TDA1565TH/N1 ,TDA1565TH; High efficiency 2 x 40 W/2 Ohm stereo car radio power amplifierapplications.• Load dump protection circuit• Short-circuit safe to ground; to supply voltage andacr ..
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High efficiency 2 x 40 W/2 Ohm stereo car radio power amplifier
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
High efficiency 2 × 40 W / 2 Ω
stereo car radio power amplifier TDA1565TH
FEATURES Low dissipation due to switching from Single-Ended
(SE) to Bridge-Tied Load (BTL) mode Differential inputs with high Common Mode Rejection
Ratio (CMRR) Mute, standby or operating mode selectable by pin Load dump protection circuit Short-circuit safe to ground; to supply voltage and
across load Loudspeaker protection circuit Thermal protection at high junction temperature Device switches to single-ended operation at high
junction temperature Clip detection at 2.5 % THD Diagnostic signal indicating clipping, short-circuit
protection and pre-warning of thermal protection.
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe TDA1565TH is a monolithic power amplifier in a
20-lead heatsink small outline plastic package.It contains
two identical 40 W amplifiers. Power dissipation is
minimizedby switching from SEto BTL mode only whena
higher output voltage swing is needed. The device is
developed primarily for car radio applications.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
High efficiency 2 × 40 W / 2 Ω
stereo car radio power amplifier TDA1565TH
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
High efficiency 2 × 40 W / 2 Ω
stereo car radio power amplifier TDA1565TH
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
High efficiency 2 × 40 W / 2 Ω
stereo car radio power amplifier TDA1565TH
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThe TDA1565TH contains two identical amplifiers with
differential inputs.At low output power (output amplitudesupto3V (RMS)atVP= 14.4 V), the device operatesas normal SE amplifier. Whena larger output voltage swing
is required, the circuit automatically switches internally to
BTL operation.
With a sine wave input signal, the power dissipation of a
conventional BTL amplifier with an output power of up to W is more than twice the power dissipation of the
TDA1565TH (see Fig.10).
During normal use, when the amplifieris drivenby typical
variable signals such as music, the high (BTL) output
power is only needed for a small percentage of time.
Assuming that a music signal has a normal (Gaussian)
amplitude distribution, the power dissipation of a
conventional BTL amplifier with the same output poweris
approximately 70 % higher (see Fig.11).
The heatsink mustbe designedfor musicsignal operation.
When sucha heatsinkis used, the IC’s thermal protection
will disable the BTL mode when the junction temperature
exceeds 150 °C.In this case the output poweris limitedtoW per amplifier. The gainof each amplifieris internally
fixed at 26 dB.
The device canbe switchedto anyof the following modes applying the appropriate voltageto the MODE pin (see
Fig.3): Standby with low standby current (less than50 μA) Mute condition; DC adjusted On, operation.
The device is fully protected against a short-circuit of the
output pins to ground or to the supply voltage. It is also
protected against a loudspeaker short-circuit and against
high junction temperatures. In the event of a permanent
short-circuit condition, the output stage is repeatedly
switched on and off with a low duty-cycle resulting in low
power dissipation.
When the supply voltage drops below 6 V (e.g. vehicle
engine start), the circuit is immediately muted to prevent
audible ‘clicks’ that may be produced in the electronic
circuitry preceding the power amplifier.
The voltage across the SE electrolytic capacitor
connected to pin 16 is kept at 0.5 VP by a voltage buffer
(see Fig.1). The capacitor value has an important
influence on the output power in SE mode, especially at
low frequency signals; a high value is recommended to
minimize power dissipation at low frequencies.
The diagnostic output indicates the following conditions: Clip detection at 2.5 % THD (see Fig.4) Short-circuit protection (see Fig.5): When an output short-circuit occurs (for at least μs); the output stages are switchedofffor approx.
500 ms, after which time the outputs are checked to
see if a short-circuit condition still exists. During any
short-circuit condition, the power dissipation is very
low. During a short-circuit condition pin DIAG is at
logic LOW. Start-up/shutdown; when the productis internally muted Thermal protection pre-warning:If the junction temperature rises above 145°C butis
below the thermal protection temperature of 150 °C,
the diagnostic output indicates that the thermal
protection condition is about to become active. This
pre-warning canbe usedby another deviceto reduce
the amplitudeof the input signal which would reduce
the power dissipation. The thermal protection
pre-warningis indicatedbya logic LOWat pin DIAG.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
High efficiency 2 × 40 W / 2 Ω
stereo car radio power amplifier TDA1565TH
Heatsink designThere are two parameters that determine the size of the
heatsink. The first is the rating of the virtual junction
temperature and the secondis the ambient temperatureat
which the amplifier must still deliver its full power in the
BTL mode.
With a conventional BTL amplifier, the maximum power
dissipation for a typical signal, such as music (at each
amplifier) willbe approximately two times15W.Ata virtual
junction temperature of 150 °C and a maximum ambient
temperature of 65 °C, Rth(vj-c)= 1.8 K/W and
Rth(c-h)= 0.2 K/W. For a conventional BTL amplifier the
thermal resistance of the heatsink should be:
Compared to a conventional BTL amplifier, the
TDA1565TH has a higher efficiency. The thermal
resistance of the heatsink should be:
(see Fig.6).
150 65–
215× ---------------------- 1.8– 0.2– 0.83 K/W=
150 65–
210× ---------------------- 1.8– 0.2– 2.25 K/W=
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
High efficiency 2 × 40 W / 2 Ω
stereo car radio power amplifier TDA1565TH
LIMITING VALUESIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
High efficiency 2 × 40 W / 2 Ω
stereo car radio power amplifier TDA1565TH
DC CHARACTERISTICS= 14.4 V; Tamb =25 °C; measured in Fig.7; unless otherwise specified.
Notes The circuit is DC-biased at VP=6to18 V and AC-operating at VP=8to18V. If the junction temperature exceeds 150 °C, the output power is limited to 10 W per channel.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
High efficiency 2 × 40 W / 2 Ω
stereo car radio power amplifier TDA1565TH
AC CHARACTERISTICS= 14.4 V; RL =2 Ω; f=1 kHz; Tamb =25 °C; measured in Fig.7; unless otherwise specified.
Notes The distortion is measured with a bandwidth of 10Hzto30 kHz (see Figures 20 and 21). Frequency response externally fixed (input capacitors determine the low frequency roll-off). The SE to BTL switch voltage level depends on the value of VP. Noise output voltage measured with a bandwidth of 20Hzto20 kHz. Noise output voltage is independent of the source resistance (Rs).
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
High efficiency 2 × 40 W / 2 Ω
stereo car radio power amplifier TDA1565TH
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
High efficiency 2 × 40 W / 2 Ω
stereo car radio power amplifier TDA1565TH
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
High efficiency 2 × 40 W / 2 Ω
stereo car radio power amplifier TDA1565TH
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
High efficiency 2 × 40 W / 2 Ω
stereo car radio power amplifier TDA1565TH
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
High efficiency 2 × 40 W / 2 Ω
stereo car radio power amplifier TDA1565TH