SSM2402 ,Dual Audio Analog Switchspecifications, tables, graphs, and application data apply to both the SSM2402 and SSM2412, unless ..
SSM2402P ,Dual Audio Analog Switches
SSM2402P ,Dual Audio Analog Switches
SSM2475S ,Rail-to-Rail Output Audio AmplifiersCHARACTERISTICSOutput Voltage, High V I £ 20 mA 14 14.5 VOH L £ +85
Dual Audio Analog Switch
14-Pin Epoxy DIP
16-Pin SOL
Dual Audio
Analog Switches
“Clickless” Bilateral Audio Switching
Guaranteed “Break-Before-Make” Switching
Low Distortion: 0.003% typ
Low Noise: 1 nV/√Hz
Superb OFF-Isolation: 120 dB typ
Low ON-Resistance: 60 V typ
Wide Signal Range: VS = 618 V; 10 V rms
Wide Power Supply Range: 620 V max
Available in Dice Form
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe SSM2402/SSM2412 are dual analog switches designed spe-
cifically for high performance audio applications. Distortion and
noise are negligible over the full audio operating range of 20 Hz to
20 kHz at signal levels of up to 10 V rms. The SSM2402/
SSM2412 offer a monolithic integrated alternative to expensive
and noisy relays or complex discrete JFET circuits. Unlike conven-
tional general-purpose CMOS switches, the SSM2402/SSM2412
provide superb fidelity without audio “clicks” during switching.
Conventional TTL or CMOS logic can be used to control the
switch state. No external pull-up resistors are needed. A “T”
configuration provides superb OFF-isolation and true bilateral
operation. The analog inputs and outputs are protected against
overload and overvoltage.
An important feature is the guaranteed “break-before-make”
for all units, even IC-to-IC. In large systems with multiple
switching channels, all separate switching units must open be-
fore any switch goes into the ON-state. With the SSM2402/
SSM2412, you can be certain that multiple circuits will all
The SSM2402/SSM2412 represent a significant step forward in
audio switching technology. Distortion and switching noise are
significantly reduced in the new SSM2402/SSM2412 bipolar-
JFET switches relative to CMOS switching technology. Based
on a new circuit topology that optimizes audio performance,
the SSM2402/SSM2412 make use of a proprietary bipolar-
JFET process with thin-film resistor network capability. Nitride
capacitors, which are very area efficient, are used for the propri-
etary ramp generator that controls the switch resistance transi-
tion. Very wide bandwidth amplifiers control the gate-to-source
voltage over the full audio operating range for each switch. The
ON-resistance remains constant with changes in signal amplitude
and frequency, thus distortion is very low, less than 0.01% max.
The SSM2402 is the first analog switch truly optimized for
high-performance audio applications. For broadcasting and
other switching applications which require a faster switching
time, we recommend the SSM2412—a dual analog switch with
one-third of the switching time of the SSM2402.
1“VIL” is the Logic Control Input.
2Current tested at VIN = 0 V. This is the worst case condition.
3Guaranteed by RON test condition.
4Turn-ON time is measured from the time the logic input reaches the 50% point to the time the output reaches 50% of the final value.
(@ VS = 618 V, RL = OPEN, and –408C ≤ TA ≤ +858C unless otherwise noted.
All specifications, tables, graphs, and application data apply to both the SSM2402 and SSM2412, unless otherwise noted.)
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSOperating Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . –40°C to +85°C
Operating Supply Voltage Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±20 V
Analog Input Voltage Range
Continuous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V– +3.5 V ≤ VA ≤ V+ –3.5 V
Maximum Current Through Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 mA
Logic Input Voltage Range . . . . . . . . . . . . V+ Supply to –2 V
V+ Supply to Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+36 V
V– Supply to Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–20 V
VA to V– Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +36 V
14-Pin Plastic DIP (P)
*θJA is specified for worst case mounting conditions, i.e., θJA is specified for devicein socket for P-DIP package; θJA is specified for device soldered to printed circuit
board for SOL package.
Timing Diagram
DICE CHARACTERISTICSDie Size 0.105 × 0.097 Inch, 10,185 sq. mils
(2.667 × 2.464 mm, 6.57 sq. mm)
“ON” Resistance vs. Analog Voltage
Channel Separation vs. Frequency
Leakage Current vs. Analog Voltage
Total Harmonic Distortion vs.
SSM2402 Switching Time
vs. Temperature
Supply Current vs. Temperature
“OFF” Isolation vs. Frequency
SSM2412 Switching Time
vs. Temperature
Overvoltage Characteristics
SSM2402/SSM2412–Typical Performance Characteristics
SSM2402 TON/TOFF Switching Response
SSM 2412 TON/TOFF Switching Response
Switching ON/OFF Transition
TON/TOFF Switching Response Test Circuit
Switch ON/OFF Transition Test Circuit
“OFF” Isolation Test Circuit
SSM2402/SSM2412Switching Time Test Circuit
Simplified Schematic