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October 2004 REV. 1
Table 1. Order Code
APPLICATIONS Home Appliance digital control AC Power drive and functional safety management Air Conditioner, Refrigerator and Oven applications Compressor, fan, heater and valve drive circuit
FEATURES Wide range input supply voltage operation:
7 to 18V 5 V +/- 5% full tolerance voltage regulator and
50mA output current MCU reset circuit with activation delay time and
hysteresis (3.75V Hi, 3.4V Lo) 30µs digitally filtered inverting Zero Voltage
Synchronization Three 50mA relay coil drivers with demagnetiz-
ing diode
BENEFITS Higher module compactness with reduced component count Drastic reduction of soldered pins on the board for lower use of lead metal Faster module assembly time High transient burst immunity and ESD robustness compliant with IEC61000-4 standards Enhanced functional reliability Enhanced circuit parametric quality Easy to design for short time to market
Figure 1: STCC05 based Air Conditioner application diagram One 150mA relay coil driver with demagnetizing diode for a 20A relay One 30mA peak enhanced buzzer driver with enable pin and soft turn off 12 to 5V robust non inverting level shifter for speed sensor or door switch interface Ambient temperature: - 20 to 85°C
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThe STCC05 is a control circuit embedding most of the analog & power circuitry of an air conditioner or
refrigirator control module. It interfaces the micro-controller MCU with the AC power and cooling process
The voltage supplyThe 5V voltage regulator supplies the micro-controller MCU. Its input voltage ranges from 7V to 18V; and
its average DC output current up to 50mA. With an output filtering capacitor of 100µF, its output voltage
accuracy is better than +/- 5% in the whole operating range of the ambient temperature TAMB, the load
current IDD and the input voltage VPS , contributing directly to the ADC accuracy.
The regulator includes also an over current limiter and a thermal shutdown. The over current limiter pro-
tects the regulator against output short circuits and inrush currents during the power up. The current limiter
is made of a serial shunt resistance as current sensor and a circuit that regulates the input current. More-
over, the thermal shutdown protects the whole circuit against overload operations. It is made of a thermal
sensing junction and a hysteresis comparator that is able to switch off the passing element.
Figure 2. Block diagram Figure 3. Pin-out connections
The reset circuitThis circuit ensures a Low Voltage Detection (LVD) of the output of the regulator. Most micro-controllers
have an active RESET pin in the low state: so, the /RST pin will be active at low state.
The reset comparator senses the regulator voltage VDD. The /RST pin goes high when VDD is higher than
the high threshold VH = 3.75V and after a delay time TUP; and is low when the VDD decreases below the
low threshold VL = 3.4V after the delay time TDW.
These delays are set by an external capacitor CUP connected to the /RST pin and depend on the trigger
thresholds of /RST: For CUP = 100nF, TUP= 400µs with VTH= VH/2; TDW= 200µs with VTH= VL/2.
The Zero Voltage Synchronization ZVS circuitThe Zero Voltage Synchronization ZVS circuit generates the signal ZVS that synchronizes the whole oper-
ation with the AC line cycle (20 ms on 50 Hz or 16.7 ms on 60 Hz). This signal allows the MCU to control
the AC loads and achieve the timing functions.
The input pin SYN is an image of the mains voltage. It is connected to either the power supply transformer
through a resistor RZV or an opto-coupler that is controlled directly by the AC line voltage. The circuit is
protected against fast line transient voltages: a robust ESD protection and a 30µs digital filter are imple-
mented to provide a higher immunity to the MCU operation. Its output signal ZVS is inverted respect to the
input signal VSYN.
The relay coil driversThese robust circuits allow a DC relay coil to be driven by an MCU output. The relay coil has a minimum
resistance of 580Ω and has a power up to 0.25W for VPS = 12 V. These characteristics are representative
of 3A relays such as FTR-F3AA-12V or JQ1A-12V series.
The output stage is made of a transistor and a demagnetization diode. The transistor is referred to the
ground COM, has a DC current rating of 50mA; and its collector is connected to the output RLI (I=1, 2, 3).
The diode is connected between the output pin RLI and the supply pin VPS.
Moreover, a fourth coil driver has an extended 150mA current capability to be able to drive the coil of a
relay having a 130Ω minimum resistance and a 1.1W maximum power. These characteristics are repre-
sentative of 20A relays such as G4A-E-DC12, OMIF-S-112 or UKH12S series.
STCC05-B The buzzer driver with enable controlThe MCU can excite a warning buzzer with a 50% PWM signal. The buzzer driver amplifies this signal in
current and translates it from the 5V MCU output to the VPS supply to produce the right sound level from
the buzzer.
The output stage is made of a NPN transistor, a PNP transistor and two 1kΩ resistors.
The NPN transistor, referred to the power ground COM, is controlled by the input INBZ; its collector is con-
nected to the output BZ1. The input INBZ is driven by a simple push-pull MCU buffer.
The PNP transistor, referred to the VPS polarity, is controlled by the input ENBZ; and its collector is con-
nected to the output BZ2 through a 1kΩ resistor. The input ENBZ is driven by a simple push-pull MCU
The pin BZ2 is the supply terminal of the buzzer; and the circuit has a DC current rating of 9mA and the
PWM section runs from 10Hz up to 5kHz.
A 1kΩ resistor RBZ is connected between the BZ1 and BZ2 pins to discharge the buzzer periodically. More-
over, the addition of an external capacitor-resistor network on BZ2 pin will allow the buzzer to turn on and
off smoothly when the pin ENBZ is toggling.
The speed sensor level shifterThe OUTS signal is generated by an electronic signal such as the indoor fan speed clock issued of a Hall
Effect sensor or a door switch signal and is transmitted to the MCU. As the INS input may be disturbed; a
spike suppressor and a simple EMI filter are added to increase the input robustness. The output signal
OUTS is not inverted with respect to the input signal INS.
Table 2: Absolute Ratings (limiting values)
Table 3: Electromagnetic Compatibility Ratings(TJ = 25°C, according to typical application diagram of page 1, unless otherwise specified)
Table 4: Thermal Resistance
Note 1: System oriented test circuit with RZV = 15kΩ, RINS = 2.2kΩ and CDD = CPS = 100nF
Note 2: System oriented test circuit; refer to application section
Table 5: Electrical Characteristics (TJ = 25°C, VCC = 12V, unless otherwise specified)
AIR CONDITIONER APPLICATION CONSIDERATIONS IMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT OF STCC05 AND THE MICROCONTROLLER Some basic rules can be applied to improve the STCC05 immunity in its application:
Depending of the PCB layout quality, others capacitors may be put on sensitive pins such as the output
regulator pin VDD and the zero crossing synchronization input pin SYN.
Figure 4: Typical regulator voltage VDD variation
versus its output current IDD at TJ = 25°C
Figure 5: Typical regulator voltage VDD variation
versus its junction temperature at VIN = 12V
Figure 6: Typical relay driver RL (1 to 3) on-
state voltage variation versus its current
Figure 7: Typical compressor relay driver RL4 on-
state voltage variation versus its current- The power ground of VPS should be split from the signal ground of VDD,
- The STCC05 is placed as close as possible of the MCU,
- The supply capacitors would increase the system immunity by being placed closed to the blocks they feed,
or putting decoupling capacitors (f.i. CDD = CPS = 100nF)
- Large supply wire on the PCB should be avoided to reduce sensitivity to radiated interferences.
- A decoupling capacitor can be put on the pin INS of the speed sensor interface and the MCU reset pin
(f.i. CINS = 10nF; CUP = 100nF).