SSL21101T ,Accurate non-dimmable LED driver ICApplications The SSL21101T is suitable for different power requirements: SSL, retrofit lamps (for ..
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Accurate non-dimmable LED driver IC
1. General descriptionThe SSL21101T is a Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) driver IC. It is designed to drive
LED devices typically in flyback configurations. The device includes a high-voltage power
switch and a circuit enabling start-up directly from the rectified mains voltage. It has
accurate control of the output current.
2. Features and benefits Small Printed-Circuit Board (PCB) footprint and compact solution with a small form
factor Ease of integration Low component count (complete application with about 25 components) AC/DC offline non-dimmable LED driver from 100V (AC) to 230V (AC) Primary side sensing (no optocoupler required) True current source behavior: LED current independent of mains voltage, LED voltage, temperature and coil
variation High LED current accuracy (3%) Efficiency up to 90 % depending on the application Smart Digital Control (SDC) to deal with all kind of applications: High-Power Factor (PF; > 0.95) and low Total Harmonic Distortion Mode (THD
down to 20 %) Small form factor (low LED current mode ripple with small electrolytic capacitors) -
compatible with exception clause IEC61000-3-2 Internal protections: Short-winding protection Internal OverTemperature Protection (OTP) LED short protection LED open protection UnderVoltage LockOut (UVLO) External temperature protection with built-in Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) Internal supply voltage generation enabling start-up from the rectified mains voltage Compatible with wall switches with built-in indication light during standby SO14 package
GreenChip driver for LED lighting
Rev. 3 — 7 June 2012 Product data sheet
NXP Semiconductors SSL21101T
GreenChip driver for LED lighting
3. Applications The SSL21101T is suitable for different power requirements: SSL, retrofit lamps (for example: small-size light bulbs, LED spots, up to 10 W or W LED modules, mains AC/DC converter (for example: down-lights, up to 15 W) LED strings (for example: retail display; up to 15 W)
4. Quick reference data[1] For a given VI(ILEDREF) and VNTC> 1.25 V. See Table5.
5. Ordering information
Table 1. Quick reference dataVCC supply voltage functional 13 22 25.5 V
RDSon drain-source on-state resistance Tj =25 C- 6.8 - = 125 C- 9.5 -
fsw(max) maximum switching frequency DCM mode;
main=50 Hz;
mode=50 kHz
[1] 49.7 51.2 52.7 kHz
DCM mode;
main=60 Hz;
mode=50 kHz
[1] 59.7 61.4 63.2 kHz
DCM mode;
modemain=50 Hz; mode= 100 kHz
[1] 99.4 102.4 105.4 kHz
DCM mode;
main=60 Hz; mode= 100 kHz
[1] 119.4 122.9 126.4 kHz
IM(DRAIN) peak current on pin DRAIN 0 - 1.2 A
VDRAIN voltage on pin DRAIN 0.4 - +700 V
Table 2. Ordering informationSSL21101T/1 SO14 plastic small outline package; 14 leads; body width 3.9 mm SOT108-1
NXP Semiconductors SSL21101T
GreenChip driver for LED lighting
6. Block diagram
7. Pinning information
7.1 PinningNXP Semiconductors SSL21101T
GreenChip driver for LED lighting
7.2 Pin description
8. Functional descriptionThe SSL21101T is an integrated circuit intended for retrofit small form factor SSL lamps. It
provides a controller with an internal high-voltage switch to drive LEDs. It operates directly
from the rectified mains.
Table 3. Pin descriptionVCC 1 supply voltage
RMAIN 2 current source proportionally equivalent of Vmain
GND 3 ground
VDD(INTREGD) 4 internal regulated supply
MODE 5 power factor/THD and maximum switching frequency control input
NTC 6 LED temperature protection input
ILEDREF 7 LED current control input
GND 8 ground
DNC 9 do not connect
SOURCE 10 source of internal power switch
GND 11 ground
GND 12 ground
GND 13 ground
DRAIN 14 drain of internal power switch
NXP Semiconductors SSL21101T
GreenChip driver for LED lighting
8.1 True current source behaviorThe LED current (ILED) of a flyback converter can be calculated with Equation1:
N is the turn ratio of the transformer
IM is the peak current
2tsw is the secondary stroke switching time
tsw is the switching period
The relationship between the LED current and pin ILEDREF can be calculated with
NXP Semiconductors SSL21101T
GreenChip driver for LED lightingWhere:
VI(ILEDREF) is the voltage defined at the input of pin ILEDREF
VDD(INTREGD) is the internal regulated voltage
RSOURCE is the resistor connected to pin SOURCE of the power MOS transistor.
The true current source behavior and the LED current accuracy are achieved using an
internal digital control. The internal digital control compares the ILEDREF pin reference
with the measurement of the average LED current over a half-main cycle. The primary
peak current (IM) is adjusted at each half-main cycle to achieve the expected LED current.
The expected primary peak current value on the application can be calculated with
Vth(det)SOURCE is the detection threshold voltage on pin SOURCE
RSOURCE is the resistor connected to pin SOURCE of the power MOS transistor
8.2 Leading-Edge Blanking (LEB)The controller automatically adjusts LEB to avoid wrong detection of the primary peak
8.3 dV/dt detectionA dV/dt detector block is used on pin DRAIN to detect the end of demagnetization and
possible valleys accurately. A valley switching concept is used for efficiency purposes.
8.4 Secondary stroke switching time (2tsw)A blanking time (tblank) is applied at the beginning of 2tsw before observing the
2tsw must have a value that allows the application to run in DCM mode.
For example, for a 100 kHz switching frequency the application design must provide a
typical secondary stroke switching time (2tsw) ranging from 4 s to 6 s.
8.5 Mains sensingPin RMAIN senses the mains voltage (Vmain in Equation 4) in real time and transforms it to
mains current (Imain in Equation 4):
NXP Semiconductors SSL21101T
GreenChip driver for LED lighting
8.6 Modulation type versus MODE pin inputPin MODE enables the control of both the THD/LED ripple and the switching frequency
operation mode. This input has a range of 0 V to VDD(INTREGD). Depending on the mains
frequency (50 Hzor 60 Hz), the following modes can be selected to ensure a flexible
Low THD mode: for example, THD20 %; Ci= 200 nF for an 8 W application
LR mode: Ci =2.2 F for an 8 W application
Selecting a maximum switching frequency (50 kHz/60 kHz or 100 kHz/120 kHz) is also
The SSL21101T IC can reach a high-power factor in combination with a low THD without
an external PFC. It can also reduce the LED current ripple when the low ripple mode is
selected. Controlling the switching frequency value over a main cycle gives the input
current waveform.
The modulation controller takes into account the information of the Boundary Conduction
Mode (BCM) detection. The chip has optimized performances in Discontinuous
Conduction Mode (DCM). The IC prevents that the application enters Continuous
Conduction Mode (CCM) and forces it to enter Boundary Conduction Mode (BCM).
Remark: Select specific values for external components, such as transformers and RSOURCE to avoid forced BCM, otherwise THD and the LED current ripple performances
are directly impacted.
8.7 Supply concept: VCC and UnderVoltage LockOut (UVLO)An integrated Junction gate Field-Effect Transistor (JFET), connected to the drain voltage,
provides the start-up current.
The IC starts switching when the voltage on pin VCC exceeds the VCC(startup) level. After
start-up, an external supply is required, which an auxiliary winding connection can
provide. When the voltage on pin VCC drops below the VCC(UVLO) level, the IC stops
switching and is reset.
Table 4. Mains resistance/mains current dependency220 V (AC)/230 V (AC) 1 M 300A
100 V (AC)/120 V (AC) 470k 300A
Table 5. MODE descriptionVDD(INTREGD) VMODE >5 VDD(INTREGD/6 low THD 100 kHz/120 kHz VDD(INTREGD) /6>VMODE >4 VDD(INTREGD)/6 low THD 50 kHz/60 kHz VDD(INTREGD) /6>VMODE >2 VDD(INTREGD)/6 not functional not applicable VDD(INTREGD) /6>VMODE >1 VDD(INTREGD)/6 low ripple 50 kHz/60 kHz VDD(INTREGD) /6>VMODE0 low ripple 100 kHz/120 kHz
NXP Semiconductors SSL21101T
GreenChip driver for LED lightingThe IC is compatible with a wall switch with built-in light that is activated when wall switch
is in the off position.
8.8 Peak current detectionThe cycle-by-cycle peak drain current limit circuit uses the external source resistor
RSOURCE to measure the primary peak current. The circuit is activated after the leading
edge blanking time. The protection circuit limits the source voltage over resistor RSOURCE
to Vth(det)SOURCE, thus limiting the primary peak current.
8.9 Overheating protection of the LEDsInput pin NTC ensures the protection of the LEDs against overheating. The target is:
Remark: After Standby mode, LED current only flows again when VNTC exceeds Vdet(H)(NTC).
There are two detection levels on pin NTC:
level1= Vdet(H)(NTC)
level2= Vdet(L)(NTC)
These detection levels can be translated to temperature levels using an NTC resistor for
which the levels have been optimized. Figure 4 shows an application using a 100 k NTC
resistor and equivalent temperature detection levels.
Table 6. NTC descriptionVNTC >Vdet(H)(NTC) LED current is 100 % of the expected LED
Vdet(H)(NTC) >VNTC >Vdet(L)(NTC) Linear reduction of LED current: 25%
Vdet(L)(NTC) >VNTC Standby mode (LED current=0)
NXP Semiconductors SSL21101T
GreenChip driver for LED lighting
8.10 Short-winding protectionThe short-winding protection circuit is activated after the leading edge blanking time. If the
source voltage exceeds the short-winding protection threshold voltage (Vth(swp)SOURCE),
the IC stops switching. Only a power-on reset restarts normal operation (switching off the
mains voltage).
8.11 Output LED short circuit protectionWhen during one rectified mains waveform the following conditions are true, the output
short detection is activated and the IC enters Shutdown mode.
2tsw >tprot(sc)LED
8.12 Output LED open circuit protection
If an open circuit occurs on the LEDs, the output voltage increases at each cycle of the
AC/DC converter. Energy is no longer transferred to the LEDs. The energy accumulated
at the primary side is transferred to the supply of the IC via the auxiliary winding. The IC
enters Shutdown mode when VCC reaches the Vprot(VCC) value. Only a power-on reset
restarts normal operation (switching off the mains voltage).
8.13 Limitations
The application must stay in DCM mode for normal functionality. During normal switching,
the primary stroke switching time must stay under ton(high) to keep an accurate LED
When the application is working outside the defined main voltage range, meaning below
the minimum mains voltage, the application can work in BCM mode. Figure 5 shows some
of the effects that can be seen in this case.
NXP Semiconductors SSL21101T
GreenChip driver for LED lighting
In BCM mode, the maximum frequency is not reached. The control first increases the
peak current (IM) and then the secondary stroke switching time (2tsw) to maintain the
output power. When the mains voltage decreases, 1tsw increases. When 1tsw reaches
ton(high), the LED current is less accurate.
NXP Semiconductors SSL21101T
GreenChip driver for LED lighting
9. Limiting values
[1] Human body model: equivalent to discharging a 100 pF capacitor through a 1.5 k series resistor.
10. Thermal characteristics
[1] Rth(j-a) can be lower when the GND pins are connected to an area with sufficient copper on the printed-circuit board.
Table 7. Limiting values
In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).
Ptot total power dissipation - 0.8 W
Tstg storage temperature 55 +150 C junction temperature 40 +150 C
VESD electrostatic discharge voltage Human Body Model
pins DRAIN and VCC 1000 +1000 V
all other pins 2000 +2000 V
Charged Device Model
(CDM) 500 +500 V
VCC supply voltage continuous 0.4 +40 V
VDD(INTREGD) internal regulated supply
voltage 0.4 +5.5 V
VRMAIN voltage on pin RMAIN 0.4 +1.7 V
VSOURCE voltage on pin SOURCE 0.4 +5.5 V
VDRAIN voltage on pin DRAIN 0.4 +700 V
VILEDREF voltage on pin ILEDREF 0.4 +5.5 V
VMODE voltage on pin MODE 0.4 +5.5 V
VNTC voltage on pin NTC 0.4 +5.5 V
IM(SOURCE) peak current on pin SOURCE 1.2 0 A
IM(DRAIN) peak current on pin DRAIN 0 1.2 A
IM(RMAIN) peak current on pin RMAIN 0 450 A
Table 8. Thermal characteristics
Rth(j-a) thermal resistance from junction to
in free air; SO14 package; PCB: 906 mm2;
2-layer; 35 m Cu/layer K/W