TC7SZ04AFE ,InverterFeatures High output drive: ±24 mA (typ.) @V = 3 V CC Super high speed operation: t 2.4 ns ..
TC7SZ04F ,INVERTERFEATURESo High@VCC = 3 Va Super High Speed Operation: tPD 2.4 ns(Typ.)Operation Voltage Range : VCC ..
TC7SZ05F ,LMOS -- LCX Equivalent (TC7SZxx)FEATURES I TC7SZOSF Ia High Output Drive : i24mA (Typ.) (VCC=3V) l r:,------------"'"?:::) la Super ..
TC7SZ05FE ,L-MOS SHS series (TC74LCX-equivalent)Features • High Output current : 24mA (min) at V = 3V CC• Super high speed operation : t = 2.3ns (t ..
TC7SZ05FU ,LMOS -- LCX Equivalent (TC7SZxx)FEATURES I TC7SZOSF Ia High Output Drive : i24mA (Typ.) (VCC=3V) l r:,------------"'"?:::) la Super ..
TDA4470-MSD , Multistandard Video-IF and Quasi Parallel Sound Processing
TDA4472 ,Video-IF and Quasi Parallel Sound Processing
TDA4472 ,Video-IF and Quasi Parallel Sound Processing
TDA4472 ,Video-IF and Quasi Parallel Sound Processing
TDA4483 , Intercarrier Mixer and AM-Demodulator for TV and VCR
TDA4505 ,Small signal combination IC for colour TV
TC7SZ04AFE TOSHIBA CMOS Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic
TC7SZ04AFE Inverter
Features High output drive: ±24 mA (typ.) @VCC = 3 V Super high speed operation: tPD 2.4 ns (typ.) @VCC = 5 V, 50 pF Operation voltage range: VCC (opr) = 1.8~5.5 V Supply voltage data retention: VCC = 1.5~5.5 V Latch-up performance: ±500 mA ESD performance: Human body model > ±2000 V Machine model > ±200 V Power down protection is provided on all inputs. Matches the performance of TC74LCX series when operated at 3.3 V VCC Input rise and fall time (tr, tf) (recommended operation condition)
@VCC = 1.8 V, 2.5 V ± 0.2 V: 0~20 ns/V
@VCC = 3.3 V ± 0.3 V: 0~10 ns/V
@VCC = 5.5 V ± 0.5 V: 0~5 ns/V
Maximum Ratings (Ta ��� � 25°C) TL 260 °C
Weight: 0.003 g (typ.)