TDA3681JR. ,Multiple voltage regulator with switch and ignition bufferFEATURES • ESD protection on all pins• Thermal protectionsGeneral• Load dump protection• Extremely ..
TDA3681TH/N2 ,TDA3681; Multiple voltage regulator with switch and ignition buffer
TDA3681TH/N2 ,TDA3681; Multiple voltage regulator with switch and ignition buffer
TDA3682ST/N1 ,TDA3682; Multiple voltage regulator with power switches
TDA3683J ,Multiple voltage regulator with switch and ignition bufferGeneral description• The TDA3683 is a multiple output voltage regulator with a power switch and ani ..
TDA3683J ,Multiple voltage regulator with switch and ignition bufferTDA3683Multiple voltage regulator with switch and ignition bufferRev. 02 — 7 October 2005 Product d ..
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Multiple voltage regulator with switch and ignition buffer
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Multiple voltage regulator with switch and
ignition buffer TDA3681
General Extremely low noise behaviour and good stability with
very small output capacitors Second supply pin for regulators3 and 4 to reduce
power dissipation (e.g. via a DC-to-DC converter) Three VP-state controlled regulators (regulators1,3
and 4) and a power switch Regulator2, reset and ignition buffer operational during
load dump and thermal shutdown Combined control pin for switching regulators 1 and3 Separate control pins for switching regulator 4 and the
power switch Supply voltage range from −18to +50V Low quiescent current in standby mode (when
regulators1,3 and4 and power switch are switchedoff
and ignition input is low) Hold outputfor lowVP (regulators1,3 and4 and power
switch off) Hold output when one of regulators1 and3 and/or 4 is
out of regulation Hold output for foldback mode of power switch and
regulators1,3 and4 Hold output for load dump and temperature protection Reset (push-pull output stage) for regulator 2 and hold
output (open-collector output) Adjustable reset delay time High supply voltage ripple rejection Backup capacitor for regulator2 One independent ignition buffer (active HIGH).
Protections Reverse polarity safe (down to −18 V without high
reverse current) Able to withstand voltages up to 18 V at the outputs
(supply line may be short-circuited) ESD protection on all pins Thermal protections Load dump protection Foldback current limit protection for regulators1,2,3
and4 Delayed second current limit protection for the power
switch (at short-circuit) The regulator outputs and the power switch are short-circuit safe to ground and supply (VP).
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe TDA3681isa multiple output voltage regulator witha
power switch andan ignition buffer.Itis intendedfor usein
car radios withor withouta microcontroller. The TDA3681
contains the following: Four fixed voltage regulators with a foldback current
protection (regulators1,2,3 and4). Regulator2, which
is intended to supply a microcontroller, also operates
during load dump and thermal shutdown Regulators3 and 4 have a second supply pin that can
be connected to a lower supply voltage (>6.5 V) to
reduce the power dissipation A power switch with protection, operated by a control
input Reset and hold outputs that can be used to interface
with the microcontroller; the reset signal canbe usedto
call up the microcontroller Both supply pins can withstand load dump pulses and
negative supply voltages Regulator 2, which is in regulation at a backup voltage
above 6.5VA provisionfor the useofa reserve supply capacitor that
will hold enough energyfor regulator2(5V continuous)
to allow a microcontroller to prepare for loss of voltage An ignition input Schmitt trigger with push-pull output
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Multiple voltage regulator with switch and
ignition buffer TDA3681
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Multiple voltage regulator with switch and
ignition buffer TDA3681
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Multiple voltage regulator with switch and
ignition buffer TDA3681
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Multiple voltage regulator with switch and
ignition buffer TDA3681
Pin description of TDA3681J and TDA3681JR
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Multiple voltage regulator with switch and
ignition buffer TDA3681
Pin description of TDA3681TH
Note The pin is used for final test purposes. In the
application it should be connected directly to ground.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Multiple voltage regulator with switch and
ignition buffer TDA3681
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThe TDA3681isa multiple output voltage regulator witha
power switch, intendedfor usein car radios withor without microcontroller. Becauseof the low voltage operationof
the car radio, low voltage drop regulators are used.
Regulator 2 is in regulation when the backup voltage
exceeds 6.5 V for the first time. When regulator 2 is
switched on and its output voltage is within its voltage
range, the reset output is disabled to release the
microcontroller. The reset delay time before release can extendedbyan external capacitor (CRES). This start-up
feature is included to secure a smooth start-up of the
microcontroller at first connection, without uncontrolled
switching of regulator 2 during the start-up sequence.
The chargeon the backup capacitor canbe usedto supply
regulator 2 for a short period when the external supply
voltage dropsto0V (the time dependson the valueof the
backup capacitor).
The output stages of all switchable regulators have an
extremely low noise behaviour and good stability, evenfor
small values of the output capacitors.
When both regulator 2 and the supply voltages (VP1 and
VP2> 4.5 V) are available, regulators1 and 3 can be
operated by means of one enable input.
Regulator4 and the power switch havea separate enable
Pin HOLDis normally HIGH butis active LOW. Pin HOLD connectedtoan open-collector NPN transistor and must
have an external pull-up resistor to operate. The hold
output is controlled by a low voltage detection circuit
which, when activated, pulls the hold output LOW
(enabled). The hold outputs of the regulators are
connected to an OR gate inside the IC so that the hold
circuitis activated when oneor more regulators(1,3or4)
are outof regulationfor any reason. Each regulator enable
input controls its own hold triggering circuit, so that if a
regulatoris disabledor switched off, the hold circuit forthat
regulator is disabled.
The hold circuit is also controlled by the temperature and
load dump protection. Activating the temperature or load
dump protection causesa hold (LOW) during the time that
the protection is activated. When all regulators are
switched off, the hold output is controlled by the battery
line VP1, temperature protection and load dump protection.
The hold circuit is enabled at low battery voltages. This
indicates that it is not possible to get regulator 1 into
regulation when switchingit on: regulator1 has the highest
output voltage (8.5 V) of all switchable regulators.
Therefore, regulator 1 is the most critical regulator with
respect to an out of regulation condition caused by a low
battery voltage.
The hold function includes hysteresisto avoid oscillations
when the regulator voltage crosses the hold threshold
level. The hold output also becomes active when the
power switch is in foldback protection mode, see Fig.8.
The block diagram of the hold function is illustrated in
All output pins are fully protected. The regulators are
protected against load dump (regulators1,3 and4 switch
off at supply voltages >18 V) and short-circuit (foldback
current protection).
The power switch containsa current protection. However,
this protectionis delayedat short-circuitby the reset delay
capacitor (it should be noted that this is the second
function of the reset delay capacitor CRES). During this
time, the output current is limited to a peak value of at
least3A (aftera delay, the power switch can deliver 1.8A
continuous if VP≤18V).
In a normal situation, the voltage on the reset delay
capacitor is approximately 3.5 V (depending on the
temperature). The power switch output is approximately− 0.4 V. At operating temperature, the power switch
can deliver at least 3 A. At high temperature, the switch
can deliver approximately 2A.
During an overload condition or a short circuit
capacitorrises 0.6V above the voltageof regulator2. This
rise time dependson the capacitor connectedtopin CRES.
During this time, the power switch can deliver more thanA. When regulator2is outof regulation and generatesa
reset, the power switch can only deliver 2 A and will
immediately go into foldback protection.
At supply voltages >17 V, the power switch is clamped at V maximum (to avoid externally connected circuits
being damaged by an overvoltage) and the power switch
will switch off at load dump.
Interfacing with the microcontroller (simple full or semi
on/off logic applications) can be realized with an
independent ignition Schmitt trigger and ignition output
buffer (push-pull output).
The timing diagrams are illustrated in Figs6 and7.
The second supply voltage VP2is usedfor the switchable
regulators3 and4. This input canbe connectedtoa lower
supply voltage of≥6 V to reduce the power dissipation of
the TDA3681.A DC-to-DC converter couldbe used forthis
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Multiple voltage regulator with switch and
ignition buffer TDA3681
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Multiple voltage regulator with switch and
ignition buffer TDA3681
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Multiple voltage regulator with switch and
ignition buffer TDA3681
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Multiple voltage regulator with switch and
ignition buffer TDA3681
In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).
In accordance with “General Quality Specification For Integrated Circuits (SNW-FQ-611D)”.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Multiple voltage regulator with switch and
ignition buffer TDA3681
CHARACTERISTICS =VP1 =VP2= 14.4 V; Tamb =25 °C; measured in test circuits of Figs10 and 11; unless otherwise specified.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Multiple voltage regulator with switch and
ignition buffer TDA3681