TCA2465 ,Dual power operational amplifierDual Power Operational Amplifier TCA 2465Overview Bipolar IC
TCA2465 ,Dual power operational amplifierDual Power Operational Amplifier TCA 2465Overview Bipolar IC
TCA2465G ,Dual Power Operational AmplifierFeatures• High output peak current of twice 2.5 A• Twice 2.0 A output peak current for TCA 2465 G• ..
TCA2465-G ,Dual Power Operational AmplifierFeatures• High output peak current of twice 2.5 A• Twice 2.0 A output peak current for TCA 2465 G• ..
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Dual Power Operational Amplifier
Dual Power Operational Amplifier
q High output peak current of twice 2.5 A
. Twice 2.0 A output peak current for TCA 2465 G
. Large supply voltage range up to 42 V
q High slew rate of 2 V/ws
. Outputs fully protected (DC short-circuit proof for
for P-DSO-20-6 VS up to 14 V)
. Thermal overload protection
. Inhibit input enables "tristate" outputs
q Integrated clamp diodes
TCA 2465
Bipolar IC
P-SlP-20 / 9-1
P-DSO-20-1 /-6 /-7
Type Ordering Code Package
TCA 2465 Q67000-A8109 P-SIP-9-1
TCA 2465 G Q67000-A8334 P-DSO-20-6
The IC contains two identical op amps, each supplying a high output current of 2.5 A at
supply voltages between i 3 V and :20 V. Internal compensation permits negative
feedback of the amplifiers up to a min. of 20 dB. Both amplifiers can be disconnected at
Fl, 2 2 V via an inhibit input. Integrated protective circuits protect the outputs against
short-circuit to + VS and - Vs and prevent thermal overloading of the IC. TCA 2465 G
comes in a special surface-mounted power package similar to P-DSO-20 and delivers
twice 2.0 A output peak current.
Data Sheet
Infineon TCA 2465
TCA 2465
I I I SP::ff 2ru, SE fu,
CD l + fe' + ' o
TCA 2465 G
+\/S II 1 C) 20 CEI Inhibit
Output1 El: 2 19 CIC] Output2
NC. CE 3 18 CEI NC.
CE 4 17 CEI
"el CE 5 16 CE] -Vs
El: 6 15 33
CE 7 14 CEI
Inverting Input1 CE 8 13 CIC] Inverting Input
Non-Inverting Input1 El: 9 12 CEI N0n-lnveriing Input2
Frequency Compensation1 CE 10 11 CEI Frequency Compensation
Figure 1 Pin Configuration (top view)
Data Sheet 2 1999-06-15