TDA3629 ,Light position controllerGENERAL DESCRIPTION• Low positional error The Light position controller (Leucht Weiten Steller, LWS ..
TDA3629T ,Light position controllerINTEGRATED CIRCUITSDATA SHEETTDA3629Light position controller1996 Sep 04Product specificationFile un ..
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Light position controller
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Light position controller TDA3629
FEATURES Low positional error Low noise sensitivity due to hysteresis Low supply current Thermally protected Broken wire and short-circuit indication on SET input Brake function by short-circuiting the motor Hysteresis level set externally.
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe Light position controller (Leucht Weiten Steller, LWS)
is a monolithic integrated circuit intended to be used in
passenger cars. This device adapts the elevation of the
light beam of the head light of the car to a state defined by
the car driver using a potentiometer on the dashboard.
Note Steady state implies that the motor is not running (Im= 0) and VSET= VFB= 0.5VP.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Light position controller TDA3629
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Light position controller TDA3629
Note The pins which are not electrically connected should be connected to a copper area of the printed-circuit board which
is as large as possible to improve heat transfer.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Light position controller TDA3629
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThe device is intended to control the elevation of the light
beam of a head light of a passenger car. The driver can
control the elevation of the light beam by rotating a
potentiometer on the dashboard (the setting
potentiometer). The device adapts the elevation of the light
beam by activating the control motor. The elevation of the
head light is fed back to the device by a second
potentiometer (the feedback potentiometer).
This feedback potentiometer is mechanically coupled to
the motor.
The device operates only when the supply voltage is within
certain limits. The device is switched off outside these
boundaries. The under voltage detection detects whether
the supply voltage is below the under voltage threshold.
The motor will not be activated when this occurs, but it
remains short-circuited by the output stages.
The over voltage will switch off the total device when the
supply voltage is higher than the over voltage threshold.
A thermal protection circuit becomes active if the junction
temperature exceeds a value of approximately 160 °C.
This circuit will reduce the motor current, which will result
in a lower dissipation and hence a lower chip temperature.
This condition will only occur when the motor is blocked at
high ambient temperature.
A detection of a broken wire of the slider of the setting
potentiometer is included because it will be connected to
the device by a wire several meters long. This detection
circuit prevents the motor from rotating when the wire is
broken. In this event the brake will remain active.
The protection of VSETto VP circuit prevents the motor
from rotating when the voltage at the VSET input is above
the threshold value. This can be used to detect whether
the wire from the slider of the setting potentiometer is
short-circuited to the battery line. A protection of VSET
short-circuited to ground is also present. The motor will be
stopped if VSET becomes lower than the threshold level.
The shaded areas in Fig.4 represent the parts where the
short-circuit protection stages are active. Figure 4 shows
that a position of 0 mm can not be reached, neither can a
position of 100%. The minimum position that can be
reached depends on the battery voltage Vb, although the
maximum position does not.
The device is protected against electrical transients which
may occur in an automotive environment. The device will
shut off when positive transients on the battery line occur
(see Figs 7 and 8). The motor will not be short-circuited in
this event. The flyback diodes, illustrated in Fig.1, will
remain present. The state of the output stages at the
moment when the transient starts is preserved by internal
flip-flops. Negative transients on the battery line
(see Figs 7 and 8) will result in a set short-circuited to
ground fault detection, because it will result in a voltage at
the setting input which is below the short-circuited to
ground threshold. The device however discharges the
electrolytic capacitor during these transients. It will stop
functioning when the resulting supply voltage becomes too
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Light position controller TDA3629
The timing can be divided into several parts starting from
a steady state (see Fig.5, the starting point, and Fig.10 for
the application diagram): in this state (until T1) a large
reference current is active, indicated by the dotted lines.
When the setting potentiometer is rotated (started at T1
and indicated by VSET) and the input current ISET becomes
higher than the reference current Iref (at time T2), the motor
will start and the input current will decrease. At the same
time the reference current is switched to a low level.
During rotation of the motor the input current will decrease
until it becomes lower than this low reference current;
this occurs at time T4. At this time the brake becomes
active, the motor will stop and the reference current is set
to the higher value. The brake is realized by
short-circuiting the motor. In general: this system does not
use a linear adaptation strategy but an on-off strategy.
This results in high accuracy and low noise sensitivity.
The brake is active at any time during normal operation
when the motor is not active. The polarity of the feedback
potentiometer should be such that the voltage at the slider
of the feedback potentiometer increases when OUT1 is
high and OUT2 is low.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Light position controller TDA3629
LIMITING VALUESIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134). All voltages are defined with respect to ground.
Positive currents flow into the device. Values measured in Fig.10.
Notes Human body model: equivalent to discharging a 100 pF capacitor through a 1.5 kΩ resistor. In accordance with IEC 747-1. An alternative definition of virtual junction temperature Tvj is:
Tvj= Tamb+Pd× Rth vj-amb, where Rth vj-amb is a fixed value to be used for the calculation of Tvj. The rating for Tvj limits
the allowable combinations of power dissipation Pd and ambient temperature Tamb. Additional information is given in
section “Thermal aspects” in chapter “Test and application information”. Wave forms illustrated in Figs 7 and 8 applied to the application diagram, Fig.10. Vb=13 V; Tamb=25 °C; duration 50 ms maximum; non repetitive.
THERMAL CHARACTERISTICSIn accordance with IEC 747-1.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Light position controller TDA3629
CHARACTERISTICS=12 V; RL=14 Ω. All voltages are defined with respect to ground. Positive currents flow into the device.
Values measured in Fig.10 with RSET= RFB=20 kΩ; unless otherwise specified.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Light position controller TDA3629
Notes to the characteristics Steady state implies that the motor is not running (Im= 0) and VSET= VFB= 0.5VP. This is only valid when the temperature protection is not active. ΔVSET is the difference in voltage on the set potentiometer between the situation when the ground wire is interrupted
(VSET, br) and voltage on the set potentiometer during normal operation (when VSET= 0.17Vb= 2.72 V).
The conditions for this test are:
RSET= 20 kΩ; Vb=16V; ΔVSET= VSET,br− 2.72 V; see Fig.6.
QUALITY SPECIFICATIONThe quality of this device is in accordance with “SNW-FQ-611 part E”. The numbers of the quality specification can be
found in the “Quality reference Handbook”. The handbook can be ordered using the code 9397 750 00192.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Light position controller TDA3629
Automotive transientsWorst case transients that may occur on the battery line Vb of the application (see Fig.10), are the pulses whose wave
forms and the corresponding values are as illustrated in Figs 7 and 8. The signal source which generates these pulses
(numbered pulses 1 and 2) has a series resistance (Ri) of 10 Ω. These pulses represent for instance the influence of
switching of inductors on the battery line. The signal source which generates pulses 3 and 4 has a series resistance of Ω. These pulses represent for instance the influence of ignition on the battery line. Their repetition rate is 100 ms.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Light position controller TDA3629
Application diagrams and additional informationTwo possible application diagrams are shown. The first
(see Fig.9) shows the best case: the lowest component
count. The second (see Fig.10) shows additional
components which may be necessary. Two capacitors are
added to meet EMC requirements (one on the VP pins, the
second one between the set and feedback input pins).
A third capacitor has been added across the motor to
suppress current spikes. The given values of these
capacitors have to be optimized by experiments carried
out on the total application. The resistors do not have to
have the same value. The voltage hysteresis is set by
means of RSET.
The resistor in the feedback input line (RFB) is present to
limit the current during the transients as illustrated in Figs7
and 8. This resistor should have a value larger than 2 kΩ.
RSET can be chosen freely but must also be larger than kΩ. A diode is placed in series with the supply line in both
applications to protect the device from reverse polarity
switching and from damage caused by pulses 1 and 3 in
Figs 7 and 8. In the present application a varistor is
included in the motor. The electrolytic capacitor of 47μF
should have a very low ESR, for instance as low as 5 Ω at
a temperature of −40 °C. An extra ceramic capacitor
(approximately 100 nF) parallel to it is obligatory when this
can not be guaranteed.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Light position controller TDA3629
Thermal aspectsThe dissipation of the device is the sum of two sources:
the supply current (IP− Im) times the supply voltage (VP)
plus the motor current (Im) times the output saturation
voltage (VP− Vm). In formula:
(IP− Im) is approximately equal to IP(ss) when the motor
is not running. It is obvious from the ratings that the
combination of VP=18 V, (IP− Im)=80 mA,
Im= 900 mA and (VP− Vm)= 2.5 V can not be
allowed at Tamb= 105 °C; see chapter “Limiting values”
note 2. But it is also improbable that the motor is
It is assumed that the device must be capable of moving
the motor from one end to the other in four equal steps and
that the total time needed for this excursion is 16 seconds.
After this excursion a pause is allowed before the same
pulses are used to return to the original position.
This operation is illustrated in Fig.11.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Light position controller TDA3629
Table 1 Duration of the pauses
The maximum allowable dissipated power P is then
0.77 W during the motor active periods in the event of a
DIP8 package being used. Dissipation pulses due to
starting and stopping the motor can be ignored because of
their short duration. This maximum allowable dissipated
power implies that the maximum continuous motor current
(Im) is approximately 250 mA during the motor active
periods when the supply voltage VP is 13 V. The maximum
allowable dissipated power P is 0.67 W during the motor
active periods in the event of a SO16 package being used.
This implies that the maximum continuous motor current
(Im) is approximately 220 mA during the motor active
periods when the supply voltage (VP) is 13V.
Stereo operationThe default application will be when two modules are
driven by one set potentiometer. One module controls the
left head light, where the other one controls the right head
light. Each module is connected by three wires: the battery
line, the ground line and the set input wire. This can result
in two additional fault conditions: from one module the
battery line or the ground line can be broken, when the
other module is still connected. Assume that the left one
operates normally, where the right one has a fault. The
setting potentiometer will have extra loading when the
battery line is broken. This will result in a lower voltage at
the wiper of the setting potentiometer. Thus the left module
will start to regulate until a new equilibrium is reached.
The amount of extra loading can be influenced by the
external series resistor in the set input. These fault
conditions and their implications should be considered
when the total application is designed.
Test diagramAll parameters in chapter “Characteristics” until this
section are measured at Tamb=25 °C and are tested at
each device using the test set-up of Fig.12. The only
exceptions are parameters supply current (motor active)
and output voltage (motor output) where the 1 kΩ output
resistor is replaced by an appropriate current source.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Light position controller TDA3629