TDA1576T ,FM-IF amplifier/demodulator circuitINTEGRATED CIRCUITSDATA SHEETTDA1576TFM/IF amplifier/demodulator circuit1998 Nov 18Product specifica ..
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FM-IF amplifier/demodulator circuit
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
FM/IF amplifier/demodulator circuit TDA1576T
FEATURES Fully balanced 4-stage limiting IF amplifier Symmetrical quadrature demodulator Field strength indication output for 1 mA ammeter Detune detector for side response and noise attenuation Detune voltage output Internal muting circuit 0° and 180° AF output signals Reference voltage output Electronic smoothing of the supply voltage.
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe TDA1576T is a monolithic integrated FM/IF amplifier
circuit for use in mono and stereo FM-receivers of car
radios or home sets.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
FM/IF amplifier/demodulator circuit TDA1576T
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Philips Semiconductors Product specification
FM/IF amplifier/demodulator circuit TDA1576T
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
FM/IF amplifier/demodulator circuit TDA1576T
LIMITING VALUESIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134).
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
FM/IF amplifier/demodulator circuit TDA1576T
CHARACTERISTICS= 8.5 V; fIF= 10.7 MHz; RS =60 Ω; fm= 400 Hz with Δf= ±22.5 kHz; 50 μs de-emphasis (C8-9= 6.8 nF);
Tamb =25 °C and measurements taken in Fig.1; unless otherwise specified. The demodulator circuit is adjusted at
minimum second harmonic distortion for ViIF=1 mV and a deviation Δf= ±75 kHz.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
FM/IF amplifier/demodulator circuit TDA1576T
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
FM/IF amplifier/demodulator circuit TDA1576T
OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS= 8.5 V; fIF= 10.7 MHz; RS =60 Ω; fm= 400 Hz with Δf= ±22.5 kHz; 50 μs de-emphasis (C8-9= 6.8 nF);
Tamb =25 °C and measurements taken in Fig.1; unless otherwise specified. The demodulator circuit is adjusted at
minimum second harmonic distortion with ViIF=1 mV.