TDA2450-2 ,High Gain Controlled Video IF AmplifierFeatures
Suitable for standards B/G and L. Polarity switch for video output to generate equal
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High Gain Controlled Video IF Amplifier
Multistandard Video IF IC TDA 2450-2
Preliminary data Bipolar IC
Type I Ordering code i Package
TDA 2450-2 i Q67000-A8022 i DIP16
High gain-controlled video IF amplifier with controlled demodulator for positive and negative
modulation with low impedance and positive video output, disconnectable gated control
or peak control and delayed tuner control. The control direction as well as the polarity
of the video output can be programmed depending on the modulation standard (PAL/SECAM).
Fea tu res
Suitable for standards B/G and L. Polarity switch for video output to generate equal
polarity for positive or negative modulated signals.
Fast regulation on peak white level including controlled discharge with program changes.
Switching between gated and peak control (VTR operation) at B/G standard
Gating with positive and negative gating pulse for B/G standard
High degree of integration
Extensive control range
Extremely high input sensitivity
Minimal beat frequency (920 kHz for US standards)
Improved control voltage characteristics with L standard data signals (Antiope)
Superior tuning properties
000000000 0
Maximum ratings
Supply voltage VS 16.5 V
Junction temperature Ji 150 ''C
Storage temperature range Tsig -40 to 125 °C
Thermal resistance RmSA 70 K/W
Operating range
Supply voltage vs 10.5 to 15.8 V
IF frequency fr ~15 to 75 MHz
Ambient temperature r, 0 to 70 "C
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TDA 2450-2
VS =12 V; TA =250C
Current consumption
Stab. reference voltage
Control current for tuner
V14 = 0.5 V11
Tuner AGC threshold
Gated pulse voltage
pos. gated pulse
neg, gated pulse
Input voltage at Vmax
AGC range
Video output voltage (pos.)
Rt, = oo
Sync pulse level
DC voltage V2 =4 V; V15,16 =0
neg. modulation
pos. modulation
Output current
to ground through R
to plus V3 == 7 V
IF control voltage
Switching threshold voltage (H)
2, L standard
Switching threshold voltage (L)
A B/G standard or open
Switching voltage H
A peak control
Switching voltage L
2 gated control or open
Additional application data')
Input impedance
(int. low-pass filter)
Input impedance
Output impedance
Output resistance
Residual IF (basic frequency)
Video bandwidth (-3 dB)
lntermodulation ratio with
reference to fcc
(sound-color-beat frequency)
" Data is not guaranteed by series measurement
- - C--9rrrr--Tm Inr "
min typ max
Ill 55 mA
V12 6.0 Vdc
fr, 4.0 mA
V13/1o 0 4.0 Vdc
V1 4.0 Vs V
V1 -10 --4.0 V
V15/16 30 60 UV
AG 66 dB
Vgpp 3.0 V
Vs 2.0 Vdc
V3/1o 5.3 Vdc
V3/10 2.0 Vdc
G 2.0 mA
WHO 0 Vdc
V2/10 4 Vdc
V4 3.0 VS V
v, 0 0.9 V
vs 3.0 Vs V
Vs 0 0.9 V
z, 4.7/30 kQ/pF
215/16 1.8/2 kQ/pF
28,9 6.6/2 EQ/DF
R3 150
V3 10 mV
Bvideo , MHz
a 50 dB