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Stepping motor driver IC
TB62209FG TOSHIBA BiCD Processor IC Silicon Monolithic
TB62209FG Stepping Motor Driver IC Using PWM Chopper Type
The TB62209FG is a stepping motor driver driven by chopper
micro-step pseudo sine wave.
The TB62209FG integrates a decoder for CLK input in micro
steps as a system to facilitate driving a two-phase stepping motor
using micro-step pseudo sine waves. Micro-step pseudo sine
waves are optimal for driving stepping motors with low-torque
ripples and at low oscillation. Thus, the TB62209FG can easily
drive stepping motors with low-torque ripples and at high
Also, TB62209FG consists of output steps by DMOS (Power
MOS FET), and that makes it possible to control the output
power dissipation much lower than ordinary IC with bipolar
transistor output.
The IC supports Mixed Decay mode for switching the attenuation ratio at chopping. The switching time for the
attenuation ratio can be switched in four stages according to the load.
Features Bipolar stepping motor can be controlled by a single driver IC Monolithic BiCD IC Low ON-resistance of Ron = 0.5 Ω (Tj = 25°C @1.0 A: typ.) Built-in decoder and 4-bit DA converters for micro steps Built-in ISD, TSD, VDD &VM power monitor (reset) circuit for protection Built-in charge pump circuit (two external capacitors) 36-pin power flat package (HSOP36-P-450-0.65) Output voltage: 40 V max Output current: 1.8 A/phase max 2-phase, 1-2 (type 2) phase, W1-2 phase, 2W1-2 phase, 4W1-2 phase, or motor lock mode can be
selected. Built-in Mixed Decay mode enables specification of four-stage attenuation ratio. Chopping frequency can be set by external resistors and capacitors.
High-speed chopping possible at 100 kHz or higher.
Note: When using the IC, pay attention to thermal conditions.
This device is easily damaged by high static voltage, please handle with care. This product is RoHS compatible. Weight: 0.79 g (typ.)