SSTL16857 ,14-bit SSTL_2 registered driver with differential clock inputs
SSTL16857DGG ,14-bit SSTL_2 registered driver with differential clock inputs
SSTL16877 ,14-bit SSTL_2 registered driver with differential clock inputs
SSTPAD100 ,Low-Leakage Pico-Amp DiodeS-04029—Rev. H, 04-Jun-014-1PAD/JPAD/SSTPAD SeriesVishay Siliconixa
SSTPAD100-T1 , Low-Leakage Pico-Amp Diodes
SSTPAD5 ,Low-Leakage Pico-Amp DiodeABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSForward Current: (PAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
STK4122 ,AF Power Amplifier (Split Power Supply) (15W + 15W min, THD = 0.4%)Features Package Dimensionsunit: mm• The STK4102II series (STK4122II) and STK4101Vseries (high-grad ..
STK4122II ,AF Power Amplifier (Split Power Supply) (15W + 15W min, THD = 0.4%)pin assignment is the sameas that of the STK4101II series• Built-in muting circuit to cut off vario ..
STK4130MK2 ,2ch./1packge, +- Power Supply 6W/ch. ~ 100W/ch. THD=0.4%SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP [:3E I) " 7997075 001:]:917 288 .TSAJSTK Audio Power AmplifierMllllllMirtI ..
STK4132 ,2ch AF Power Amplifier (Split Power Supply) 20W + 20 W, THD =1%pin assignment asthe STK4101H series. Built-in muting circuit to cut off spurious shock noise. 125° ..
STK4132II ,2ch AF Power Amplifier (Split Power Supply) 20W + 20 W, THD =1%Ordering number: EN 2668AThick Film Hybrid IC/ STK41 32112ch AF Power Amplifier (Split Power Supply ..