STV9211 ,150MHZ PIXEL VIDEO CONTROLLER FOR MONITORS IN DC COUPLING MODEFunctional description . . . . . .72.1 RGB input, clamping function .....72.2 Fast blanking in ..
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T7NS1D4-48 , Miniature Power PCB Relay T7N / T7N-WG
T7NV5D4-24-WG-A , Miniature Power PCB Relay
FEATURES 150 MHz Pixel Rate 2.7 ns Rise and Fall TimeI2 C Bus Controlled Support DC Coupling Application only Brightness Selection (after or before Drive) Grey Scale Tracking Versus Brightness InfraBlack Range Selection 1.3 or 1.8V
(i.e: 26 or 36V in kit with STV95xx amplifier) InfraBlack Offset Selection 0.4 to 2.2V
(i.e: 115 to 80V in kit with STV95xx amplifiers) OSD Mixing Beam Current Attenuation (ABL) Pedestral Clamping on Output Stage Possibility of Light or Dark Grey OSD
Background OSD Contrast Control Input Black Level Clamping with Built-in
Clamping Pulse5 V to 8 V Power Supply Perfectly matched with the STV95xx ST
Amplifier Family Preamplifier Control (bandwidth and stand-by) Amplifier Control (bandwidth and stand-by),
only applicable to amplifiers with CTL pin or
STDBY pins.
DESCRIPTIONThe STV9211 is an I2 C Bus controlled RGB pre-
amplifier designed for Monitor applications, able to
mix the RGB signals coming from any OSD device.
The usual Contrast, Brightness, Drive and Cut-Off
(InfraBlack) Controls are provided.
In addition, it includes the following features:
- High resolution cut-off (InfraBlack) adjustment,
- OSD contrast,
- Bandwidth and stand-by control,
The RGB incoming signals are amplified and
shaped to drive in DC coupling the video amplifier
without intermediate follower stages.
One of the main advantages of ST devices is their
ability to sink and source currents.
These driving capabilities combined with an original
output stage structure suppress any static current
on the output pins and therefore reduce
dramatically the power dissipation of the device.
Extensive integration combined with high
performance and advanced features make the
STV9211 one of the best choice for any CRT
Perfectly matched with the ST video amplifiers
STV95xx, they offer a complete solution for high
performance and cost-optimized Video Board
STV9211 able of contents
Chapter 1 Pin connection, pin description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51.1 Pin connection ......................................................................................................................5
1.2 Pin description ......................................................................................................................5
Chapter 2 Functional description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72.1 RGB input, clamping function ...............................................................................................7
2.2 Fast blanking input ...............................................................................................................8
2.3 Blanking input .......................................................................................................................8
2.4 Contrast adjustment (8 bits) .................................................................................................9
2.5 Brightness/Drive selection (1 bit) .........................................................................................9
2.6 Drive adjustment (3x8 bits) ..............................................................................................10
2.7 Brightness adjustment (8 bits) ............................................................................................11
2.8 Cut-off adjustment, Infra-black level (Vib) (3x8 bits) ..........................................................12
2.9 ABL Control ........................................................................................................................14
2.10 OSD ...................................................................................................................................14
2.11 Output stage .......................................................................................................................16
2.12 Preamplifier bandwidth adjustment (4 bits) ........................................................................17
2.13 Amplifier bandwidth adjustment (7 bits) .............................................................................17
2.14 CRT cathode, DC-coupling mode (Figure 12) ....................................................................18
2.15 Preamplifier stand-by mode ...............................................................................................18
2.16 Amplifier stand-by mode ....................................................................................................18
2.17 Serial interface ...................................................................................................................19
2.18 Power-on reset ...................................................................................................................19
2.19 Specific application conditions ...........................................................................................20
Chapter 3 Absolute maximum ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Chapter 4 Thermal data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Chapter 5 DC electrical characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Chapter 6 AC electrical characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Chapter 8 I2C interface timing requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Chapter 9 I2C register description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Chapter 10 STV9211 + STV9556/55/53 applications hints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2910.1 InfraBlack adjustment procedure (Cut-off) .........................................................................29
10.2 Preamplifier bandwidth register ..........................................................................................31
10.3 Preamplifier output network ...............................................................................................31
10.4 White balance adjustment ..................................................................................................31
Chapter 11 Internal schematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Chapter 12 Demonstration boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Chapter 13 Package mechanical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Revision follow-up
Target specificationDecember 2000 version 1.0 document created
January 2001 version 1.1 reformatted with ST new corporate template
January 2001 version 1.2 General update
- replacement of some figures ,
- correction and addition of registers
First ADCS release
April 2001 version 1.3 General update
- replacement of some figures ,
- correction of text,
- addition of sections
June 2001 version 1.4 General update and addition of:
- chapter 10: Application hints,
- chapter 11: Internal, schematics,
- chapter 12: application boards
Product previewOctober 2001 version 2.0 General update:
- replacement of some figures,
- addition of sections : cut-off adjustment...,
- addition of figures (I2C, Cut-off adjustment)
- TDA95xx salestype replaced with STV95xx
Preliminary dataDecember 2001 version 3.0 General update
- figures replaced
- Cut-off replaced with Infra-Black
DatasheetJanuary 2002 version 4.0
OSD3 and OUT1, OUT2, OUT3: replaced with video input, OSD
input, Video output (channel 1, red), (channel 2, green), (channel 3,
blue) respectively
section 2.3 Blanking input added
bits previously
tables 9 and 10 replaced with table 1
Cross reference to AN1445 replaced with AN1510
February 2003 version 4.1 T ext changed in section 2.2.
STV9211 Pin connection, pin description PIN CONNECTION, PIN DESCRIPTION
1.1 Pin connection
1.2 Pin description
Figure 1: STV9211 pin connection
Pin connection, pin description STV9211
Figure 2: Block diagram
STV9211 Functional description FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION
2.1 RGB input, clamping functionThe three RGB inputs have to be supplied with a video signal (maximum peak-to-peak value = 1V)
through coupling capacitors (100 nF typ.).
The RGB inputs include a clamping function using the input serial capacitor as “memory capacitor”. o avoid the discharge of this capacitor during the line (due to leakage current), the input voltage is
referenced to the ground.
This clamping function is gated by the BPCP pulse (Black Porch Clamping Pulse) which is internally
generated (see Figure 4). The Register 8 allows to choose the way to generate this BPCP
(see Figure 3 and Figure 4).
Note 1: When BPCP is synchronized by BLK, the leading edge of the BLK must be selected to get a proper
Figure 3: BPCP selection of synchronization edge- Synchronization: HS or BLK signal (Register 8, bit0)
- Polarity: Positive or negative (Automatic detection) when synchronized by HS
Positive or negative ( programmed via Register 9, bit 0) when
synchronized by BLK - see Note1
- Edge: Trailing or Leading (Register 8, bit1)
- Width: From 0.33μs to 1.33μs (Register 8, bit2 and bit3)
- Direct BPCP: If the application provides the BPCP , one can program the direct
connection between Pin 19 and the internal BPCP (Register 8, bit4)
Functional description STV9211
2.2 Fast blanking inputThe fast blanking pin (FBLK) is TTL compatible. When it is at high level, the input signal is blanked
and replaced by OSD insets defined by binary levels on three OSD inputs and a dedicated OSD
contrast adjustment stage.
2.3 Blanking inputThe blanking input BLK is TTL compatible. The active level is either high (positive pulse polarity) or
low (negative pulse polarity). When the level is active, the RGB outputs are at infra-black level,
regardless of the input level. The pulse on the BLK input defines the timing of the internal OCL
signal and it can also define the timing of the internal BPCP pulse. See Figure 4, Figure 11 and
Chapter9: I2C register description .
Figure 4: BPCP and OCL generationBLK
STV9211 Functional description
2.4 Contrast adjustment (8 bits)The contrast is adjusted simultaneously on, the 3 RGB channels via three internal amplifiers
delivering a 48dB attenuation range (see Register 1, I2 C table 1 and Figure 5). .
2.5 Brightness/Drive selection (1 bit)The brightness position is selectable by I2 C (Register 13, bit6. See I2 C table 4).
There are 2 cases:
Figure 5: Contrast adjustmentbit6=0 The brightness is located before the Drive (as for the TDA9210).
The advantage is to keep the “White balance” tracking when
changing the brightness level.
bit6=1 The brightness is located after the Drive.
The advantage is to perform the “White balance” tracking faster
(typically one adjustment less than in the previous case)
Functional description STV9211
2.6 Drive adjustment (3x8 bits)
In order to perform the “White balance” adjustment, the gain of the three RGB signals are adjustable
separately via the three Drive amplifiers (Registers 3, 4 and 5, I2 C table 1).
The very large range of the Drives (48 dB) allows different standards or custom color temperatures.
It can also be used to adjust the output voltages at the optimum amplitude to drive the CRT drivers,
keeping the whole contrast control for the end-user only.
Figure 6: Drive adjustment
STV9211 Functional description
2.7 Brightness adjustment (8 bits)Brightness adjustment is controlled by Register 2 (I2 C table 1). It consists of adding the same DC
voltage (BRT) to the three RGB signals. This DC voltage can be adjusted between 0 and 2V , outside
the blanking pulse with 8mV adjustment steps (see Figure 7).
Inside the blanking pulse the DC output level is forced to the “Infra Black” level (Vib).
Figure 7: Brightness adjustment
Functional description STV9211
2.8 Cut-off adjustment, Infra-black level (Vib) (3x8 bits)The Infra-black level (Vib) is the output voltage during the blanking time (BLK). This level is sampled
after each line (sample - and - hold block) during an internal pulse (OCL) which is generated during
the blanking pulse (see Figure 4).
The STV9211 allows to adjust independantly the cut-off levels of the 3 video outputs with a high
resolution. This is done via 3 registers (IBR, IBO and IBL) programming respectively: the range: 1.3 or 1.8V (i.e: 26 or 36V in kit with the STV95xx amplifiers) the offset (to keep the video signal inside thelinear area) the level.
Infra-black range register (IBR: Register 14, bit 0. See I²C table 6)This register must be selected first, either to 1.3V to get a 26V Cut-off adjustment range with the
STV95xx amplifier or to 1.8V to get a 36V range (see Figure 8 )
Infra-black offset register (IBO: Register 14, bit 1, 2 & 3. See I²C table 6)This register select the Vib offset. It allows to keep the video signal inside the linearity area of
the amplifier.
The value of this register depends on the amplifier high voltage supply (Vdd).
In kit with the STV95xx amplifier family, we recommend the following programming:
Example:For Vdd=101V +/-5% and Brightness before Drive, IBO must be set to 100.
Infra-black level register (IBL: Register 10, 11, 12. See I²C table 1)These three 8 bit- registers adjust independantly the infra-black level of the 3 outputs with a high
Table 1: Setting of the infra-black offset register (IBO)
STV9211 Functional description
Figure 8: Infra-black level adjustment
Functional description STV9211
2.9 ABL ControlThe STV9211 includes an ABL (automatic beam limitation) input to attenuate the RGB Video
signals depending on the beam intensity.
The operating range is 2 V (from 3 V to 1 V). A typical 15 dB maximum attenuation is applied to the
output signal whatever the contrast adjustment is. (See Figure 9).
When not used, the ABL input (Pin 2) must be connected to a 5 V supply voltage.
2.10 OSD
PrincipleThe STV9211 allows to mix the OSD signals into the RGB main picture. The four pins dedicated to
this function are the following: Three TTL RGB inputs (Pins 8, 9, 10) connected to the three outputs of the corresponding
OSD processor. One TTL fast blanking input (Pin 11) also connected to the FBLK output of the OSD processor.
When a high level is present on the FBLK, the IC acts as follows: The three main picture RGB input signals (IN1, IN2, IN3) are internally switched to an internal
clamp reference voltage. The three output signals (OUT1, OUT2, OUT3) are set to the voltage corresponding to the
three OSD input logic states (0 or 1). (See Figure 2: Block diagram).
Output levelIf the OSD input is set to 0, the output is set to the black level (see Figure 10).
If the OSD input is at high level, the output voltage is set to: black-level + V OSD , where V OSD is the 2 C bus-controlled voltage, adjustable between 0 V to 4.9 V by 306 mV steps via Register 7 (4 bits).
The same variation is applied simultaneously to the three channels providing the OSD contrast.
Figure 9: ABL attenuation range
STV9211 Functional description
Grey OSDThe STV9211 allows the display of grey OSD by programming the following conditions: OSD1 = 1, OSD2 = 0 and OSD3 = 1, Register 9, bit 5 or 6 = 1.
If Register 9, bit 5 =1: a light grey OSD is displayed.
If Register 9, bit 6 = 1: a dark grey OSD is displayed.
If Register 9, bit 5=0 and bit 6=0: a standard OSD is displayed.
Figure 10: OSD
Functional description STV9211
2.11 Output stageThe overall waveforms of the output signal are shown in Figure 11. The three output stages are
large bandwidth output amplifiers able to deliver up to 4.4VPP for 0.7VPP video signal.
When a high level is applied on the BLK input (Pin 20), the three outputs are forced to “Infra Black”
level (Vib) thanks to a sample and hold circuit (described below).
The black level is the output voltage outside the blanking pulse when no video input signal is
available (see Figure 11 ).
Figure 11: Signal waveforms
STV9211 Functional description
2.12 Preamplifier bandwidth adjustment (4 bits)An advanced feature: preamplifier bandwidth adjustment (BW: Register 13, see I2 C table 5), is
implemented on the STV9211.
The programming of this BW register is very important to get good video performances.
It must not be set its maximum value. With the following values, the optimum performances are
For applications where rise/fall time <5.5ns, this feature offers several advantages: Slew-rate: depending on the external capacitive load and on the peak-to-peak output voltage,
this adjustment avoids getting any slew-rate phenomenon. Electromagnetic radiation (EMI): slowing down the signal of rise/fall time will decrease the EMI
without significantly deteriorating the rise/fall time of the CRT driver. Video signal response: using this adjustment will allow to optimize the high frequency transient
phenomenons. Picture boost mode: when displaying still pictures or moving video, having high video swing
can be of greater interest than rise/fall time. The preamplifier bandwidth adjustment can be
used to avoid any slew-rate phenomenon at the CRT driver output.
2.13 Amplifier bandwidth adjustment (7 bits)The STV9211 can adjust the bandwidth of any ST video amplifier having a dedicated control pin
(CTL). The adjustment is done by I2 C via Register 6 (see I2 C table 2).
If not used, the AMPCTL pin must be connected to ground.
Functional description STV9211
2.14 CRT cathode, DC-coupling mode (Figure 12)
The STV9211 can be used in DC coupling mode only.
The cut-off (InfraBlack) adjustment is done by the preamplifier.
The infra-black level (Vib) is adjusted independently for each channel via the Registers 10, 11 and
12 (see the complete description in Section 2.10 ).
2.15 Preamplifier stand-by modeThe STV9211 is set in stand-by mode either by I2 C or by decreasing the VCCP supply voltage.I2 C: the STV9211 is in stand-by mode when Register 13, bit 7=1 V CCP : the STV9211 is in stand-by mode when V CCP<3V
In stand-by mode, the analog blocks are internally switched-off while the logic parts (I2 C bus and
power-on reset) are still supplied.
The power consumption is below 20mW.
2.16 Amplifier stand-by modeThe STV9211 can set in stand-by mode any ST video amplifier with the CTL control pin.
When Register 9, bit 7=1, the AMPCTL pin is switched to low level (<0.3V). The amplifier is set in
stand-by mode when CTL<0.3V.
If not used, the AMPCTL pin must be connected to ground.
Figure 12: DC-coupling mode
STV9211 Functional description
2.17 Serial interfaceThe 2-wire serial interface is an I2 C interface. The slave address of the STV9211 is DC hex.
The host MCU can write into the STV9211 Registers. Read mode is not available.
In order to write data into the STV9211, after the “start” message, the MCU must send the
following data (see Figure 13): the I2 C address slave byte with a low level for the R/W bit, the byte to the internal Register address where the MCU wants to write data, the data.
All bytes are sent with MSB bit first. The transfer of written data is ended with a “stop” message.
When transmitting several data, the Register addresses and data can be written with no need to
repeat the start and slave addresses.
2.18 Power-on resetA power-on reset function is implemented on the STV9211 so that the I2 C registers have a
determined status after power-on. The Power-on reset threshold for a rising supply on VCCA (Pin 7)
is 3.8 V (typ.) and 3.2V when the VCC decreases.
Figure 13: I2 C write operation