STIL08T5 ,AC INRUSH CURRENT LIMITERElectrical CharacteristicsValuesSymbol Parameter Test conditions STIL04 STIL08 UnitMin. Typ. Max. M ..
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SW001A2B91Z , SW/SC001/003 Series DC-DC Converter Power Modules 18-36V & 36-75Vdc Input; 3.3V-15Vdc Output; 1-3.5A Output Current
SW003A0A94-SRZ , SW/SC001/003 Series DC-DC Converter Power Modules 18-36V & 36-75Vdc Input; 3.3V-15Vdc Output; 1-3.5A Output Current
SW003A0A94-SRZ , SW/SC001/003 Series DC-DC Converter Power Modules 18-36V & 36-75Vdc Input; 3.3V-15Vdc Output; 1-3.5A Output Current
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SW003A5F91-SR , SW/SC001/003 Series DC-DC Converter Power Modules 18-36V & 36-75Vdc Input; 3.3V-15Vdc Output; 1-3.5A Output Current
November 2004
APPLICATIONS High power density switching power supply Server and Telecom power supplies High end TV displays Portable equipment adaptators
FEATURES Replaces two diodes of the bridge in steady
state Dual unidirectional switches in a single
package Inrush current limitation circuit for off-line
power supply Designed for instantaneous response after AC
line drop out or browning Surge current capability as per IEC61000-4-5 Compliant with IEC61000-3-2
BENEFITS Low consumption (IPt = 20mA) High noise immunity: (dV/dt> 1000V/µs @ Tj=125°C) Low reverse current losses Integrated pilot driver of the power switches Suitable where efficiency and space are critical
Table 1: Order Codes
TM: ASD™ is a trademark of STMicroelectronics.ASD™
Table 2: Pin Out Description
Figure 1: Block diagram Figure 2: Basic connectionREV. 4
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION (see figures 3 and 4)The STIL is connected in parallel with the diode bridge and the inrush power resistor. During start up, the
two unidirectional ASD™ power switches of the STIL are open. The inrush current flows through the
diodes of the bridge and external inrush power resistor. When the PFC reaches steady state, the auxiliary
power supply coupled with the main transformer, supplies the energy required to feed the driver of the two
power switches of the STIL. In steady state, the two DC ground connected diodes of the bridge rectifier
and the two unidirectional switches of the STIL connected to DC+ rectify the AC line current.
POWERFAIL FEATUREWhen the STIL is used with a PFC boost converter, the inrush current circuit is active after an AC line drop-
out (see figure 8).
In that configuration, since the AC line disappears, the PFC controller and the auxiliary power supply of
the STIL turns OFF. The two switches of the STIL are open. The output bulk capacitor Cb is discharging
and it is providing the energy to the main converter. When the AC line recovers, the two switches remain
opened and recharging inrush current of the capacitor Cb is deviated and limited through the resistor Ri.
When the capacitor had finished charging, the PFC turns ON again and the two switches of the STIL
switch ON.
More details on the design and operation of the driver circuit of figure 5 can be found in the application
note “AN1600 - STIL: Inrush Current Limitation Device for Off-Line Power Converter”.
Figure 3: Function description at turn-on
Figure 4: Function description in steady state
Table 3: Absolute Maximum Ratings (limiting value)
Table 4: Thermal Parameters
Table 5: Electrical CharacteristicsPulse test:
* tp = 300 ms, δ < 2%
** tp = 300 ms, δ < 2%
*** tp = 380 µs, δ < 2%
POWER LOSSES CALCULATIONWhen the input current is sinusoidal, the conducted power losses can be calculated by using the following
If the output average current is 8Amps, Vt0 and Rd of the electrical characteristics table can be used. For
different output current please refer to the application note AN1600 that provides guidelines to estimate
the correct values of Vt0 and Rd.
LIGHTNING SURGE IMMUNITY (IEC61000-4-5)During lightning surge transient voltage across the AC line, over current and over voltage stress are ap-
plied on all the components of the power supply. The STIL can sustain a maximum peak surge current up
to I PEAK (I PEAK = 500A for STIL04 and I PEAK = 1000A for STIL08) as defined by the combine waveform
generator (8/20µs waveform as shown in figures 5, 6 and 7).
Special recommendations for the lightning surge immunity:
1 - Check that the I PEAK in the STIL stays below the limit specified above.
2 - Check that no over voltages are applied on the STIL and the bridge diode.
3 - In order to reduce the dynamic current stress (dIout/dt) through the structure of the STIL, it is recom-
mended to connect a differential mode choke coil in front of the STIL and the bridge diode.
More details and design guidelines are provided in the application note “AN1600 - STIL: Inrush Current
Limitation Device for Off-Line Power Converter”.
Figure 5: Surge test conditiontot Vt0Iout AV() Rd( out AV() π)2×-------------------------------------⋅+⋅=
Figure 6: Surge test characterisation for STIL04 Figure 7: Surge test characterisation for STIL08
Figure 8: Basic connection with a PFC boost preregulator
Figure 9: Non repetitive surge peak on-state
current (sinusoidal pulse) and corresponding
value of I2 t (Tj initial = 25°C)
Figure 10: Non repetitive surge peak on-state
current (sinusoidal pulse) and corresponding
value of I2 t (Tj initial = 150°C)
Figure 11: Relative variation of driver trigger
current versus junction temperature (typical
Figure 12: Relative variation of direct pilot
trigger voltage versus junction temperature
(typical values)