TDA1062S ,FM front end for Hi-Fi and Car-Radio / Mixer ModulatorElectrical characteristics ;Vs "' 10 V, Tm, 1: 25°C, reference point Pin ii, 12, " 95 MHz, Ra = Ru ..
TDA1072AT/V4 ,TDA1072AT; AM receiver circuit
TDA1072AT/V4 ,TDA1072AT; AM receiver circuit
TDA1074A ,Dual tandem electronic potentiometer circuit
TDA1074A ,Dual tandem electronic potentiometer circuit
TEA1081T ,Supply circuit with power-down for telephone set peripherals
TEA1081T ,Supply circuit with power-down for telephone set peripherals
TEA1081T ,Supply circuit with power-down for telephone set peripherals
TEA1083 ,Call progress monitor for line powered telephone sets
TEA1085 ,Listening-in circuit for line-powered telephone sets
TEA1085 ,Listening-in circuit for line-powered telephone sets
FM front end for Hi-Fi and Car-Radio / Mixer Modulator
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,3 TELEFUNKEN ELECTRONIC MX 1) El 5920005 0003023 ll E] ALGG
mmmmm electronic TDA 1062 S
CmmT-dmiogu F77: otr-tMr
Monolithic Integrated Circuit ,
Applications: Fhl-frtont end for Hi-Fi and car-radlos, mixer modulator and phase-sensitive detectors
up to 250 MHz,
0 Excellent large signal behavior o Bulld-ln AGC ampllflerfor
0 High oscillator frequency stability, extema! PlN-dlode
even toy large input signals 0 High overall ttmpllMatlon
0 Low external power level of the V O Specially recommends for
oscillator varactor tuned front ends ' -
It Low radlallon o Buffered osclllator output T
It Low noise figure Pinning and {unallon fully I
compatible with TDA 1062
low nu _ ''"
[Q J.5222
2fo, Illur OI: . Pb " '
a r---------'-?, 1 "
__l_(__-__ m Amylilm Atitt subllinmn -
10 vs , " 5.12
'EL, G! PIN - mad.
- - - ..._ . '..—~..._..__..
.-...:.M..v.w~.q..o .-. .w. n. “n. u aunw
Fig. 1 Block diagram
Absolute maximum tallngs
Supply voltage Pin 6 Vs 16 V
Power dlsslpation
Tm, - 85otl Po 400 mW
Juncnon temperature 7) 125 ot)
Amblent temperature range Tami, -25...+85 °C
Storage temperature range Tm -55,,.+126 ''tl
T1.2/242.0583 E
ozci II E-GS 123 ,
-».. . . -. _ . .--..r.-. wan... .. - .V
El ......
MC '1)
520091: 000392” T DALGG
TDA 1062 s $77.45;“,
Thermal resistance Min. Typ. Max.
Junction ambient Ritux K/W
Electrical ttharatttetlMitta
Vs'"10 V. reference point Pin 6,12, 'r 50.3 MHz, f,,
VAGc" o, Re =HL= tio Q, Tmb- 26'G, sea test circuit Fig. 3, unless otherwise specified
Supply voltage iange Pin 6
'Total supply current
Mixer current Pin 13/14
Stabilized base voltage Pin 3
RF stage collector voltage Pin 8
VAGQ " 5 V Pitt 8
RF stage base voltage Pin 9
Oscillator stage collector voltage Pin 1/16
Power gain
fe " Go-h Fig. 4 Pin 13/14
RF rejection Fig. 4 Pin 13/14
tp' order distortion Fla. 4 Pin 13/14
Oscillator output
th. " 50 Q Pin 2
Electrical chBrattttttlstltts
vs " 10 v, Tm = 25°C. reference point Pin 6, 12, ttra 95 MHz, Ra -= RL = 50 n, Fig. 5
Total supply current
Tuning range
Tuning voltage range
Power gain
Noise figure
IF bandwlth
Image rejectlon
Ultimate quletlng
-40 dBm, Af=i75 kHz,fa1kHz
Bun: 30 Hz...15 kHz
Oscillator pulling
p, =. 0 dBm
with AGO
Radiation at antenna Input
Galn diifamnctt
II: 88...108 MHz
Oscillator output
RL=500 Pin2
0263 5-06
=1oo MHz, Pr -40 dBm,
V9; 4.4
Vce 1 .7
day: 1 7
Vooac 25
20.5 d
um: ‘—
.. .h 1.14. .a. .1. .. .. ..
u. .a- m..-
- TDA 1062 s E.-
7: T?-0Cutt i.)
. V _ '
a " t I ttt ,
"al l“
-.A-., 'u
o. "l iltto
I', r, ra
'r, "a F. ''s
I n ma I 2‘
Hg. 2 Diagram and pin connections ’51
-- -.. iii
Saul. 5
Arm". t
's _--_ 470 " := l t
'eu mu u 479 :
=1." Hap ) TDA 1062 s
ly Lt) J&LlJ l 'ij, F'J (i),,'
soon " -410
4. a "
pF , m
nun o Vallmclll
:410 " _ii,-v'l,, ir pF
Electrical ttharttete0tltxt of the test clrcull without Itt In the socket
RF-lnput Pin 10 with Ra = 60 Q terminated
RF-clrcuit Pin 8/5 at f " 60.3 MHz: B =' 5.6 MHz, C" Mr. 5.5 pF, R, Ba 1 tt
lF-clrculi Pln 13/14 with RL tra 50 Q terminated: at f = 50 MHz, R, a 200 Q
Oacllluor clrcult Pln 1/16 at f = 100 MHz: t? = 2.3 MHz, CD = 3 pF, Ro '.= 800 Q
unl—n .. .
Fig. 3 Test clrcuit
0264 - E707' 126
1 7;". v
_.-.--..----.."--"--.-..--.-----.'-..- .
’TELEFUNKEN ELECTRONIC 8ht I) © aaaunab 0003325 , EJALGG
TDA 1062 s . r/J-ii-os-war"
.-..'ar-»...= n, . , _ .
1 .IS4II .
- on-ao dam :
0’ l' v I
l ditr i
~40 , 1
- 60 e
_ -100 [m
l 'ostl . , ah-Ge,
12tt 0265 . 5-03 _ _
til.,....., 7 , - t - .
- _ TDA1062S
n ____T__i__ YP r,__..| T
”JIM 44'.o ll-cnm
" 'iih 6%“. h,tt-
1 I li' l. . iC1yj'lv't','t, 1 " z” ’4 an!
E Lf -----.- or'ut---4F-4
'W''," cumin nu 1
2:227; "s? " 55 m m iii) m An rsi-iJ'r"
" R u a I _
u u tta I ‘I ) TDA 1052 s "mr
ounmu I 2 a tfd 5 ty t E. . tore '.
'htel, = LIJ III I-lil, t? L
m" L": " .220 ==r--e I
1attt ' I 1 J, 1..
-- -"i-
I. Mlmdllll Chen"! b --
" . t, o
Du th, th, D. - BB 304 blue (BB 204 blue)
0266 .E_09 . '127
th, th =1 N 4151 all resistors $1096
D, _ " PIN mode BA 479
G, u, u, L10 s on 4 mm bobbin Fa. Kaschke. Gottlngen. core 3/7.5x0.5 Mat. K 3/12/100
u, u - Veg! Filter D 4, core 3/7.5x0.5 Mat. Fl 05 F?
L. " 5 3/4 M16 0 0.8 mm CuAg at the cold and oth, "
L, " 2 W4 Wea ' 0.4 mm CuLs l
L, - 6 3/4 Wdt1 w 0.8 mm OuAg at the cold and otha l
L. " 4 3/4 Wdty o 0.4 mm. GuLs l
u " 6 3/4 Wdt2 a 0.8 mm GuAg woundlnL. ,
L. '" 3 3/4 Wdt3 ' 0.4 mm CuLs i;
L, - 19 Wdta '' 0.15 mm Cula o 3.5 mm ttlr-tgore coll . "
u '" 2x15 was a 0.15 mm CuLs double wound ?
u - 2 Wdt2 ' 0.2 mm Culs wound on u ,
Lin - 6 was ' 0.8 mm CuAG at the cold and of L", tl.
G, .= 1 Wdt1 0 0.4 mm Cuts _'
buts 2. single-nylon enamalled wire "i'
Alignment: 88 MHz (mum) Inductors, 108 MHz (vmm) n“ .11..“ ,
No Iteration of the alignment ls necessary. The dotted line shows the external clrcult for the AGC. '
Fig. 6 Test circuit and application note ll
Supply voltage must be dlsconnected before inserting the Integrated clrcult in the socket: si
TEL~EFUNKEN ELECTRONIC 31c 1) CCI Manual: aouaaaa 7 :IALGG
TDA 1062 S -r-rtrpg-ds
Pare - Vac Voun '5 I
--... ,
L Bo 18 mo kn
loo 1.:
um -" =
Vlunmln too a: mo " I
r-hr/some ., " que
CD TDA1093
I f?? L‘] s m _ Il
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'uma, CF
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Mar hot 1 .L. .
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2500 MY.' " clmm - - " N
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52.0 '
ha ' lo I .
J 's'i':'z., Snr 1. - - Dan _10 or"' ,
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''ht m B8 " ,
Oulll tor CI": It :
c-NIA'.'.. . . ELI a or-Y/r; .
-- 410 F "
'e too " rh m m m m n ,
--0-4 -...tt,'e -uh
15m . .
e TDA 1062 s 1m _
'tiadttrrtut ,
Jr,,' tin Llnnr . " I
I mm " B i
Pallnllumuul -ly L‘J: flf tiliro LII ..
Ct Ir-- no I’
Oncmnor .
Oulpul 410 " r-'JIr " no a =4 l,
tsett " . 3
g lnIon-nndlnn Clvculh t. - - 3
l1 . L3 . z
o, o. i
as to I I '
as m d
tIT.". " ’ICI . t
n Hclllrllm Human "E
Fig. 6 FM-front end with tuning Interface integrated clrcuitTDA 1093
128 oath . 5-10 j:'
H l, M " _ M
TDA 1062 s
Dimensions In mm
1' qnmmuwdn—I
ttil,ti.r, JEDEC MO 001
t.".tfla'tr' DIP 16
.m . Weight max. 1.5 g
‘ ‘ ..
Juduwimw --!-'~*"4""‘ “""M ”1“
1 ,. i
( , ' ,
1 $ir'i) i
1 0268 5-11 129 l