Controls boost co ..
TDA4817G ,PFC IC for High Power Factor and Acti...Features● IC for sinusoidal line-current consumption● Power factor approaching 1● Controls boost co ..
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PFC IC for High Power Factor and Acti...
Power Factor Controller TDA 4817
IC for High Power Factor and
Active Harmonic Filtering
Advance Information Bipolar IC
0 IC for sinusoidal line-current consumption
0 Powerfactor approaching 1
o Controls boost converter as an active harmonics filter
0 Direct drive of SIPMOS transistor
0 Zero crossing detector for discontinuous operation mode
with variable frequency
0 110/220 V AC operation without switchover
o Standby current consumption of 0.5 mA P-DlP-8-1
Type Ordering Code Package
TDA 4817 Q67000-A8298 P-DlP-8-1
TDA 4817 G Q67000-A8299 P-DSO-8-1 (SMD)
V = New type
The TDA 4817 contains all functions for designing electronic ballasts and switched-mode power
supplies with sinusoidal line current consumption and a power factor approaching 1.
The TDA 4817 controls a boost converter as an active harmonic filter in a discontinuous (triangular
shaped current) mode with variable frequency.
A typical application is in electronic ballasts, especially when a large number of such lamps are
concentrated on one line supply point.
The output voltage of this filter is regulated with high efficiency. Therefore the device can be easily
operated on different line voltages (110/220 VAC) without any switchover.
The TDA 4817 is an 8-pin-economy-version of the TDA 4814 A without reference voltage output
and start/stop monitoring circuit.
Semiconductor Group 1 05.95
TDA 4817
TDA 4817
GND LI |_l 8 I l0eiecior
QSIP L 2 7 I o Op Amp/IMZ
VS E 3 6 I OP-
C- 4 5 I 1M1
GND I 1 C) 16 CEI I Dehscior
QSIP D: 2 15 CEI QOp Amp/IMZ
VS I 3 14 CEI OP-
C- LIE 4 13 ID 1M1
Pin Configurations
(top view)
Pin Definitions and Functions
Pin Symbol Function
1 GND Ground
2 QSIP Driver output
3 VS Supply voltage
4 C - Comparator input
5 1M1 Multiplier input
6 OP - Input
7 QOP/IM2 Operational-amplifier output QOP and multiplier input M2
8 I Detector Detector input
Semiconductor Group