STV9937 ,120-MHz OSD for Monitors including PictureBooST and 4 Independent Window DisplaysFeatures■ Horizontal frequency up to 150 kHz■ I²C interface for microcontrollers with slave address ..
STVM100DC6F ,I睠 LCD/e-paper VCOM calibratorFeaturesthe VCOM adjustment. This significantly reduces labor costs, increases reliability, and ena ..
STVM100DC6F ,I睠 LCD/e-paper VCOM calibratorBlock diagram . . . . 7Figure 4. Hardware hookup . 7Figure 5. Serial bus data transfe ..
STW10NK60Z ,N-CHANNEL 600VABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSymbol Parameter Value UnitTO-220/ TO-220FP TO-2472 2D PAK/I PAKV Drain-sou ..
STW11NB80 ,N-CHANNEL 800VSTW11NB80®N-CHANNEL 800V - 0.65Ω - 11A - T0-247PowerMESH™ MOSFETTYPE V R IDSS DS(on) DSTW11NB80 ..
STW11NK100Z ,N-CHANNEL 1000V 1.1 OHM 8.3A TO-247 ZENER-PROTECTED SUPERMESH POWER MOSFETABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSymbol Parameter Value UnitV Drain-source Voltage (V =0)1000 VDS GSV Drain- ..
T77V1D10-12 , Potter & Brumfield
T77V1D10-12 , Potter & Brumfield
T7NS1D4-48 , Miniature Power PCB Relay T7N / T7N-WG
T7NV5D4-24-WG-A , Miniature Power PCB Relay
T8003 , COMMON MODE CHOKE CATALOG Suited for LAN and Telecom Applications
120-MHz OSD for Monitors including PictureBooST and 4 Independent Window Displays
STV9937120-MHz On-Screen Display for Monitors including
PictureBooST TM and 4 T rue Independent Window Displays
Main Features Horizontal frequency up to 150 kHz I²C interface for microcontrollers with slave
address BA(h) in Read and Write modes
Pixel clock (FPIXEL1) for the PictureBooST�
(PB) from 30 to 60 MHz synchronised either
on Hsync or on Hfly: CLK1 Window position programmable by RGB or 2 C interface Video Analog inputs with comparator on
three channels Three 8 bit registers for other data,
programmable by RGB
OSD On-chip Pixel Clock Generator (F PIXEL2 ) from
7.68 MHz to 120 MHz, CLK2 OSD clock synchronized on Hsync or Hfly Programmable horizontal resolutions from
384 to 1524 dots per scan line 4 independent windows all with character display Overlapping windows with automatic control
of display priorities and scrolling menu
effects Independent and programmable displays, positions and sizes for each window Transparent or 8 programmable background
colors for each window Window size up to 16 rows of 32 characters Each window has its own bordering or
shadowing effects with programmable color, height and width Each window can be separately erased Programmable common positioning to easily
control centered display 496 standard and 16 multi-color characters or
graphic fonts in ROM. Character fonts can be
customized using a mask-programmable
ROM Characters Common character height and row space.
Character height from 18 to 127 lines and
space lines from 0 to 62 split above and below
character rows 12 x 18 dot matrix per character Display of up to 640 characters Programmable shadow effects for characters
in each separate window 32 programmable background, foreground,
blinking character colors for characters (8
possibilities per window) 8 selectable colors for standard characters Transparent and 8 selectable colors for
On-Screen Effects Fade-in/Fade-out effects Possibility of full-screen display with a
selectable color
Chapter 1 General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51.1 Pin Description ...................................................................................................................7
Chapter 2 Register Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92.1 I²C Protocol ..........................................................................................................................9
2.1.1 Data to Write .........................................................................................................................................................9
2.1.2 Transmission Formats ...........................................................................................................................................9
2.1.3 Format, Window and Row Address (FWR) .........................................................................................................10
2.1.4 Format, Attribute and Column Address (FAC) ....................................................................................................10
2.1.5 Control Data, Color Codes or Character Codes .................................................................................................11
2.1.6 Configuration of Transmission Formats .............................................................................................................11
2.2 Format Changing ...............................................................................................................11
To change from Format A to Format B ...............................................................................................................11
To change from Format A to Format C ...............................................................................................................11
To change from Format B to Format A ...............................................................................................................11
To change from Format B to Format C ...............................................................................................................12
2.3 Read Mode .........................................................................................................................12
2.4 Addressing Map .................................................................................................................12
Chapter 3 Window Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133.1 Enable Display ...................................................................................................................14
3.2 Origin Positions for the 4 Windows ....................................................................................14
3.2.1 General Horizontal Delay (HD) ...........................................................................................................................14
3.2.2 General Vertical Delay (VD) ................................................................................................................................14
3.3 Window Positions in the Frame ..........................................................................................15
3.3.1 Window Horizontal Delay ....................................................................................................................................15
3.3.2 Window Vertical Delay ........................................................................................................................................15
3.4 Window Size: Number of Character Rows and Character Columns ..................................16
3.4.1 Window Horizontal Size ......................................................................................................................................16
3.4.2 Window Vertical Size ..........................................................................................................................................16
3.5 Window Background Color .................................................................................................17
3.6 Window Bordering and Shadowing Effects ........................................................................17
3.6.1 Enable Bordering or Shadowing Effects .............................................................................................................17
3.6.2 Bordering or Shadowing Selection .....................................................................................................................17
3.6.3 Border or Shadow Color .....................................................................................................................................18
3.6.4 Bordering or Shadowing Size .............................................................................................................................18
3.7 Window Display Priority Management ...............................................................................19
Chapter 4 Character Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .204.1 General Description ...........................................................................................................20
4.2 Horizontal Resolution ........................................................................................................20
STV99374.4 Space Lines .......................................................................................................................21
4.5 Character Colors ................................................................................................................22
4.5.1 Character Background Color ..............................................................................................................................22
4.5.2 Character Color ...................................................................................................................................................23
4.5.3 Character Blinking Effect ....................................................................................................................................24
4.6 Character Shadowing .........................................................................................................24
4.7 Character Font ...................................................................................................................25
Chapter 5 RAM Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .265.1 Character Coding ...............................................................................................................26
5.2 Window Memory Allocation ................................................................................................26
5.3 Memory Size Allocation ......................................................................................................26
5.4 Window Reset ....................................................................................................................28
Chapter 6 Pixel Clock Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Chapter 7 Picture BooSTTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .307.1 Video RGB Input Stage ......................................................................................................30
7.2 PictureBooSTTM RGB Decoder ........................................................................................31
7.2.1 Data Sent Using I²C ............................................................................................................................................31
7.2.2 Data Sent Using the RGB Channel ....................................................................................................................31
7.3 Control Registers Description ............................................................................................33
7.4 Line and Pixel Offsets ........................................................................................................34
7.5 PLL Synchronised ..............................................................................................................34
Chapter 8 General OSD Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .358.1 Enable OSD .......................................................................................................................35
8.2 Fade-in and Fade-out Effect ..............................................................................................35
8.3 Full Screen Display ............................................................................................................35
8.4 Signal Polarity and Triggering ...........................................................................................36
Vertical Sync Triggering (VS input) .....................................................................................................................36
Horizontal Sync Triggering (HSYNC input) .........................................................................................................36
RGB Output Polarity (ROUT, GOUT and BOUT outputs) ...................................................................................36
Fast Blanking Output Polarity (FBLK output) ......................................................................................................37
8.5 Reset ..................................................................................................................................37
Power On Reset .................................................................................................................................................37
Soft Reset ...........................................................................................................................................................37
PLL Register Reset .............................................................................................................................................37
STV99379.1 Register Specification ........................................................................................................38
Chapter 10 Application Hints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4210.1 Software Hints ....................................................................................................................42
10.1.1 Programming Recommendations .......................................................................................................................42
10.1.2 Examples of Programming ..................................................................................................................................42
Hard reset at power-up (following a power-up) ...................................................................................................42
Change of position & size of 1 window (ex. window 3) without disable of window .............................................42
Re-allocation, reset, and writing new characters in windows ..............................................................................43
10.2 Hardware Hints ..................................................................................................................43
Chapter 11 Application Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
Chapter 12 Electrical and Timing Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4512.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ...............................................................................................45
12.2 Operating Conditions .........................................................................................................45
12.3 Electrical and Timing Characteristics .................................................................................45
12.4 I²C Bus Characteristics ......................................................................................................46
Chapter 13 Package Mechanical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
Chapter 14 Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
STV9937 General Description General DescriptionThe STV9937 is an Advanced On Screen Display generator for CRT monitors. It includes a specific
architecture allowing multiple menu displays, a built in 512 character ROM and the Picture
BooSTTM system.
The patented Picture BooSTTM feature allows images to be boosted either within a window, a
screen area or even over the entire screen.
Using traditional architecture (OSD + Preamp STV9212) and without any additional devices on the
CRT board, Picture BooSTTM boosts the brightness and sharpness of the video on CRT displays
giving a TV like effect.
The STV9937 can drive Picture BooSTTM either through the VGA cable (using RGB or DDC),
through the USB channel via the MCU or through the OSD menu (the registers can be accessed by
the MCU via I²C).
The STV9937 embeds the RGB data decoder, the Picture BooSTTM Control Registers and the
Picture BooSTTM signal generator.
Along with the Picture BooSTTM and traditional OSD features, the STV9937 allows a simultaneous
display of up to four menus anywhere on the screen. Each of the four independent windows, all
displaying characters, can be overlapped and display priorities are automatically controlled. Window sizes and positions are independently programmable as well as scrolling menu effects. Programming of the general OSD and of the 4 windows is controlled by an I²C bus in Read and
Write modes, to suit the various CRT displays. Associated with an easily programmable character height, the internal PLL generates the
programmable pixel clock, without using a crystal oscillator, that defines the character width
making the device suitable for multi-sync applications. A maximum of 640 characters, defined in the mask-programmable ROM, are distributed among
the 4 windows and displayed simultaneously.
Figure 1: Multi-window Concept with Character Display
General Description STV9937
Figure 2: STV9937 Block Diagram
Figure 3: PictureBooSTTM System Block Diagram
STV9937 General Description
1.1 Pin Description
Figure 4: Pin Connections
Table 1: Pin Descriptions
General Description STV9937
Table 1: Pin Descriptions (Continued)
STV9937 Register Addressing Register AddressingAll OSD control registers are located in Window 0, Row 0. PictureBooSTTM control registers are
located in Window 0, Row 1. All color-boxes data are located in Window 0, Row2.
Three formats are available: A, B and C, as described in the I²C protocol (see Section 2.1: I²C
All addresses (FAC and FWR bytes) are based on Formats A or B, and are written in hexadecimal
2.1 I²C ProtocolThe serial interface with the microcontroller is an I²C bus with 2 wires: SCL and SDA.The OSD is a
slave circuit with 2 modes: Write and Read. The slave address of the OSD is BAh in write mode and
BBh in read mode.
2.1.1 Data to WriteIn the OSD, the I²C bus is used to write - read: the control data the character codes and their respective color codes the color-boxes (8 color-boxes per window).
A color-box contains the character color, character background color and blink data. There are 8
color-boxes for each OSD window which are used to define the colors available for all the
characters of the given OSD window. 3 bits are required to code the 8 color-boxes. These bits are
the color code.
For more information, refer to Section 4.5: Character Colors on page 22.
Each character code is related to its own window, row and column. Consequently, the protocol of
the I²C transmission includes this information (window, row and column) to define the position of the
character on the screen. These 3 pieces of information about the position are transmitted in 2 bytes.
As each character on the screen has its own color code, the same protocol is used to write all the
color codes and character codes. Only the attribute bit called ‘A’ allows the character codes to be
distinguished from the color codes corresponding to one position on the screen.
The control data is also written with the same protocol using windows, rows and columns. Window
0 is reserved for control data and color codes.
2.1.2 Transmission FormatsThere are 3 transmission formats to suit the amount of data to update. The transmission format is
coded in the “window/row/column” bytes.
Format A is suitable for updating small amounts of data which are allocated to different window, row
and column addresses.
Format B is recommended for updating data for the same window and the same row address, but
with a different column address and when changing the Character/Color-box attribute (bit A), or
when writing to a different I²C control register.
Format C is appropriate for updating large amounts of data from a full window or full screen. The
window, row and column addresses are incremented automatically when this format is applied.
Register Addressing STV9937The transmission formats are as follows: Format A: S-FWR-FAC-D � FWR-FAC-D � FWR-FAC-D � FWR-FAC-D...Stop Format B: S-FWR-FAC-D � FAC-D � FAC-D � FAC-D...Stop Format C: S-FWR-FAC-D � D � D �D...Stop
S = Slave address = BAh
FWR = Format, Window and Row address
FAC = Format, Attribute and Column address
D = CTRL Control data (8 bits), CB Color codes (3 bits) or RC Character codes (9 bits).In Format C, the order of automatic incrementation for data D is first the column value, then the row
value, and then the window value.
2.1.3 Format, Window and Row Address (FWR)Bit 7 indicates the ‘Window & Row’ byte when set to 1.
W[2:0]: Window Number000: Control Data and Color Codes
001: Window 1
010: Window 2
011: Window 3
100: Window 4
R[3:0]: Row Numbers from 0 to 15. Each window has a maximum number of 16 rows.
2.1.4 Format, Attribute and Column Address (FAC)Bit 7 indicates the ‘Attribute & Column’ byte when set to 0.
F: Format0: Format A or B
1: Format C
A: Transmission of character code or color code0: Character Code
1: Color Code and Character Code MSB
When reading or writing control data and/or character codes, bit A must be set to 0. For color code
Table 2: Various Bytes coded in the I²C Transmission
STV9937 Register Addressing
C[4:0]: Column Number There are 32 possible columns.
00000: 1 column
11111: 32 columns
2.1.5 Control Data, Color Codes or Character CodesColor codes are stored on 3 bits. Control data is stored on 8 bits and Character codes are stored on
9 bits.
2.1.6 Configuration of Transmission Formats All formats must start with the S, FWR and FAC bytes.
2.2 Format Changing
To change from Format A to Format B S-FWR[0]- FAC[0]-D[0] � FWR[1]- FAC[1]- D[1] � FWR[2]- FAC[2]- D[2] � FAC[3]- D[3] � FAC[4]-
D[4] � FAC[5]- D[5]...
The F bit from the FAC byte is always 0 in this case.
To change from Format A to Format C S - FWR[0]- FAC[0]- D[0] � FWR[1]- FAC[1]- D[1] � FWR[2]- FAC[2]- D[2] � D[3] � D[4] � D[5]...
The “F” bit from the FAC byte is as follows:
F[0] = F[1] = “0”
F[2] = “1”
To change from Format B to Format A S - FWR[0]- FAC[0]-D[0]� FAC[1]- D[1] � FAC[2]-D[2] � FWR[3]- FAC[3]- D[3] � FWR[4]- FAC[4]-
The F bit from the FAC byte is always 0 in this case.
Table 3: Configuration of Transmission Formats
Register Addressing STV9937
To change from Format B to Format C S - FWR[0]- FAC[0]- D[0] � FAC[1]- D[1] � FAC[2]- D[2] � D[3] � D[4]...
The “F” bit from the FAC byte is as follows: F[0] = F[1] = “0” and F[2] = “1”
It is not possible to change from Format C back to Format A or B.
2.3 Read ModeThe transmission format is shown as below:
Start - S(w) - FWR- FAC - Stop - Start - S(r) - D � D � D � D...Stop
S(w) = Slave address in write mode = BAh = 10111010,
S(r) = Slave address in read mode = BBh = 10111011.
Registers and data in RAM are readable.
This mode is useful when developing OSD applications.
2.4 Addressing Map
Figure 5: Format Changing Sequences
Table 4: Window Addressing Map
STV9937 Window Specifications Window Specifications Four different independent windows with separate character displays can be simultaneously
displayed on screen. It is possible to have overlapping windows with an automatic control of display
priorities: downscale priorities from Window 4 to Window 1.
Window 1 is well-adapted for the OSD general menu.
The 4 windows, each with its own character display, can be positioned anywhere on the screen.
The following characteristics are defined for each window: Enable Display Position Size, adjustable with memory allocation Background Color Bordering or Shadowing effects with programmable color, height and width.
Figure 6: Example of Window Displays
Window Specifications STV9937
3.1 Enable DisplayThe Enable Display command for each window is selected by bits ENW1, ENW2, ENW3 and
ENW4. If the ENWi bit is set to 1, the corresponding window is displayed.
3.2 Origin Positions for the 4 WindowsThe 4 windows are arranged in a frame whose origin coordinates are the horizontal delay (HD) and
the vertical delay (VD) located at the upper left-hand corner of the monitor screen. When the HD
and VD values are changed, the 4 windows within the frame position are automatically shifted by
the same value. The origin (HD, VD) can be programmed anywhere on the screen. Adjusting the
origin position is used to globally reposition the OSD windows.
The advantages of this system are easier programming, the possibility to adapt the position of all
windows at a single time without changing the relative position of each window and the possibility
for the user to program all 4 window positions.
3.2.1 General Horizontal Delay (HD)The general horizontal delay defines the horizontal position of the origin coordinate for all four OSD
windows. The horizontal delay is selected by bits HD[6:0].
General Horizontal Offset = 50 pixels
General Horizontal Delay = HD[6:0] x 6 pixels + General Offset (in pixels)
The default value of the horizontal delay is 0h (left-hand side of the monitor screen).
3.2.2 General Vertical Delay (VD)The general vertical delay defines the vertical position of the origin coordinate for all four OSD
windows. The vertical delay is selected by bits VD[7:0]. A general vertical offset of 2 scan lines is
also applied.
The range of the vertical delay is from 2 to 1022 scan lines, in steps of 4 scan lines each.
General Vertical Delay = VD[7:0] x 4 + 2 (in scan lines)
Table 5: Enable Display
Table 6: Origin of Windows on Horizontal Axis: Horizontal Delay
Table 7: Origin of Windows on Vertical Axis: Vertical Delay
STV9937 Window Specifications
3.3 Window Positions in the FrameAll values are referenced to the origin coordinates (HD, VD). For more information, refer to
Figure6 on page 13.
3.3.1 Window Horizontal Delay The window horizontal delay defines the horizontal start position for each separate OSD window.
This value is selected by bits HDW1[6:0], HDW2[6:0], HDW3[6:0] and HDW4[6:0], respectively.
The range of the window horizontal delay is from 0 to 1524 pixels, in steps of 12 pixels each.
Window Horizontal Delay = HDWi[6:0] x 12 pixels
The total horizontal delay of a window is:
General Horizontal Delay + HDWi[6:0] x 12 pixels; or,
HD[6:0] x 6 pixels + HDWi[6:0] x 12 pixels + (50 pixels).
The default values for the window horizontal delay for each of the four OSD windows is given in
3.3.2 Window Vertical Delay The window vertical delay defines the vertical start position for each separate OSD window. This
value is selected by bits VDW1[5:0], VDW2[5:0], VDW3[5:0] and VDW4[5:0], respectively.
The range of the window vertical delay is from 0 to 63 rows of characters, in steps of 1 character row
each. It is important to note that the height of each character row is defined by the row height
parameter. For more information, refer to Section 4.4: Space Lines on page 21.
Window Vertical Delay = VDWi[5:0] x Row_Height
The total vertical delay of a window is:
General Vertical Delay + VDWi[5:0] x Row_Height (in scan lines); or,
(VD[7:0] x 4 + 2) + VDWi[5:0] x Row_Height (in scan lines).
The default values for the window vertical delay for each of the four OSD windows is given in
Table 8: Window Horizontal Delay
Table 9: Window Vertical Delay
Window Specifications STV9937
3.4 Window Size: Number of Character Rows and Character Columns
3.4.1 Window Horizontal Size The window horizontal size defines the number of characters displayed for character row for each
separate OSD window. This value is selected by bits HSW1[4:0], HSW2[4:0], HSW3[4:0] and
HSW4[4:0], respectively.
The range of the window horizontal size is from 1 to 32 characters, in steps of 1 character each.
Each character is 12 pixels long. There is an offset of 1 character.
Window Horizontal Size = HSWi[4:0] +1 characters
The default values for the window horizontal size for each of the four OSD windows is given in
Table 10.
3.4.2 Window Vertical Size The window vertical size defines the number of character rows displayed for each separate OSD
window. This value is selected by bits VSW1[3:0], VSW2[3:0], VSW3[3:0] and VSW4[3:0],
The range of the window vertical size is from 1 to 16 character rows, in steps of 1 character row
each. It is important to note that the height of each character row is defined by the row height
parameter. For more information, refer to Section 4.4: Space Lines on page 21. There is an offset of
1 character row.
Window Vertical Size = (VSWi[3:0] + 1) x Row_Height (in scan lines)
Row_Height = Character_Height + 2 x Space_Lines
The default values for the window vertical size for each of the four OSD windows is given in
Table 11.
Table 12 shows an example of the origin and size of windows based on the example shown in
Table 10: Window Horizontal Size
Table 11: Window Vertical Size
Table 12: Example of Origin and Size of Windows
STV9937 Window Specifications
3.5 Window Background Color The window background color for each separate OSD window is coded over 4 bits as shown in
Table 13. The first bit (Ti) specifies whether the background is transparent or if a color is displayed.
If the background is transparent (Ti = 1), the active video is displayed as background.
If a color is displayed (Ti = 0), the background color for each separate OSD window is coded over
the last three bits (RWi, GWi and BWi, respectively). Windows are displayed with a white
background by default (7h).
3.6 Window Bordering and Shadowing Effects
3.6.1 Enable Bordering or Shadowing EffectsBordering or shadowing effects are enabled for each separate OSD window by bits ENBS1,
ENBS2, ENBS3 and ENBS4, respectively.
3.6.2 Bordering or Shadowing SelectionEither the bordering or the shadowing effect is selected for each separate OSD window by bits
BSW1, BSW2, BSW3 and BSW4, respectively.
Table 13: Background Color of Each Window
Table 14: Bordering and Shadowing Parameter Selection
Table 15: Enable Bordering or Shadowing Effects
Table 12: Example of Origin and Size of Windows
Window Specifications STV9937
3.6.3 Border or Shadow ColorThe border or shadow color is separately programmable for each separate OSD window. This value
is selected by bits WSRi, WSGi and WSBi for each of the four OSD windows. The value for each
color is shown in T able 17.
3.6.4 Bordering or Shadowing SizeThe size of the bordering or shadowing width is separately programmable for each separate OSD
window. This value is selected by bits BSWWi[2:0] for each of the four OSD windows. The width
size is from 0 to 14 pixels, in steps of 2 pixels each.
Width Size = BSWWi[2:0] x 2 pixels
The size of the bordering or shadowing height is selected by bits BSHWi[3:0] for each of the four
windows. The height size is from 0 to 30 lines, in steps of 2 scan lines each.
Height Size = BSHWi[3:0] x 2 scan lines.
Table 16: Border or Shadow Color
Table 17: Bordering and Shadowing Color Selection (WSRGBi)
Table 18: Bordering or Shadowing Size
STV9937 Window Specifications
3.7 Window Display Priority ManagementThe OSD windows are displayed with the following priority: Window 4 (top), 3, 2 and 1 (bottom).
This order of priority is shown the example given in Figure 8.
Figure 7: Illustration of Window Bordering and Shadowing Effects
Figure 8: Example of Window Displays
Character Specifications STV9937 Character Specifications
4.1 General DescriptionThere are: 496 monochrome characters and 16 multi-color characters in ROM 32 to 127 characters per line character height varies between 18 and 127 scan lines 0 to 62 scan space lines between character rows, with the same number of lines above and
below the rows of characters.
With the possibility to select: blinking effect for each character shadowing effect for characters in each window background and foreground character colors: for each character, among a Color-shop of 8
Color-boxes per window. There is a Color-shop for each window. The Color-boxes define the
background colors and the foreground character colors and blinking effect.
4.2 Horizontal Resolution The horizontal resolution defines the number of pixels per line expressed in characters unit. This
value is selected by bits HR[6:0].
The range of the horizontal resolution is from 32 to 127 characters, in steps of one character each.
The default value is 32 characters per line (20h). If bits HR[6:0] are programmed with a value less
than 32, the horizontal resolution will be 32 characters per line (minimum value).
HR[6:0] = Number of characters per line
It is important that the maximum pixel frequency must be respected (CLK2= 120 MHz maximum).
As each character is 12 pixels long, the number of pixels per line varies from 384 to 1524. For more
information, refer to Section 6: Pixel Clock Generator on page 29.
4.3 Character Height The vertical height defines the number of scan lines used to display the characters. This value is
selected by bits CH[6:0].
Table 19: Horizontal Resolution
Table 20: Vertical Character Height
STV9937 Character SpecificationsThe range of the vertical height is from 18 to 127 lines.
CH[6:0] = Number of scan lines used to display the characters
The characters stored in ROM are coded on 18 lines. If bits CH[6:0] are programmed with a value
less than 18, the characters will be automatically displayed with a height of 18 scan lines (minimum
When a multiple of 18 scan lines are displayed, all ROM lines are repeated N number of times, with
N in the range of 1 to 7, so as not to exceed the display of 127 scan lines. For example, if CH[6:0] =
36, each ROM line is repeated twice.
If the number of scan lines displayed is not a multiple of 18, certain ROM lines are repeated more
often than others, as shown in Table 21. For example, if CH[6:0] = 40, each ROM line is repeated
twice and ROM lines 3, 7, 10 and 14 are repeated three times.
Table 21 shows which ROM lines, from 0 to 17, are repeated depending on the CH[6:0] value.
4.4 Space LinesThe space lines define the number of scan lines above and below each character row. This value is
selected by bits RSPA[4:0]. The total row height is defined as follows:
Table 21: Repeated ROM Lines1 ‘R’ = Repeated ROM lines
‘A’ = Number of additional repeated lines
Character Specifications STV9937The range of spacing lines is from 0 to 31 scan lines, in steps of one scan line each. The default
value is 0 scan lines.
The space lines are displayed in the color of the associated character background.
4.5 Character ColorsThe colors for the characters, character background and blinking effect is separately programmable
for each OSD window. The color values are stored in a color-shop of 8 color-boxes for each window.
There are 4 color-shops, 1 per window, offering the user 32 possibilities of character coloring.
As the color-boxes are in RAM, the user must write to the color-box prior to using it.
Color-box data is stored in Window 0, Row 2. For more information, refer to Section 2.4: Addressing
Map on page 12.
4.5.1 Character Background Color A character background color can be separately programmed for each of the color-boxes. This
value is selected by bits BC, BR, BG and BB.
For more information concerning the window background color, refer to Section 3.5: Window
Background Color.
Bit BC is used to define if a specific character background color will be displayed or if the character
background color is the color of the window background.
Table 22: Row Height (Space Lines)
Figure 9: Row Height Definition
Table 23: color-box
STV9937 Character SpecificationsIf a specific character background color is selected for a color-box, the character background color
is selected by bits BR, BG and BB.
4.5.2 Character ColorA character color can be separately programmed for each of the color-boxes. This value is selected
by bits FR, FG and FB.
Table 24: Character Background Color See Table25
Table 25: Background Color Priority
Table 26: Character Colors
Character Specifications STV9937
4.5.3 Character Blinking EffectA character blinking effect can be separately programmed for each of the color-boxes. This value is
selected by the BLINK bit. When this bit is set to 1, the blinking effect is enabled and the characters
4.6 Character ShadowingA character shadowing effect can be separately programmed for each of the color-boxes. This value
is selected by bits CSHA[3:0], respectively. The shadowing color is black.
When this bit is set to 1, the characters of the corresponding OSD window are displayed with a
shadowing effect, as shown in Figure 10. The default value is 0 (no shadowing effect).
Figure 10: Character Shadowing
Table 27: Character Shadowing
STV9937 Character Specifications
4.7 Character FontFigure 11 shows the available character font stored in ROM.
Figure 11: Character Fonts