TB2903HQ ,Maximum Power 47W BTL x 4-ch Audio Power ICblock diagram may be omitted or simplified for explanatory purpose. 2 2004-07-25 C 2C 4C 5C 3TB290 ..
TB2904HQ ,Maximum Power 43 W BTL ?4-ch Audio Power ICFeatures • High power output : P MAX (1) = 43 W (typ.) OUT P (V = 14.4 V, f = 1 kHz, JEITA max, R = ..
TB2905HQ , Class KB High-Efficiency, Low-Frequency Power Amplifier IC Maximum Power: 47 W x 4 Channels
TB2905HQ , Class KB High-Efficiency, Low-Frequency Power Amplifier IC Maximum Power: 47 W x 4 Channels
TB2906HQ ,Maximum Power 43 W BTL x 4-ch Audio Power ICFeatures • High power output : P MAX (1) = 43 W (typ.) OUT P (V = 14.4 V, f = 1 kHz, JEITA max, R = ..
TB2932HQ , Maximum Power 49 W BTL × 4-ch Audio Power IC
TC74HC299AP , 8-Bit PIPO Shift Register with Asynchronous Clear
TC74HC299AP , 8-Bit PIPO Shift Register with Asynchronous Clear
Maximum Power 47W BTL x 4-ch Audio Power IC
TOSHIBA Bi-CMOS Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic
T B2 90 3 H Q
Maximum Powerd? W BTL I 4-ch Audio Power IC
The TWl905Htt is 41:11 BTL audio amplifier for car audio
This IC can generate higher power: Parr MAX = 47 W " it
mcludEE the pure complementary P-ch and K-eh 1321-105 output
It LE designed to yield an dLEtartion ratio far Itth BTI. au-du}
power amplLEi-ar. 1milt-in stamibr Nm:tian, munng t1mizita, and
van-rrus kinds gf protectors.
Addituma11y. fo-set detector iti bull: in.
Featu res
' HLgh pc-WEI crutp-ut
. PoUT hLhE (1.l = 47 W Imp]
[Vac = 14A V. f-- 1 kHz. JEITA man- RI. = 4 Q)
Pour hCKE [i!) = 13 W It:, (l
IITEGG = 117 F. f: 1 kHz. JEIIA man- RL = 4 fa)
Pour It) = 29 W Imp.)
[175.3 = 14A V. " 1 kHz. THD =10'?b, R1 = A Q)
Four C) = 25 W tvp)
IITEGG = 13.3 V. f: 1 kHz. TTTD x1(yro, R1 = 4 tl)
' Low distortion ratia-Z THD = 0.015% "YP)
We ght: T.7 g (typ/l
(Vcc = 15.2 Y, f: lkHz. PDUT = 5 W. W. = 4 +
. Law aoiay 175:0 = 90 311-01191ij
(Vcc = 13.2 V. Rs = 012.. BW-- 20 Hz~20 kHz, W. = 4 El
. Built-in standby switch fumetioso Ipzin. 4)
. Built-in muting fmennn (pin ESI
o Bujlt-in fo-set detection functmn (pin 2t5t
. Bujlt-in vathus prtyteetion circuits:
Thermal Ehut down. overvaltage, oat to GND, oat co Van. mu: to out shun
' Operating supply voltage: Vcc [91113: 0913 V (BL = 4 Q)
Note 1: Since1his device's pins have a law withstan ding ualLa-ge, p ease handle it with Dare.
Note 2:
prnduct or equipment
Install the product correcthr. otherlvise, it may result in break dcwn. camage andJcr degradalicn to 1he
Note 3: These pmtectinn funminns are intended ID awaid some wmut short circuits tgr other abnormal mditmns
tempcrarily. These prrytecthirtty1ii:1ns dry not warrant to prevent the IE fmm being damaged.
In case cf1he product waulc he cperated wth exmedec guaranteed nperat ng ranges. Ihese pm‘lecton
features may not operate and same output short circuits may result n the IC being damaged.
1 2004-07-25
Block Diagram
- - - C)
al, A o', I,,
6/ 'il9' 'di) 0' lo
OUT1 +
1 IN1 + (js?,
, - PW-GND1 RL
J; - OUTI(-) 7
OUT2 :I:
+ (+) 5
i) -' PW-GND2 RL
J; - OUT2(-) 3
+ (+) 17
i) : PW-GND3 RL
OUT3 -
J; - ( ) 19
' (+) 21
i) : PW-GND4 RL
OUT4 -
g - ( ) 23
S Off-set
D T -o- 5V
(ii) Ci) {3 (ii,
o-- PLAY
CNt stt R1 'MUTE
explanatory purpose.
Some of the functional blocks, circuits, or constants in the block diagram may be omitted or simplified for
Caution and Application Method
(Description is made only on the single channel.)
Voltage Gain Adjustment
This IC has no NF (negative feedback) Pins. Therefore, the voltage gain can not be adjusted, but it makes
the device a space and total costs saver.
Input C
Figure 1 Block Diagram
The voltage gain of amp.1 I GV1 = OdB
The voltage gain of amp.2A, B 1 sz = 20dB
The voltage gain of BTL connection: GV (BTL) = 6dB
Therefore, the total voltage gain is decided by expression below.
Gv= Gv1+Gv2+GV(BTL)= 0+20+6=26dB
Standby SW Function (pin 4)
By means of controlling pin 4 (standby pin) to
High and Low, the power supply can be set to ON
and OFF. The threshold voltage of pin 4 is set at Vcc
about 3VBE (typ.), and the power supply current is ON lPower
about 2 " (typ.) in the standby state. = = 2 VBE
Je J A
Control Voltage of Pin 4: V33 to BIAS
Standby Power VSB (V) J,
ON OFF o~1.5
OFF ON 3.5-6 v . . . .
Figure 2 With pm 4 set to High,
When changing the time constant of pin 4, check the Power is turned ON
pop noise.
Advantage of Standby SW
(1) Since VCC can directly be controlled to ON or OF F by the microcomputer, the switching relay can be
(2) Since the control current is microscopic, the switching relay of small current capacity is satisfactory
for switching.
3 2004-07-25
Large current capacity switch 'r--',
\°—> Battery I Battery
- Conventional Method -
Small current capacity switch From microcomputer
Battery Battery
Stand-By VCC Stand-By VCC
- Standby Switch Method -
Figure 3
3. Muting Function (pin 22)
Audio muting function is enabled when pin 22 is Low. When the time constant of the muting function is
determined by R1 and C4, it should take into account the pop noise. The pop noise which is generated when
the power or muting function is turned ON/OFF will vary according to the time constant. (Refer to Figure 4
and Figure 5.)
The pin 22 is designed to operate off 5 V.
Moreover, this terminal (pin 22) serves as the source switch of current of an internal mute circuit. And it is
designed so that the discharge current of this terminal (pin 22) may serve as 200 pA. The outside pulrup
resistor R1 is determind on the basic of this value.
ex) When control voltage is changed in to 6 V from 5 V.
To obtain enough mute attenuation, a series resistor, R1 at pin 22 should be 47 kn or more.
o f=1kHz
Ei" Rc--40
E Vour=20dBm
''rzi,o' -60
1 k!) Jj,
R1 g -80
C4 Mute ON/OFF g
control -100
o 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Pin 22 control voltage: VMUTE (V)
Figure 4 Muting Function Figure 5 Mute Attenuation - VMUTE (V)
4 2004-07-25
4. Off-set detection function
In case ofAppearing output offset voltage by Generating a Large Leakage Current on the input
Capacitor etc.
V w'" DC Voltage (+) Amp (at leak) (Rm)
- - - - - E ----- --Vccc? (normal DC voltage)
u Leak or short
vref ' \— DC Voltage (-) Amp (at short) (RS2)
RSI Off t It t I k h rt
Elec. vol (trc-, se vo age (a ea o s o )
Vref/2 ty Vbias
nn L.P.F. —> To CPU
Threshold level (RSI)
(+) Amp output - - - - - ---.-----------.-.-.--.-..--.-.-- l/CCC?
:____V ____________ - |__,_V_, y._._. _______ V_._._.___ Thresholdlevel(Rsz)
Voltage of
point (A) 'i_iir'iiti-ri''''
Voltage of
point (B) \
Figure 7 Wave Form
5 2004-07-25
5. Pop Noise Suppression
Since the AC-GND pin (pin 16) is used as the NF pin for all amps, the ratio between the input
capacitance (C I) and the AC-to-GND capacitance (C6) should be 1:4.
Also, if the power is turned OFF before the C1 and C6 batteries have been completely charged, pop noise
will be generated because of the DC input unbalance.
To counteract the noise, it is recommended that a longer charging time be used for C2 as well as for C1
and C6. Note that the time which audio output takes to start will be longer, since the C2 makes the muting
time (the time from when the power is turned ON to when audio output starts) is fix.
The pop noise which is generated when the muting function is turned ON/OFF will vary according to the
time constant of C4.
The greater the capacitance, the lower the pop noise. Note that the time from when the mute control
signal is applied to C4 to when the muting function is turned ON/OFF will be longer.
6. External Component Constants
Component Recommended P N
Name Value urpose Lower than recommended Higher than recommended otes
value value
. Pop noise is
C1 0.22 " To eliminate DC .Cut-off frequency IS Cut-off frequency is reduced generated when
increased .
C2 10 " To reduce ripple Powering ON/OFF is faster {gagglng ON/OFF takes
To provide
C3 0.1 pF sumcient Reduces noise and provides sumcient oscillation margin
oscillation margin
High pop noise. Duration until Low pop noise. Duration until
C4 1 pl: lgigzduce pop muting function is turned muting function is turned
ON/OFF is short ON/OFF is long
C5 3900 " Ripple Mer Power supply ripple filtering
Pop noise is
C6 1 pF NF for all outputs Pop noise is suppressed when C1206 = 1:4 generated when
Vcc is ON
Note5: If recommended value is not used.
Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)
Characteristics Symbol Rating Unit
Peak supply voltage (0.2 s) Vcc (surge) 50 V
DC supply voltage VCC (DC) 25 V
Operation supply voltage Vcc (opr) 18 V
Output current (peak) lo (peak) 9 A
Power dissipation PD (Note 6) 125 W
Operation temperature Topr -40--85 ''C
Storage temperature Tstg -55-150 ''C
Note 6: Package thermal resistance 0j-T = 1°CNV (typ.) (Ta = 25°C, with infinite heat sink)
The absolute maximum ratings of a semiconductor device are a set of specified parameter values, which must not
be exceeded during operation, even for an instant. If any of these rating would be exceeded during operation, the
device electrical characteristics may be irreparably altered and the reliability and lifetime of the device can no
longer be guaranteed. Moreover, these operations with exceeded ratings may cause break down, damage and/or
degradation to any other equipment. Applications using the device should be designed such that each maximum
rating will never be exceeded in any operating conditions. Before using, creating and/or producing designs, refer to
and comply with the precautions and conditions set forth in this documents.
Electrical Characteristics
(unless otherwise specified, Vcc = 13.2 V, f = 1 kHz, RL = 4 n, Ta = 25°C)
Characteristics Symbol cTitsutit Test Condition Min Typ. Max Unit
Quiescent current ICCQ - VIN = 0 - 200 400 mA
POUT MAX (1) 7 Vcc = 14.4 V, max POWER 7 47 7
POUT MAX (2) 7 VCC = 13.7 V, max POWER - 43 -
Output power W
POUT (1) 7 VCC-- 14.4 V, THD = 10% 7 29 7
POUT (2) 7 THD = 10% 23 25 -
Total harmonic distortion THD 7 POUT = 5 W 7 0.015 0.15 %
Voltage gain GV 7 VOUT = 0.775 Vrms 24 26 28 dB
Voltage gain ratio AGV 7 VOUT = 0.775 Vrms -1.0 0 1.0 dB
. VNO (1) 7 Rg = 0 Q, DIN45405 - 100 -
Output n0Ise voltage “Vrms
VNo (2) 7 Rg = 0 n, BW-- 20 Hz-20 kHz 7 90 200
. . . . - frip = 100 Hz, R9 = 620 Q -
Ripple rejection ratio R.R. Vrip = 0.775 Vrms 50 60 dB
R = 620 Q
- g - -
Cross talk C.T. VOUT = 0.775 Vrms 70 dB
Output offset voltage VOFFSET 7 - -150 0 150 mV
Input resistance RIN - - 7 90 - kQ
Standby current Iss 7 Standby condition - 2 10 “A
V33 H 7 POWER: ON 3.5 - 6.0
Standby control voltage V
VSB L - POWER: OFF 0 - 1.5
VM H 7 MUTE: OFF 3.0 - 6.0
Mute control voltage V
VM L 7 MUTE: ON, R1 = 47 kg) 0 7 0.5
Mute attenuation ATT M 7 VOUT = 7.75 Vrms-rMute: OFF 80 90 7 dB
7 2004-07-25
Offset detection
. RpuII-up = 47 KO, +V = 5.0V
Detection threshold voltage Voff-set - Based on output DC voltage i1.0 $1.5 i2.0 V
Test Circuit
- - - o
i , al, i, w bs. Le
tl) £9 'try' 0' 8 Je
TAB Vcc1 V002 j, '','
OUT1 +
' (+) 9
0.22 " INI
"c','-- (ii) _' pw-GND/lla,
g - OUT1(-) 7
OUT2 + I
f (+) 5
0.22 " IN2
C) (3"1 (ii) : PW-GND2 RL
J; - OUT2(-) 3
/-iis'--as)AC-GND I
' (+) 17
0.229F IN3
O C”1 <15) - PW-GND3 RL
OUT3 -
g - ( ) 19
OUT4 + :1:
+ ( ) 21
0.22 " IN4 ls,
0 0"1 (ii) _' PW-GND4 RL
OUT4 -
J; - ( ) 23
10 CD (ii?, (iii,
47 k!) 0— PLAY
an bt, ,tt “i R1 'MUTE
O I CD O I '"
Components in the test circuits are only used to obtain and confirm the device characteristics.
These components and circuits do not warrant to prevent the application equipment from malfunction or failure.
THD - POUT (ch1) THD - POUT (ch2)
VCC = 13.2 V
RL = 4 $2
30 Filter
100 Hz :-30 kHz
1kHz : 400 Hz-30 kHz
10 kHz : 400 Hz-
5 20 kHz :400 Hz-
VCC = 13.2 V
RL = 4 Cl
100 Hz :-30 kHz
1kHz : 400 Hz-30 kHz
10 kHz : 400 Hz-
20 kHz : 400 Hz-
Totalharmonicdistortion THD (%)
Totalharmonicdistortion THD (%)
0.1 0.3 0.5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 0.1 0.3 0.5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100
Outputpower POUT (W) Outputpower POUT (W)
THD - POUT (ch3) THD - POUT (ch4)
VCC = 13.2 V VCC = 13.2 V
RL=4Q 50 RL=4Q
Filter 30 Filter
100 Hz 1~30 kHz 100 Hz :-30 kHz
1kHz : 400 Fiz-30 kHz 1kHz : 400 Fiz-30 kHz
10 kHz : 400 Hz- 10 kHz : 400 Hz-
20 kHz : 400 Hz- 5 20 kHz : 400 Hz-
0.1 0.1
Totalharmonicdistorlion THD (%)
Totalharmonicdistonion THD (%)
0.01 0.01
f: 100 Hz
0. 0.005
0. 0.003
0.001 0.001
0.1 0.3 0.5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 0.1 0.3 0.5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100
Outputpower POUT (W) Outputpower POUT (W)
9 2004-07-25
THD - POUT (ch1) THD - POUT (ch2)
VCC=13.2V Vcc=13.2V
RL = 4 9 RL = 4 Q
f= 1 kHz f= 1 kHz
Filter Filter
1 400 Hz-30 kHz 1 400 Hz~30 kHz
'sri'' .33 3
I- 1 I- 1
.9 0. f2 0.5
"G O, 17i 0.3
g 0.1 g 0.1
f 0.05 f 0.05
f2 0. f2 0.03
0.01 0.01
0. 0.005
0. 0.003
0.001 0.001
0.1 0.3 0.5 1 3 5 IO 30 50 100 0.1 0.3 0.5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100
Output power POUT (W) Output power POUT (W)
THD - POUT (ch3) THD - POUT (ch4)
Vcc:13.2v Vcc:13.2v
RL = 4 n RL = 4 Q
f=1 kHz f: 1 kHz
Filter Filter
1 400 Fiz-30 kHz 1 400 Fiz-30 kHz
Totalharmonicdistorlion THD (%)
Totalharmonicdistonion THD (%)
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
0. 0.03
0.01 0.01
0. 0.005
0. 0.003
0.001 0.001
0.1 0.3 0.5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 0.1 0.3 0.5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100
Outputpower POUT (W) Outputpower POUT (W)
10 2004-07-25
Mute attenuation muteATT (dB)
Voltagegain GV (dB)
muteATT - f
VCC = 13.2 V
-20 RL = 4 Q
VOUT = 20dBm
10 100 1 k 10k 100k
frequency f (Hz)
VCC = 13.2 V
RL = 4 Q
10 100 1k 10k 100k
frequency f (Hz)
Ripple rejection ratio R.R.
Totalhannonicdistortion THD (%)
R.R. -f
VCC = 13.2 V
RL = 4 Q
RG = 620 n
Vrip =0dBm
10 100 1k 10k 100k
frequency f (Hz)
VCC = 13.2 V
1 RL = 4 Q
No filter
10 100 1 k 10k 100k
frequency f (Hz)
100 Hz
it 10 kHz
v = 13.2 v
RL = 4 n
No filter
0 2 4 6 8
Input voltage VIN (Vrms)
VIN - POUT (ch3)
v =l J? v
8 cc 3
RL = 4 n
No Mer
0 2 4 6 8
Input voltage VIN (Vrms)
RL = 00
'i:" VIN = 0
E 200 //\
0 10 20
Supplyvoltage VCC (V)
Output power
Output power
Allowable powerdissipation PD MAX (W)
VIN - POUT (ch2)
100 Hz
10 kHz
VCC = 13.2 V
RL = 4 n
No filter
2 4 6 8 10
Input voltage VIN (Vrms)
VIN - POUT (ch4)
VCC = 13.2 V
RL = 4 n
No filter
2 4 6 B 10
Input voltage VIN (Vrms)
R0JC = 1°C/W
(2) HEAT SINK (ROHS = 3.5°CNV)
ReJC + ROHS = 4.5°CNV
25 50 75 100 125 150
Ambienttemperature Ta (°C)
C.T. - f (ch1)
VCC = 13.2 V
RL = 4 Q
'.l RG = 620 o
10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k
frequency f (Hz)
C.T. - f (ch3)
VCC = 13.2 V
RL = 4 n
a Rs = 620 fl
10 100 1k 10k 100k
frequency f (Hz)
A VCC = 13.2 V
E RL = 4 Q
'it Filter
V ~20 kHz
to - "
g 100 1ch 4ch 1’
10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k
Signalsourceresistance Rg (n)
Cross talk C.T.
Cross talk C.T.
Power dissipation PD (W)
C.T. - f (ch2)
VCC = 13.2 V
RL = 4 Q
RG = 620 Q
10 100 1k 10k 100k
frequency f (Hz)
C.T. - f (ch4)
VCC = 13.2 V
RL = 4 fl
RG = 620 Q
10 100 1k 10k 100k
frequency f (Hz)
f: 1 kHz
RL = 4 Q
4ch drive
0 10 15 20 25
Output power POUT (W)
Package Dimensions
HZIP25-P-1.00F Unit: mm
Q2 5 +0.1
17.OuF0.2 4.5:0.15
CM. - tD l,' l
fi) 0.8 [ it] i-' _ Q
CD. l "t. £9 , _ E
m V V - , - co
q 0 s 'i"? "
F2 t] i l 't
v1 , co
o.42t(yd f" p" I
co |F.L_.
28.8102 X From center to parting line.
ci ,-'
Weight: 7.7 g (typ.)
14 2004-07-25
About solderability, following conditions were confirmed
. Solderability
(1) Use of Sn-63Pb solder Bath
solder bath temperature = 230''C
dipping time = 5 seconds
the number of times = once
use of R-type flux
(2) Use of Sn-3.0Ag-0.50u solder Bath
. solder bath temperature = 245°C
dipping time = 5 seconds
the number of times = once
use of R-type flux
o The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
. The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. No
responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA for any infringements of patents or other rights of the third parties which
may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of
TOSHIBA or others.
q TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor
devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical
stress. l is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing TOSHIBA products, to comply with the standards of
safety in making a safe design for the entire system, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of
such TOSHIBA products could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property.
In developing your designs, please ensure that TOSHIBA products are used within specified operating ranges as
set forth in the most recent TOSHIBA products specifications. Also, please keep in mind the precautions and
conditions set forth in the "Handling Guide for Semiconductor Devices," or "TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability
Handbook" etc..
. The TOSHIBA products listed in this document are intended for usage in general electronics applications
(computer, personal equipment, office equipment, measuring equipment, industrial robotics, domestic appliances,
etc.). These TOSHIBA products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in equipment that requires
extraordinarily high quality and/or reliability or a malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life or
bodily injury ("Unintended Usage"). Unintended Usage include atomic energy control instruments, airplane or
spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, trafhc signal instruments, combustion control instruments,
medical instruments, all types of safety devices, etc.. Unintended Usage of TOSHIBA products listed in this
document shall be made at the customer's own risk.
. The products described in this document are subject to the foreign exchange and foreign trade laws.
. TOSHIBA products should not be embedded to the downstream products which are prohibited to be produced
and sold, under any law and regulations.
. This product generates heat during normal operation. However, substandard performance or malfunction may
cause the product and its peripherals to reach abnormally high temperatures.
The product is often the final stage (the external output stage) of a circuit. Substandard performance or
malfunction of the destination device to which the circuit supplies output may cause damage to the circuit or to the
15 2004-07-25